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研究生(外文):Ming-tsung Hung
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Microfiltration of Algae-Containing Water and Backwash Water from Water Treatment Plants
指導教授(外文):Jhy-chern Liu
外文關鍵詞:Algaebackwash watercompressiondeformableEOMhydrophobichydrophilicmicrofiltrationpolysaccharidepreozonationreclamationrigid
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本研究利用微過濾處理含藻原水以及回收高固體濃度的反沖洗廢水。在本研究中,由實驗室培養的可變形藻類細胞品種是Chlorella sp.。而PMMA則是用來模擬原水中的剛性、不可壓縮粒子。藻類以及剛性粒子在實驗過程都控制在固定的濃度。而操作壓力以及掃流速度也是刻意的改變來研究操作條件對濾速的影響。本研究也利用預臭氧也作為藻類溶液的前處理。傅立葉紅外線光譜儀用來觀察藻類表面因臭氧而產生的改變。另外,親水與疏水性薄膜的膜阻塞程度在使用預臭氧的情況下也被探討。濾餅的重要參數如過濾比阻以及濾餅壓縮度在實驗中也有量測。場放射式電子顯微鏡用來拍攝濾餅表面以及結構,其照片用來對照實驗的結果是否吻合。研究結果發現藻類溶液微過濾具有低濾速且非常不容易提高的特性,那是因為藻類濾餅在過濾過程中被極度的壓縮。藻類溶液預臭氧之後會造成溶解性有機碳上升、藻類活性下降以及藻類尺寸的改變。臭氧並且造成溶液中多醣濃度的升高,而這些多醣來自胞外有機物。而這些釋放的多醣物質會吸附在疏水性薄膜的結構中,造成微過濾使用疏水性薄膜的濾阻上升,也同時造成整體濾速下降。但使用親水性薄膜則會不會有多醣吸附的問題而有濾速提升的效果。剛性粒子的存在對於藻類濾餅的過濾比阻以及壓縮度有很大的影響。因為藻類濾餅中的過濾比阻分佈會隨著剛性粒子的添加變的越來越均勻,因此操作條件的改變會對濾速產生影響。並且在提升掃流速度時,穩態濾速在較少的剛性粒子添加下即可達到,原因是剛性粒子的存在造成濾餅在較高掃流速度下更容易被移除。
Microfiltration of difficult-handle suspensions such as algae-containing water and high turbidity backwash water was examined in this study. The deformable algae used in this work was Chlorella sp.. The commercial PMMA particles were taken to mimic rigid particulates in nature raw waters. The concentration of algae was controlled to be 10 mg/L (i.e. approximately equals to 400,000 cells/ml) for all experiments with the additional PMMA whose concentration was 0, 10, 20, 40 mg/L, respectively. The transmembrane pressure (TMP) was adjusted at 20, 40, and 60 kPa, respectively. The cross-flow velocity was increased all the way from 0.43 to 1.11m/s to evaluate the effect of Reynolds number on flux behavior. The characteristics of algal suspension subjected to preozonation were assessed by FTIR spectrum and optical density measurement. The effect of preozonation on fouling resistance of microfiltration mounted with hydrophobic and hydrophilic membrane was also examined. Cake properties like specific cake resistance and compressibility as affected by different mass ratio of algae to PMMA was measured. FESEM photographs of cake surface and structure were taken to compare with experimental results. The results show that the microfiltration of algal suspension was operated with many difficulties, like a low permeate flux and a very insignificant improvement of flux by changing operating conditions when under both dead-end and cross-flow operations because of serious cake compression. Preozonation increased the dissolved organic carbon, decreased algal viability and made the size of algal cells smaller. It also increased dissolved polysaccharide that derived from extracellular organic matter (EOM). Different effects of preozonation on flux behavior of MF were observed when utilizing hydrophobic and hydrophilic membrane. Generally speaking, preozonation improved performance of microfiltration by reducing cake compressibility and the biomass loading when both membranes were used. However, dissolved polysaccharide released during preozonation was adsorbed onto the hydrophobic membrane. Consequently, fouling resistance of the hydrophobic membrane became higher. The presence of PMMA particles leaded to a dramatic change in cake properties such as porosity and cake compressibility, which were confirmed by FESEM photographs in this study. For cross-flow microfiltration, the effect of cross-flow velocity on flux enhancement became more obvious as more PMMA particles were involved. Since the rigid particles turned the distribution of local specific cake resistance along cake thickness more uniform, thus the reduction in cake thickness became effective in lowering cake resistance. Furthermore, the cake growth became more containable by rising cross flow velocity when more PMMA particles were added. As a result, the steady state flux was more readily attained when under turbulent flow condition.
For cross-flow microfiltration (MF) for reclaiming backwash water from two water treatment plants, both transmembrane pressure (TMP) and cross flow velocity affected the permeability significantly. Cake resistance (Rc) contributed to the majority of total filtration resistance among all MF experiments. It was found that higher solid loading of backwash water did not lead to lower permeability. On the contrary, size distribution and fractal dimension of particulate matters in backwash water were more important in determining specific cake resistance and permeability. Packing of particulate matters with higher fractal dimension induced more compact structure of cake layer, which resulted in higher specific cake resistance. It was found that the effect of fractal dimension on cake compressibility was insignificant, probably because of the decrease in cake deposition during turbulent cross flow MF. Theoretical analysis on the size distribution of deposited particulate matters indicated that the proportion of submicron to micron particulate matters deposited became higher when cross flow velocity was increased. As a result, cake porosity became lower when under turbulent cross flow. Permeate quality was satisfactory in meeting drinking water standards.
1 INTRODUCTION………….………………………………………………………1
1.1 Background………………………………………………………………….1
1.2 Objectives and scope……………………………………….………………..2
2 LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………………….5
2.1 Literature review of removal of algae via conventional treatment
2.1.1 The effect of coagulants on algal removal…………………………..5
2.1.2 The effect of extracellular organic matter (EOM) on coagulation5
2.1.3 The influence of pre-oxidation on coagulation-flocculation processes….6
2.1.4 Algal removal through sand filtration…………...………………………..8
2.1.5 Algal removal via flotation………………………….……………..……..8
2.2 Literature review of recycling SFBW by using ordinary approaches…9
2.2.1 The source of spent filter backwash water (SFBW)…….………...9
2.2.2 The current strategy of water treatment plants in treating SFBW9
2.2.3 The characteristics of SFBW………………………..….…………..…11
2.2.4 Direct recycle of SFBW without treatment.………….…….……...12
2.2.5 Coagulation-flocculation as a treatment for recycling SFBW...14
2.2.6 Treatment of SFBW via flotation………………...………………...15
2.3 Literature review of membrane filtration applied to water and
2.3.1 Introduction……………………………………...…………………..17
2.3.2 Overview of pressure-driven membrane process………………….19
2.3.3 Membrane type…………………………………………………………..22
2.3.4 Resistance model of microfiltration………….……………….………..25
2.3.5 Force analysis on depositing particles……..……………….………..26
2.3.5-1 Convection and sedimentation………………………………26
2.3.5-2 Diffusion………………………………………………………27
2.3.5-3 Lateral inertial lift velocity I………………….…………28
2.3.5-4 Lateral inertial lift velocity II……………………………29
2.3.5-5 Shear-induced diffusion…………..…………………………29
2. 3. 5 - 6 The estimation of shear rate (�莇) and particle wall
concentration (Cw)…………………………………………....30
2.3.6 The treatment of algae-containing raw water by membrane filtration..31
2.3.6-1 The influence of EOM on performance of microfiltration and
2.3.6-2 Fouling mechanisms during microfiltration of microbial
2.3.7 The recycle of SFBW through membrane technology……………….37
3 EXPENTIAL………………………………………………………………………..40
3.1 Materials……………………………………………………………………40
3.2 Apparatus.…………………………………………………………………..41
3.3 Procedures………………………………………………………………….43
3.3.1 Algal cultivation……………………………………………...44
3.3.2 Characterization of the algal suspension……………..46
3.3.3 Extraction and quantification of EOM………………...46
3.3.4 Preozonation of algal suspension……………………...48
3.3.5 Cross-flow Microfiltration of algal suspension….…...49
3.3.6 Preparation of mixture suspension…………….……...50
3.3.7 Cross-flow microfiltration of mixture suspension……...51
3.3.8 Dead-end microfiltration of mixture suspension…...52
3.3.9 Backwash water sampling………………………………...53
3.3.10 Chacacterization of backwash waters…………..………...……...54
3.3.11 Cross-flow Microfiltration of backwash waters………...……...57
3.4 Objectives and experimental design……………………………….......59
4.1 Effects of operating conditions…………………………………………..62
4.2 The characteristics of algal suspension upon preozonation…………66
4.3 The microfiltration performance upon preozonation………..………..70
4.4 Summary……………………………………………………………………77
5.1 Dead-end microfiltration……………………………………..…………...79
5.2 Cross-flow microfiltration…………………..…………………..…………...98
5.3 Summary……………………………………………………………………..108
6.1 Flux and classification of hydrodynamic resistance…………...………….109
6.2 Cake structure and permeability…………………………...……..………….117
6.3 Modeling of deposition of particulate matters……………….………………120
6.4 Permeate water quality……………….………………………….…………125
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