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研究生(外文):Wen-chang Weng
指導教授(外文):Kong-king Shieh
外文關鍵詞:attitude toward working in shiftssupports from supervisorsworking and living quality
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本研究以目標公司之作業人員為研究對象,並採問卷方式進行調查,共發放220 份問卷,回收有效問卷為168 份,主要研究結果發現:

According to many researches and survey, worker’s satisfaction of work and living quality has a lot to do with work performance and job resignation.

The research surveyed the workers of a tape companies. 220 questimaires were given out. 168 returned. Results of the survey indicated that :

1. The satisfaction of worker’s living quality is of medium level.

2. Marriage status has made a great difference on satisfaction. Single people are most satisfied. Married people have no child are the least satisfied.

3. Worker age, years of work in the company and work had significant effect on satisfaction. Responsibility. Senior employees and employees who have been working long in the company have the lowest satisfaction. Operator workers have higher satisfaction than non-operator workers

4. Satisfaction on salary and benefits for employees are varied depending on marriage status. Employees who are married with kids are the most satisfied. Widowed or married with on kids employees have the lowest satisfaction.

5. Attitude toward working in shifts and supports from supervisors can greatly influence satisfaction. Employees with better attitude and with more supports from the supervisors are more satisfied with working and living quality.
目 錄
中 文 摘 要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
英 文 摘 要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅱ誌 謝 詞------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅲ
目 錄---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV
圖 目 錄------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V
表 目 錄----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI
第一章 緒論
第一節:研究背景及動機 ----------------------------------------------- 1
第二節:研究目的 ---------------------------------------------------------- 1
第三節:研究流程 ---------------------------------------------------------- 2
第一節:輪班制度 ---------------------------------------------------------- 3
第二節:上司支持 --------------------------------------------------------- 10
第三節:工作生活品質 --------------------------------------------------- 11
第四節:國內黏性膠帶產業簡介 ------------------------------------ 21
第一節:研究架構 --------------------------------------------------------- 29
第二節:研究假設 --------------------------------------------------------- 30
第三節:研究工具 --------------------------------------------------------- 31
第四節:研究對象 --------------------------------------------------------- 35
第五節:資料收集方法 -------------------------------------------------- 36
第六節:資料分析與統計方法 ----------------------------------------- 37
第七節:研究限制 --------------------------------------------------------- 38
第四章 :研究結果與分析
第一節:樣本特徵分析 --------------------------------------------------- 40
第二節:信度分析 --------------------------------------------------------- 43
第三節:工作生活品質滿意度現況探討 ---------------------------- 44
第四節:輪班態度、上司支持對工作生活品質滿意度之影響與分析 --------------------------------------------------------------- 53
第五章: 結論與建議
第一節:研究結論 --------------------------------------------------------- 54
第二節:研究建議 --------------------------------------------------------- 57

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34.廖怡婉,2002,輪班對工作生活品質滿意度影響之研究─以A 公司飛機修護人員為例,國立中央大學人力資源管理研究所未出版之碩士論文。

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