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研究生(外文):ChingYuan Shih
論文名稱(外文):A Wide Field-of-View Visual Feedback System for Remote Controlled Robots
指導教授(外文):Wei-Chung Teng
外文關鍵詞:panoramicomnidirectionalfield-of-viewDirectShowmobile robot
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  Among all sensory data of a remote controlled robot system, visual feedback provides the most straightforward information on constructing spatial presence for users. For the efficiency of controlling remote robots, many visual feedback systems with special wide-angle lenses on cameras were designed to capture massive images. However, these special wide-angle lenses will cause image distortion heavily. Image must be corrected by image processing algorithms before it could be recognized by users.
  This thesis focuses on establishing a visual feedback system which provides wide FOV (field-of-view) presence in remote controlled robots. A new optical sys-tem combined with three webcams and two flat mirrors could asynchronously cap-ture multiple images with different FOV from the same POV (position-of-view). These images were then merged and transformed by the PanMultiCamFilter, devel-oped from the DirectShow. By joining a bearing mechanism with a programmable motor controller, the wide FOV visual feedback system could provide more flexible horizontal FOV. Those images captured by the system were transferred to remote user interface (UI) through networks. At the end, a wide FOV visual feedback sys-tem was created with high presence and low image distortion for remote controlled robots.
第 1 章 緒論...............................1
  1.1 前言...............................1
  1.2 研究動機...........................2
  1.3 研究目的...........................2
  1.4 論文架構...........................2
第 2 章 文獻探討...........................3
  2.1 遠端遙控移動式機器人...............4
    2.1.1 移動式機器人.................4
    2.1.2 機器人控制之策略.............5
    2.1.3 遠端遙控之型態與範圍.........5
  2.2 視覺感測器系統.....................6
    2.2.1 單鏡頭攝影機組...............7
    2.2.2 多鏡頭攝影機組..............10
  2.3 人機介面..........................11
  2.4 Microsoft DirectShow..............11
第 3 章 研究方法..........................14
  3.1 系統架構..........................14
  3.2 視覺系統之建構....................15
  3.3 影像處理核心技術..................18
    3.3.1 PanCamFilter................20
    3.3.2 MultiCamFilter..............22
    3.3.3 PanMultiCamFilter...........24
  3.4 系統網路與使用者介面..............27
    3.4.1 系統網路核心................27
    3.4.2 使用者介面..................27
  3.5 旋轉馬達控制系統..................28
第 4 章 系統建置..........................29
  4.1 移動式機器人機體..................29
  4.2 視覺系統..........................30
  4.3 Lego步進馬達與其控制系統..........31
  4.4 NRLCam.net........................32
  4.5 系統運作方式與成果................33
第 5 章 結論..............................35
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