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研究生(外文):Lin-lin Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Reasearch on Branch Operation Risks of Domestic Bank Merger--Based on the framework of KT Model
指導教授(外文):Wen-dwo Yang
外文關鍵詞:contingency plansbranch operation’s riskbanking merge riskKT problem ManagerKT Rational ManagerPotential Problem AnalysisKT Rational Processproblem Analysis
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金融自由化與國際化已成為世界之潮流,台灣的金融業亦朝向全能銀行(Universal Bank)發展,營方式含銀行、證券、保險等綜合化經營。世界金融業併購重組的趨勢,並非只是謀求節省成本及提高效率而以,是為了擴展業務空間,把金融業變為「金融百貨公司」,當然,更是為了達一定經濟規模讓自己身強體壯,避免有朝一日被鯨吞蠶食。
Financial liberalisation and internationalization have already become trends of the world. Hence Taiwan’s financial industry is also developing toward the Universal Bank, which synthesizes business operations in banking, securities, insurance, etc. The movements to merge, acquire, and restructure in the global financial industry, are not simply seeking cost-saving and increasing efficiency, but for expanding business opportunities to turn into a “Financial Department Store”. Consequently, it is also for creating economy of scale so hustile take-over would not happen without a fight.
McKinsey’s research shows the critical factor for customers in Asia to choose a bank is the conveniences that branch locations may provide. In addition, Government has placed strict control on granting new branch licenses, the value of a branch lifted even more. So that large holdings companies do not hesitate in spending money to expand in channes of sales, and eventually lead to over-banking in Taiwan’s financial market.
According to statistics, there are 3.4 bank branches serving every 10,000 people in Taipei City, which exceeds all developed countries worldwide. In comparison, Seoul on has 2 branches and Hong Kong only has 1.9. Currently, most profitable areas in Taipei City are already saturated; exploring new areas will take at least 3 years to break even.After President Chen’s re-election in 2004, he proclaimed four goals in the Second-stage Financial Reform, including creating at least three large financial holding companies, each with a market share exceeding 10%, halving the number of state banks to six by end of 2005, cutting the number of financial holdings firms to seven by the of 2006, and a minimum of one financial holding firm run by foreigners. Thus in recent years, Government not only persuades banks and holdings companies to merge, but also the Ministry of Finance aggressively encourages international well-known banks to set up branch offices in Taiwan, based on equality and reciprocity. The competitions that banks have to face only grow more vicious than before.
The next five to ten years, we will still see lots of mergers. The financial industry needs to have approach the problems and risks systematically in order to generate solutions during system convertion and operational procedure adjustment. This research is based on the only ‘merger of equals’ in the financial industry at present, Bank SinoPac (formerly Bank SinoPac and International Bank of Taipei) which was completed in a record low of less than one year in Taiwan’s Financial History. This paper aims to discuss the top 15 potential risks which may happen during merger from branch operation’s perspective by systematically using the KT theory.From illustrating actions, listing potential problems and finding out what may cause these problems, to preventing these actions and drawing out contingency plans if all else fail. Eventually avoids any possible disaster with external organizations and customer-related issues, or even lowers the degree of harmful impact to the bank itself and the customers at the initial stage of a merger.
中文摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究流程 3
1.4 研究限制 4
1.5 論文架構與流程 4
第二章 KT問題管理模式分析文獻探討 5
2.1 KT問題管理模式的源起 5
2.2 KT問題管理模式的要義 5
第三章 金融產業概況 12
3.1 金融政策演進 12
3.2 經營環境概況 13
3.3 未來金融政策 15
3.4 個案市場地位介紹 18
第四章 個案研究 25
4.1 個案之目標 25
4.2 個案進行方式 25
4.3 確認「合併日分行作業前十五大事件」緊急應變處理因應措施及戒備等級 32
4.4 合併因應專案小組組織及運作方式 34
第五章 結論與建議 44
5.1 結論與成果 44
5.2 未來研究方向與建議 44
附錄 46
參考文獻 60
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