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研究生(外文):Yosephine Andriani
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Nano-Scale and Submicron-Scale Core Shell Rubber Additives and Montmorillonite Clay on the Cure Kinetics and Glass Transition Temperature for Styrene/Unsaturated Polyester/Additive Ternary System
指導教授(外文):Yan-Jyi Huang
外文關鍵詞:core-shell rubbers (CSR)unsaturated polyester resins (UP)low-profile additives (LPA)montmorillonite clay(MMT)cure kineticsglass transition temperatuethe method of thermally stimulatedcurrents(TSC)
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The effects of nano-scale core-shell rubber type of low profile additive and Silane treated montmorillonite clay on the cure kinetics and glass transition temperature of styrene/unsaturated polyester/additive ternary system have been investigated.
The reaction kinetics of styrene/unsaturated polyester/additive ternary system during the cure at 1100C was investigated by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectoscopy (FTIR). Adding nano-scale core-shell rubber type of low profile additive and silane treated montmorillonite clay into the system has increased the unsaturated C=C bonds conversion, which was related to the formation of microgel particles during the polymerization.
Based on the Takayanagi mechanical models, the effect of additive nano-scale core-shell rubber type of low profile additive on the glass transition temperature of ternary cured sample was studied. The glass transition temperature of the ternary cured sample was measured by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) and Thermal Stimulated Current (TSC).


2.1 Unsaturated Polyester
2.2 Crosslinking Copolymerization of Styrene and Unsaturated Polyester
2.3 Kinetics Model for Unsaturated Polyester Resins
2.4 Curing of Unsaturated Polyester Resins
2.5 Curing of Low-Shrink Unsaturated Polyester Resins
2.6 Effects of Core-Shell Rubber Tougheners
2.7 Montmorillonite Clay
2.8 Glass Transition Temperature for St/UP/LPA Ternary Systems

3.1 Materials
3.1.1 Styrene
3.12 Unsaturated Polyester
3.1.3 Core-Shell Rubber (CSR) Additive
3.1.4 Silane Treated Montmorillonite Clay (MMT)
3.1.5 Initiator: Tert-butyl peroxybenzoate
3.1.6 Inhibitor: P-Benzoquinone
3.1.7 Dichloromethane

3.2 Instrumentation
3.2.1 Differential Scanning Calorimeter, DSC Dupont 2010.
3.2.2 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, DMA Dupont 983.
3.2.3 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer, FTIR Digilab FTS-40.
3.2.4 Thermal Stimulated Current/Relaxation Map Analysis, TSC/RMA Solomat 91000.
3.2.5 Vacuum pump (G-50DA), produced by ULVAC Company.
3.2.6 Thermostated silicon oil bath.
3.2.7 Vacuum oven.
3.2.8 Aluminum mold
3.3 Procedure of Experiment
3.3.1 Sample Preparation for Cure Kinetics Study
3.3.2 Cured Sample Preparation for Glass Transition Temperature Study
3.3.3 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) Experiment
3.3.4 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) Experiment
3.3.5 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Experiment Styrene and Unsaturated Polyester Calibration Kinetics Study by FTIR
3.3.6 Thermal Stimulated Current (TSC) Experiment
3.4 Experimental Calculation
3.4.1 Sample Composition for Kinetics and Glass Transition Temperature Study
3.4.2 The Total C=C bonds Conversion Calculation by DSC Experiment
3.4.3 The styrene, unsaturated polyester and total C=C Conversion Calculation by FTIR Experiment St/UP Binary Systems St/UP/CSR Ternary Systems

4.1 Molecular Polarity of Unsaturated Polyester (UP) and Low Profile Additive (LPA)
4.2 St/UP/Additive Uncured Ternary System Compatibility
4.3 Microstructure Morphology of Cured Sample
4.3.1 St/UP Binary System
4.3.2 St/UP/CSR (E0-30) Ternary System
4.3.3 St/UP/CSR (E0-60) Ternary System
4.3.4 St/UP/Silane Treated Montmorillonite Clay (MMT)
4.4 DSC Reaction Kinetics Study
4.4.1 St/UP/CSR Ternary System St/UP (MA-PG)/CSR (E0-30) St/UP (MA-PG)/CSR (E0-60) St/UP (MA-PA-PG)/CSR (E0-30) St/UP (MA-PA-PG)/CSR (E0-60)
4.4.2 St/UP/Montmorillonite (MMT) Ternary Systems St/UP (MA-PG)/MMT St/UP (MA-PA-PG)/MMT
4.5 Reaction Kinetics Study by FTIR
4.5.1 Calibration Curves
4.5.2 Styrene, Unsaturated Polyester and Total C=C Bonds Conversion Calculation by FTIR
4.6 The Takayanagi Models
4.6.1 Glass Transition Temperature by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) St/UP Binary System St/UP (MA-PG)/CSR Ternary System St/UP (MA-PA-PG)/CSR Ternary System
4.6.2 Glass Transition Temperature by Thermally Stimulated Current (TSC) St/UP Binary System St/UP/CSR Ternary System
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