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研究生(外文):Yen-chi Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Business Strategy of Small and Mediun Enterprise in Taiwan for the Transformation of OEM/ODM to OBM
指導教授(外文):Tsung-Shin Hsu
外文關鍵詞:OEMODMOBMfive competitive forcesSWOT
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Taiwan's traditional manufacturer used to be specialized on OEM/ODM (Original Equipment Manufacturing/ Original Design Manufacturing) business model,the major business driven force are low cost and high flexibility to response the customer demand.As a result of the new international division of labor and rapidly changing industrial structure that the process of economic globalization has brought about, most OEM/ODM-focused companies are reassessing their business strategy and business model.
OEM manufacturer core competitive ability is in the product manufacture productivity, not in product marketing ability. Even though, the OEM stage manufacturer in marketing ability insufficiency, gradually increased the customer oriented activities and slowly accumulated resources from the process to enhance the brand management ability.Taiwan’s OEM manufacturers still have opportunity to survive under worldwide brands and tramsormation from the ODM/OEM to OBM.Creating own brand must keep distinctive design, then can get the distinctive image from market.
OBM and OEM/ODM business model are two different business models. Companies running on OEM/ODM model want to shift to another business model would confront many complex challenges during the Business Model transformation.This study seeks to explore the anticipated future trends in business model in light of the changing business environment, mainly focuses on the OEM/ODM companies’ business mode with transformation to OBM at new products development.We work with the successful case and study to find out their management benefits after the companies execute the transformation and upgrade with achievement.
This research starts from presenting the insight of how OEM/ODM-focused companies developed own branding. The analysis was made through the five competitive forces and SWOT as well as strategies it adopted to grab itself strength in competition in industry, also analyze what is differentiation and compare company’s operations weakness and strengths and strategy development in different stage, through the case study hope to provide some comment as a reference for the OEM/ODM manufacturer who is target to be the OBM.
摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第1章 緒論 - 1 -
1.1 研究背景 - 1 -
1.2 研究動機 - 4 -
1.3 研究目的與方法 - 5 -
1.4 研究範圍 - 6 -
1.5 研究流程 - 7 -
1.6 章節架構 - 8 -
第2章 文獻探討 - 9 -
2.1 委外代工的外包模式 - 9 -
2.1.1 外包的定義 - 9 -
2.1.2 代工模式 - 10 -
2.2 經營策略 - 13 -
2.2.1 策略的定義 - 13 -
2.2.2 策略的類型 - 14 -
2.3 產業競爭分析 - 16 -
2.3.1 Porter 五力分析 - 16 -
2.3.2 SWOT 分析 - 19 -
2.4 產品創新 - 21 -
2.4.1 創新的定義 - 21 -
2.4.2 創新的種類 - 22 -
2.4.3 創新產品的分類 - 23 -
2.4.4 顧客價值 - 24 -
2.5 自有品牌 - 25 -
2.5.1 品牌的定義 - 25 -
2.5.2 自有品牌的定義 - 27 -
2.5.3 發展自創品牌的策略 - 28 -
2.5.4 代工廠商的經營模式轉型 - 31 -
2.5.5 發展OBM 的關鍵因素 - 32 -
第3章 研究設計 - 36 -
3.1 研究方法 - 36 -
3.2 研究步驟 - 39 -
3.3 研究架構 - 39 -
3.4 研究對象 - 41 -
第4章 個案研究與分析 - 42 -
4.1 合成皮產業分析 - 42 -
4.1.1 合成皮產業沿革 - 42 -
4.1.2 合成皮產業的特性: - 45 -
4.1.3 五力分析 - 46 -
4.2 個案公司發展沿革-I 科技材料公司 - 49 -
4.2.1 個案公司發展沿革 - 49 -
4.2.2 個案公司之SWOT分析 - 49 -
4.2.3 OEM/ODM經營階段 - 51 -
4.2.4 OBM經營階段 - 52 -
4.2.5 品牌產品 - 54 -
4.3 網路附加儲存產業分析 - 56 -
4.3.1 網路附加儲存產業沿革 - 56 -
4.3.2 企業儲存設備市場規模 - 57 -
4.3.3 五力分析 - 58 -
4.4 個案公司發展沿革- Y 科技公司 - 60 -
4.4.1 個案公司發展沿革 - 60 -
4.4.2 個案公司之SWOT分析 - 60 -
4.4.3 OEM/ODM的經營模式 - 62 -
4.4.4 OBM的經營模式 - 62 -
4.4.5 品牌產品 - 63 -
4.5 專業代工轉型品牌經營的企業管理模式之比較 - 66 -
4.5.1 代工與品牌的策略之比較 - 66 -
4.5.2 企業管理功能面之比較 - 68 -
4.6 專業代工轉型品牌經營的經營績效之比較 - 73 -
第5章 結論與建議 - 76 -
5.1 結論 - 76 -
5.2 建議 - 77 -
參考文獻 - 80 -
Robert K. Yin 著•尚榮安 譯,2001,「個案研究法」,台北:弘智文化。
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