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研究生(外文):Shuoi Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Improving Data Delivery in Multi-Channel Broadcast Environments
指導教授(外文):Hsing-Lung Chen
外文關鍵詞:Data broadcastmulti-channel
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有時候廣播頻寬是由好幾個頻道所組成的,而這些頻道被配置在不連續的頻譜上,而且不能合成一個頻道。運用多個頻道有其好處。例如,有較好容錯能力,能夠重組與擴充。在這篇論文裡,我們探討在多個廣播頻道下的兩個議題。一是考慮如何安排將資料項目分配於各個廣播頻道中,二是行動通訊使用者如何在各個頻道裡快速尋找到其所需要的資料項目。無線通訊傳播主要的效能判斷標準在於存取效率和能源保存。存取效率與滿足使用者的要求反應快慢有關,而存取時間 (access time) 則常被用來衡量存取效率。能源保存影響使用者存取資料時電力的節省,而調校時間 (tuning time) 則被用來衡量能源保存。
循環不斷地將資料廣播於一個頻道上是一種基本的廣播排程,稱之為基礎廣播。當有多個廣播頻道存在時,需要一種資料分配機制將資料項目分配到各個頻道。由於資料項目的存取機率各不相同,有些頻道保留給少數幾個經常被存取的資料項目,而多數不常被存取的資料項目則分配到其餘的頻道。這種資料配置稱為歪曲配置。在第三章中,假設每個廣播頻道皆為基礎廣播,我們探討如何將N個資料項目分配到K個廣播頻道上的歪曲配置,我們的目標是極小化使用者的平均存取時間。文獻上知名的DP資料配置機制是一種最佳的資料配置法,它採用直接的dynamic programming方法,其成本高達O(KN2)。我們提出一種restricted dynamic programming (RDP)資料配置法來達成近似最佳的資料配置,而成本只要O(NlogK)。模擬實驗的結果顯示RDP高達 90% 能達成最佳解,而其成效優於同類型的方法的兩倍。接著藉由最佳曲線擬合技巧,我們更進一步地改進RDP演算法而發展出O(NlogNlogK)的PKR演算法。模擬實驗的結果顯示PKR達成最佳解。
With the rapid development of wireless communication technology, mobile computing becomes possible. People with battery-limited mobile devices can access various kinds of information from anywhere at anytime. However, existing wireless services are limited by the constraints of mobile environments such as narrow bandwidth, frequent disconnections, and limited battery capacity. Data broadcast is an attractive approach in such context. Disseminating data through a broadcast channel allows simultaneous access by an unlimited number of mobile clients and thus allows efficient usage of scarce bandwidth.
Sometimes the broadcast bandwidth is composed of multiple channels, where channels are allocated on discontinuous spectrums and can not be combined to a shared channel. The use of multiple channels allows better fault tolerance, configurability, and scalability. In this dissertation, we consider two issues arises in case multiple broadcast channels are present: i) how should the broadcast data be allocated to various channels, and ii) how should mobile clients surf the channels to obtain the data of interest.
Access efficiency and energy conservation are two main performance issues in wireless broadcast system. Access efficiency concerns how fast a request is responded, and energy conservation concerns how to conserve a client’s battery power when it accesses the desired data. Efficient data accesses to multi-channel broadcast programs are motivated by the desire to satisfy client requirement efficiently with as little consumption of energy as possible.
Cyclically broadcasting data over a channel is a basic scheduling approach called flat broadcast. When multiple channels are available, a data allocation scheme is needed to assign data to channels. Some channels may be reserved for those few frequently requested items, while the infrequently accessed bulk of data are allocated on other channels, this kind of allocation scheme called skewed allocation. In view of data access skew (the access probabilities of data items are usually different), in Chapter 3, we study the problem of broadcasting N data items over K channels assuming skewed data allocation and flat broadcast per channel, with the object of minimizing the average expected delay of the clients. The previously known DP algorithm is a straightforward dynamic programming implementation to partition data items and achieves an optimal solution with cost O(KN2). We propose a restricted dynamic programming (RDP) approach to achieve a similar performance to DP while with a much cheaper cost O(NlogK). Simulation results show that, the hit rate obtained by RDP is higher than 90% and it also outperforms similar work 200%. By using the curve fitting technique, we further refine RDP and develop an O(NlogNlogK) PKR algorithm; simulation results show that the solution is optimal
In Chapter 4, we study fast access to data that are broadcast on multiple channels. If a client has not a priori knowledge of how data are allocated to them, in the worst case a client may have to scan all the channels before finding the desired data. We consider the access protocol and structure for making effective use of multiple channels. We propose adding index information to a skewed data allocation on a well-known index channel to help clients surf on data channels. Our solution consists of i) organizing data by popularity, which is done by PKR data allocation scheme; ii) organizing data by key, which is done by supplementing an index search tree for each data channel. Then nodes of all index trees are multiplexed onto a well-known index channel. Our method organizes data and index into a popularity hierarchy, thus the popular data and their indices are broadcast more frequently than less popular data and their indices. Simulation results show that the reduction of access time is on average about 48% over previous work with little tuning time overhead.
Table of Contents

Abstract in Chinese I
Abstract III
Acknowledgement V
Table of Contents VI
List of Figures VIII
List of Tables VX
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Wireless Data Broadcast 2
1.3 Challenges 3
1.4 Multiple Channels 4
1.5 Contributions and Organization of the Dissertation 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Broadcast Scheduling on a Single Channel 8
2.1.1 Push-Based Broadcast 8
2.1.2 On-demand Broadcast 10
2.1.3 Hybrid Broadcast 11
2.2 Air Indexing on a Single Channel 13
2.3 Data Allocation on Multiple Channels 17
2.4 Air Indexing on Multiple Channels 19
Chapter 3 Near-Optimal Data Allocation over Multiple
Broadcast Channels 23
3.1 Introduction 23
3.2 Preliminaries 26
3.2.1 System Model 26
3.2.2 Problem Statement 26
3.2.3 Motivation 27
3.3 A Restricted Dynamic Programming Algorithm 29
3.3.1 Predication of Optimal Cut Points 29
3.3.2 Preclude Computing Unnecessary opt Entries 30
3.3.3 The RDP Algorithm 30
3.4 Performance Evaluation on RDP 33
3.5 An Improvement on Estimation of aed 35
3.5.1 Lower Bound vs. Optimal 35
3.5.2 A Function to Estimate Factor 37
3.6 Performance Evaluation on pkr 41
3.6.1 Hit Rate 41
3.6.2 Computation Time 41
Chapter 4 An Efficient Index Allocation Method for
Multi-Channel Data Broadcast 44
4.1 Introduction 44
4.2 Related Work 45
4.3 TMBT 46
4.3.3 Index Organization on Index Channel 48
4.3.2 Client Access Protocol 50
4.3.3 Index Replication 52
4.4 Analytical Evaluation of Average Access Time 53
4.5 Simulation Results 55
4.5.1 Effects of R 56
4.5.2 Effects of Efficient Data Allocation Scheme 59
4.5.3 Varying N, K, and ratio 59
Chapter 5 Conclusions 61
References 63
Publication List 70
Biography 71
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