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研究生(外文):Sie-Hong Jian
論文名稱(外文):The third metal(Ru/Mo) influences on the electrocatalyst properties of Pt-Ir-IrO2 nanorods
指導教授(外文):Dah-Shyang Tsai
外文關鍵詞:PtRuMoIrIrO2nanorodsstructure characterizationsurface analysismethanolethanolelectro-oxidation
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本研究探討第三成份Ru(或Mo)對PtIr-IrO2奈米桿的觸媒活性影響,在發現PtIr-IrO2奈米桿一維材料引人注目的結構與活性後,研究朝向甲醇與乙醇的電化學氧化是可以被預期的下一步。在此碩士論文中,我們合成垂直於氧化鋁單晶基板SA(100)的IrO2奈米桿,並在高真空下將IrO2奈米桿還原。被還原的奈米桿直徑約80-100 nm,高度約1600 nm。已還原奈米桿的Ir晶粒尺寸以Ir(111)及Ir(311)的XRD繞射峰估計約為5nm。Ir晶粒有很高的比例排列在IrO2成長的方向上。我們使用脈衝式電鍍法將Pt和Ru(或Mo)沉積在已還原的奈米桿上。由一氧化碳毒化測試取得觸媒比表面積數值中,Ir-IrO2奈米桿的比表面積約19 m2/g,當Mo被電鍍上去時會減少10-30%的比表面積,如果電鍍Ru是最後一步驟,則比表面積會些微的增加。
Pt與第三成份的電鍍順序對於電化學觸媒活性是一個重要因素。Pt/Ru/Ir/IrO2表示Ru比Pt先電鍍在Ir/IrO2奈米桿上。如果電鍍的順序相反,它的就會被表示成Ru/Pt/Ir/IrO2。在甲醇氧化測試中,Pt/Ru/Ir/IrO2觸媒顯示在高電位區間0.7-0.8 V(vs Ag/AgCl)有高活性,而Ru/Pt/Ir/IrO2觸媒則在低電位區間0.4-0.45V有較高的活性。Pt/Ru/Ir/IrO2的電流密度在高電位區間約為280 mA/mg,Ru/Pt/Ir/IrO2的電流密度在0.4V約為60 mA/mg。同樣的討論也在Pt/Mo/Ir/IrO2和Mo/Pt/Ir/IrO2上,Pt/Mo/Ir/IrO2的電流密度在高電位區間約為230 mA/mg,Mo/Pt/Ir/IrO2的電流密度在0.4V約為40 mA/mg。在甲醇氧化測試中,Ir/IrO2觸媒上沉積Ru比沉積Mo有更多的活性。但是在乙醇氧化測試中,Ir/IrO2觸媒上沉積Pt與Mo則顯示奇特的活性。在乙醇電化學氧化的高電位區間,Pt與Mo沉積在Ir/IrO2觸媒上顯示它們最大電流值為220-250 mA/mg,而當Pt 與Ru沉積在Ir/IrO2觸媒上顯示最大電流值為150-220 mA/mg。
The study on the third-component (Ru or Mo) influences on catalytic properties of PtIr-IrO2 nanorods towards methanol and ethanol electro-oxidation is an expected next step after discovering the attractive structure and properties of this one dimensional materials. In this master thesis, we have synthesized vertically aligned IrO2 nanorods on sapphire (100) substrate and reduced them under high vacuum conditions. The reduced nanorods are of 80-100 nm in diameter and 1600 nm in height. The Ir grain size of reduced nanorods is estimated  5 nm based on the broadened Ir(111) and (311) reflections of X-ray diffraction patterns. A high fraction of Ir grains are oriented in the IrO2 growth direction. Pt and Ru (or Mo) components are decorated using pulsed electrodeposition on the reduced nanorods. The mass-specific surface area of Ir-IrO2 nanorods is around 19 m2g-1, while the Mo electrodeposition decreases the surface area value 10-30%, the Ru electrodeposition if applied as the last step increases the surface area slightly, measured by CO stripping voltammetry.
The electrodeposition sequence of Pt and the third component is an important factor for their electrocatalytic properties. The Pt/Ru/Ir/IrO2 sample means that electrodeposition of Ru was carried out before Pt deposition on Ir/IrO2 nanorods. If the deposition sequence is reversed, the sample is denoted as Ru/Pt/Ir/IrO2. On the methanol oxidation, the Pt/Ru/Ir/IrO2 catalyst exhibits high activity in the high potential range 0.7-0.8 V (vs Ag/AgCl), while the Ru/Pt/Ir/IrO2 catalyst displays better activity in the low potential range 0.4 - 0.45 V. The mass specific current of Pt/Ru/Ir/IrO2 is 280 mAmg-1 in the high potential range. The mass specific current of Ru/Pt/Ir/IrO2 60 mAmg-1 is superior at 0.4 V. The same observation was recorded on Pt/Mo/Ir/IrO2 and Mo/Pt/Ir/IrO2, the mass specific current of Pt/Mo/Ir/IrO2 230 mAmg-1 in the high potential range, while that of Mo/Pt/Ir/IrO2 at 0.4 V is 40 mAmg-1. The Ir/IrO2 catalyst decorated with Ru is more active towards methanol oxidation than Ir/IrO2 decorated with Mo. But the Ir/IrO2 catalyst decorated with Pt and Mo exhibits unusual activity in ethanol oxidation. In ethanol electro-oxidation, the Pt and Mo decorated Ir/IrO2 catalysts display their maximum currents 220-250 mAmg-1, while the Pt and Ru decorated Ir/IrO2 catalysts show the maximum currents 150-220 mAmg-1 in the high potential range.

第一章 緒論…...…………………………………………............…....1
1.1 IrO2晶體結構...…………………………………………………..….1
1.2 IrO2晶體之金屬電導特性……..………………….……………..….4
1.3 Ir及Pt金屬之晶體結構……………………………..………….…..6
1.4 Ru的晶體結構……………...…..……………………………….…..7
1.5 Mo的晶體結構……………………………………….………….......8
1.6 IrO2薄膜與奈米晶體………………………………...………..…….9
1.8 IrO2與Ir金屬的電化學性質……………………………….……...13
1.9 PtRu的電化學性質……………………………………...…………17
2.0 PtMo的電化學性質………………………………….…………….22
第二章 文獻回顧…………………………………………................23
第三章 實驗方法及分析儀器……………………………........….31
第四章 結果與討論…………………………………………...........48
4.1 IrO2一維奈米桿結構分析……….……………...…………………48
4.1.1 IrO2奈米桿SEM電鏡圖……….………………………………..49
4.1.2 IrO2奈米桿XRD繞射圖譜……………………………………..51
4.2.1 Ir/IrO2奈米桿SEM電鏡圖……………………………..……….52
4.2.2 Ir/IrO2奈米桿XRD繞射圖譜……………………………...……54
4.2.3 Ir-IrO2奈米桿TEM電鏡分析…………...………………………56
4.3 鉑釕銥氧化銥奈米桿陽極觸媒電化學測試...............……………62
4.3.1 Pt含量對Pt/Ru/Ir/IrO2奈米桿催化活性的影響..………………62
4.3.3 Ru含量對Pt/Ru/Ir/IrO2奈米桿催化作用的影響……………....75
4.3.4 Pt(0.2mg)/Ru(0.01mg)/Ir/IrO2奈米桿催化活性受先後電鍍順序的影響…………………………………………………………....84
4.3.5 Ru(0.01mg)/Pt(0.2mg)/Ir/IrO2奈米桿與Pt(0.2mg)/Ru(0.01mg)/Ir/ IrO2奈米桿的XPS組成分析………………………………….....88
4.3.6 Ru(0.01mg)/Pt(0.2mg)/Ir/IrO2奈米桿與Pt(0.2mg)/Ru(0.01mg)/Ir /IrO2奈米桿分別和Pt(0.2mg)/Ir/IrO2奈米桿與John Matthey商業PtRu觸媒催化活性的比較…………….…………………....95
4.3.7 Ru(0.01mg)/Pt(0.2mg)/Ir/IrO2奈米桿及Pt(0.2mg)/Ru(0.01mg)/Ir/ IrO2奈米桿的長時間觸媒測試………………………….…....103
4.3.8 不同組成奈米桿與Johnson Matthey商業PtRu觸媒H+脫附比表面積與CO吸附比表面積的比較…….…………………...107
4.4 鉑鉬銥氧化銥奈米桿陽極觸媒電化學測試………….................112
4.4.1 Pt含量對Pt/Mo/Ir/IrO2奈米桿催化活性的影響……….……..112
4.4.3 Mo含量對Pt/Mo/Ir/IrO2奈米桿催化作用的影響………….…124
4.4.4 Pt(0.2mg)/Mo(0.03mg)/Ir/IrO2奈米桿催化活性受先後電鍍順序的影響……………………………………………………....…128
4.4.5 Mo(0.03mg)/Pt(0.2mg)/Ir/IrO2奈米桿與Pt(0.2mg)/Mo(0.03mg) /Ir/IrO2奈米桿XPS組成分析……………............................…132
4.4.6 Mo(0.03mg)/Pt(0.2mg)/Ir/IrO2奈米桿與Pt(0.2mg)/Mo(0.03mg)/ Ir/IrO2奈米桿分別和Pt(0.2mg)/Ir/IrO2奈米桿與John Matthey商業PtRu觸媒催化活性的比較...........................................…139
4.4.7 Mo(0.03mg)/Pt(0.2mg)/Ir/IrO2奈米桿及Pt(0.2mg)/Mo(0.03mg) /Ir/IrO2奈米桿的長時間觸媒測試........................................…147
4.4.8 不同組成奈米桿與Johnson Matthey商業PtRu觸媒H+脫附比表面積與CO吸附比表面積的比較......................................…151
第五章 結論…...…………………....................................................156
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