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研究生(外文):KO-JU WEI
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Technical Standard Industrial Alliance of Information Technology Industry in China
外文關鍵詞:technical standardindustrial alliance
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In the beginning of 2006, China proposed autonomous innovation policy, which aimed to transform to innovation-driven economy by 2010 for national development. One development strategy of autonomous innovation is “combining independent technology innovation, patents, and technical standard together to drive Chinese industrial development”. Under such circumstance, in IT industry of China, technical standard industrial alliances are common vehicles to facilitate technology research and development, technology standardization, technical standard promotion, technology commercialization, and the industrial development. The goal of this study is to discuss “Compared to general technical standard alliance, what are the features of the technical standard industrial alliance of IT industry in China?“ and “How the industrial alliance operate to echo relevant polices and become one of policy tools?”
This study shows the features of technical standard industry's alliances in IT industry of China as folllows: they are not only cooperative relationships in enterprise-level but also policy tools for industrial development in industy-level; their origin causes of formation are not only to lower the transaction costs, to share common resources, and to facilitate organizational learning, but also to fight against foreign patent owners’ unreasonable patent royalty collection and to develop Chinese IT industry upon China’s market terrirory. Viewing their operation, they are formed by enterprises, but the public-fund scientific research institution still serves as the secretariat, member join still needs the government’s approval, in addition, the management of the patent pool and the royalty pricing still need the government’s participation. So, the government possesses these alliances and has leading right. In promoting technical standard and developing industry chain, the government has power to let the standard become recommendatory national standard, but in competing with other standards, they still face the market challenge: the end users may not necessarily change or use because of history and interests reasons. We cannot know so far whether or not Chinese technical standards can become “de facto standards” smoothly within the territory of China.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
章節目錄 iii
圖表目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
一、研究背景與研究主題 1
二、研究目的 2
三、研究架構 3
第二章 技術標準產業聯盟概念 5
第一節 技術標準與專利 5
一、何謂技術標準 5
二、技術標準的類型 7
三、何謂專利 8
四、技術標準與專利的異同 10
五、技術標準與專利的結合趨勢 11
六、企業將技術標準與專利結合之作法 16
第二節 產業聯盟 19
一、何謂聯盟 19
二、聯盟的特性 21
三、聯盟的成因 22
四、聯盟的類型 26
第三節 技術標準產業聯盟 32
一、何謂技術標準產業聯盟 32
二、技術標準產業聯盟的重點工作 34
三、技術標準產業聯盟的成因 40
第四節 小結 44
第三章 中國大陸自主創新政策下之技術標準產業聯盟 46
第一節 中國大陸自主創新政策—國家層次 46
一、為何要自主創新 47
二、何謂自主創新 50
三、國家層次自主創新相關政策 54
第二節 中國大陸自主創新政策—信息產業層次 64
一、信息產業科技政策 65
二、信息產業標準政策 70
第三節 中國大陸信息產業技術標準產業聯盟 74
一、中國自主技術標準產業聯盟成因 74
二、中國自主技術標準產業聯盟特色 78
第四節 小結 79
第四章 中國大陸信息產業技術標準產業聯盟推動模式—以AVS為例 81
第一節 AVS技術標準產業聯盟簡介 81
二、AVS發展歷程 84
二、AVS技術標準產業聯盟現狀 90
第二節 AVS技術標準產業聯盟運作特色 96
第三節 小結 117
第五章 結論與建議 120
一、結論 120
二、建議 123
參考文獻 124

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