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研究生(外文):Ben-Jen Lu
論文名稱(外文):Iris Recognition System Based on Fractional-Step Dimensionality Reduction and Support Vector Machine
指導教授(外文):Shi-Jinn Horng
外文關鍵詞:Iris recognition
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本論文提出了一個高效能的虹膜辨識系統,系統架構主要分為三個部份:影像前置處理、虹膜特徵提取以及特徵比對。輸入的人眼影像首先經過前置處理以及影像處理技術取得所需之虹膜部分;針對特徵提取的部分我們利用了小波轉換以及判別分析(Discriminant Analysis)中LDA(Linear Discriminant Analysis)、DLDA(Direct Linear Discriminant Analysis)、DF-LDA(Direct Fractional-step Linear Discriminant Analysis)三種方法將影像投射至表現最佳化特徵的子空間,除了達到將資料降維的功能,更取得最能代表使用者身份的虹膜特徵;特徵比對的部份,利用支援向量機(Support Vector Machine)對虹膜資料庫中每個類別訓練產生模型,進而比對不同類別的虹膜影像。
With the progress of social and economical development, people are being increasingly concerned over the issue of security, resulting in the recent popularity of biometric as the research topic. Among all the biometric related techniques, the one that targets iris recognition stands out for its great stability and uniqueness. Iris recognition technique has got much attentions from public and created many related topics for academic researches.
This paper aims to present a highly effective iris recognition system whose frame consists of three main parts: image preprocessing, feature extraction, and feature matching. Firstly, the captured images of human eyes were undertook the techniques of preprocessing and image processing in order to obtain the request iris segments. In the feature extraction stage, we applied the wavelet transform technique and three methods of Discriminant Analysis, namely, LDA(Linear Discriminant Analysis), DLDA(Direct Linear Discriminant Analysis), and DF-LDA (Direct Fractional-step Linear Discriminant Analysis), to project the images to the subclass where the most important features were included. Based on the mapped subclass, the dimensionality can be reduced but the most discriminating iris features of the users can be extracted. For the final stage, we made use of the Support Vector Machine to train each individual class derived from the iris database, and to create the model for future matching for each individual class.
We use CASIA iris database and database built by ourselves for testing purpose. There are 108 people in CASIA iris database. We use 107 people to train the iris recognition system; the remaining 1 people to intrude the system. The experimental results show that the false accept rate is 0.084% and the false rejection rate is 0.68%. There are 108 people in database built by ourselves. We use 107 people to train the iris recognition system; the remaining 1 people to intrude the system. The experimental results show that the false accept rate is 0.12% and the false rejection rate is 2.03%.Compared to other existing research results, the proposed method is quite effective and practical.
摘要 i
Abstract iv
致謝 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xii
第一章 導論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 虹膜辨識原理及應用狀況 4
第二章 影像前置處理技術 6
2.1 臨界值分割 6
2.2 邊緣偵測 7
2.2.1 梯度算子 7
2.2.2 Sobel算子 8
2.2.3 Prewitt算子 9
2.3 直方圖等化 9
2.4 虹膜正規化 12
2.5 測圓算子 15
第三章 人眼影像擷取機構 17
3.1 影像擷取機構 17
3.2 自動變焦技術 19
3.2.1 差距係數總和 20
3.2.2 影像拉普拉斯能量 20
3.2.3 最大梯度值 21
3.2.4 變異數 22
3.3 自動人眼追蹤 22
第四章 特徵抽取處理 25
4.1 座標變換 25
4.2 小波變換 26
4.2.1 一維離散小波變換 26
4.2.2 二維離散小波轉換 28
4.3 線性識別分析 30
4.3.1 簡介 30
4.3.2 演算法 30
4.4 直接線性識別分析 34
4.4.1 簡介 34
4.4.2 演算法 35
4.5 直接分步線性識別分析 37
4.5.1 分步降維 37
4.5.2 直接線性識別分析之改進 39
4.5.3 步驟 40
第五章 特徵比對 42
5.1 背景 42
5.2 支援向量機 42
第六章 系統架構 52
6.1 影像來源 53
6.2 影像前置處理 54
6.2.1 虹膜定位 55
6.2.2 虹膜影像正規化 56
6.2.3 影像強化 57
6.3 特徵抽取處理 58
6.4 特徵比對 59
第七章 實驗結果 60
7.1 實驗環境介紹 60
7.2 實驗結果 60
7.2.1 虹膜定位 60
7.2.2 CASIA資料庫測試結果 61
7.2.3 最佳權重函數實驗 62
7.2.4 錯誤拒絕率以及錯誤接受率 64
7.2.5 實測結果 65
第八章 結論與未來展望 67
8.1 結論 67
8.2 未來展望 68
參考文獻 69
附錄一 虹膜定位圖例 74
附錄二 矩陣運算實例 84
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