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研究生(外文):Hung-chi Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Passive Snubber Circuits on Conducted Emission of Switching Power Converters
指導教授(外文):Guan-chyun Hsieh
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In this thesis, three kinds of representative snubbers are discussed, including R-C, R-C-D and L-C-D snubbers, respectively. R-C snubber, a dissipative snubber, associating with circuit leakage inductance is to form a R-L-C circuit to eliminate overvoltage and ring wave around the power device so as to suppress ring wave EMI. R-C-D snubber, a dissipative and polarized snubber, acts as a capacitor to prolong the rise time of voltage waveform around the power switch so as to suppress EMI resulted from rise time changed by voltage variation in power regulation. The last L-C-D snubber, a lossless snubber, uses inductor and resonant circuit to prolong rise time of current waveform around the power device, in which the capacitor is used to prolong rise time of the voltage waveform. It is appropriate for suppressing EMI resulted from rise time changed by voltage and current variations in power regulation. The investigation for R-C snubber is appropriate for all kinds of converters about ring wave suppression. R-C-D snubber is appropriate for all kinds of converters about voltage rise time change. L-C-D snubber is appropriate for buck and boost converters about rise time changes of current and voltage. Three kinds of snubbers are respectively applied in PFC, forward and flyback converter topologies by way of mathematics analysis and simulation for achieving a unified relationship between the mentioned snubbers, including waveform comparison and spectrum distribution. In this thesis, experiments for the three kinds of snubber circuits applied in PFC, forward and flyback converters are examined. Their performances are quite close to the theoretical predictions.

第一章. 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機 ...………………………………………….....1
1.2 研究目的 ………...………………..…………………………….4
1.3 論文貢獻 ..............................................5
第二章. 緩振器電路架構
2.1 緩振器電路架構簡介……………...……..……………………….6
2.2 緩振器作用原理 .……...……………………………………....8
2.3 特殊元件的影響 .…….……………..…………………..………10
2.4 緩振器電路的選擇………...……….……………...………....10
2.5 L-C-D非損耗性緩振器電路比較 ..….……….……………... 14
第三章. 緩振器電路特性分析
3.1 損耗性緩振器(R-C Snubber)電路分析……...….………….….20
3.2 損耗性緩振器(R-C-D Snubber)電路分析 ….….…………....27
3.3 非損耗性緩振器(L-C-D Snubber)電路分析.........………… 34
3.4 頻譜與dv/dt及di/dt相關性分析..……..…......……...……42
第四章. 設計考量
4.1 R-C緩振器電路設計 .……...………......…………………..45
4.2 R-C-D緩振器電路設計 ……….........…………..………….47
4.3 主電路元件的影響 .…….…….…...……….………………..52
4.4 L-C-D非損耗性緩振器設計 ……...…...…..………………..54
第五章. 設計實例
5.1 R-C緩振器電路設計實例………...………...……………………60
5.2 R-C-D緩振器電路設計實例…..............................62
5.3 特殊元件選擇實例.......... ………...…………...........63
5.4 L-C-D非損耗性緩振器設計實例 .….………...…...........66
第六章. L-C-D緩振器電路模擬與分析
6.1 功因校正轉換器波形量測….…….………...……………………68
6.2 加入L-C-D緩振器後主要參數波形量測..… .…...…………….70
6.3 結果與討論 ……………...………………..73
第七章. 實驗波形量測與結果
7.1 R-C緩振器波形量測 ….……..……….……..……..…….….74
7.2 R-C-D緩振器波形量測 ..……...….……………………….….79
7.3 L-C-D非損耗性緩振器波形量測 …........………………..…87
第八章. 結論與建議
8.1 結論 .….………………...…………………………..……….104
8.2 未來研究方向 .….…...……………………………..……….105
參考文獻 .….…………………...…………….…………………………..106
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