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研究生(外文):Chih-min Shu
論文名稱(外文):Pro-active Route Maintenance with Adaptive Buffer Zone in MAODV
指導教授(外文):Chen-chau Yang
外文關鍵詞:Mobile Ad Hoc NetworkMulticastPro-active Route MaintenanceAdaptive Buffer ZoneSignal strength
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Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a self configuring network of nodes that consists of mobile routers and mobile users. The mobile nodes are programmed to instantly self-organize into a network topology without support from network infrastructure or centralized control. Packets are routed via multi-hop peer-to-peer protocol between nodes to transmit the data. MANETs are ideal in advanced applications such as emergency rescue operations, instant urban wireless coverage, temporary social event networks, and military digitized battlefields. In such events, nodes are expected to collaborate and communicate as a group rather than as pairs of point-to-point. The multicast characteristic of MANETs serves as a critical functionality to support these applications. Because the capability of each mobile device is limited, the tree-based topology of multicast network delivers better performance. However, the mobility of mobile nodes often break links in the tree-based topology which cause lower data packet ratio.
In this paper, we propose “Pro-active Route Maintenance with Adaptive Buffer Zone” to reduce link breakage for the tree-based topology of multicast network in MANET. The Multicast Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (MAODV) method of route maintenance detects link breakage when the node does not receive any packets from the upstream node after certain time. This kind of re-active route maintenance does not initiate local tree repair until the node loses packets and reduces data packet delivery ratio. This paper proposes adding a link breakage prediction algorithm to the MAODV. The node would use signal power strength from the received packets to compute the distance and the deviating speed of the upstream node. The deviating speed of upstream node is used to compute the range of the buffer zone. When the upstream node enters the buffer zone, the node initiates local tree repair to reduce potential route failure.
According to the simulation results, the usage of Pro-active Route Maintenance with Adaptive Buffer Zone in MAODV improves the route maintenance of the MAODV. We analyze the six strategies with six matrices. Experiments demonstrate that adding link breakage prediction to the MAODV can increase data packet delivery ratio and reduce control overhead cost.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 2
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 隨意式群播網路 4
2.1 隨意式群播協定 4
2.1.1 樹狀式群播協定 7
2.1.2 網狀式群播協定 8
2.2 需求式群播距離向量路由協定 10
2.3 小結 16
第三章 調變式緩衝區間之主動式路由維護 17
3.1 緩衝區間 17
3.2 無線電播廣模型 19
3.3 路由失效預測策略與演算法 20
3.3.1 預測演算法 22
3.3.2 實例說明 24
第四章 系統模擬與分析 26
4.1 模擬環境設定 26
4.2 效能評估因子 28
4.3 模擬結果與分析 30
4.3.1 以節點移動速度之評量 30
4.3.2 以群組大小之評量 42
第五章 結論與未來方向 54
參考文獻 55
附錄 其他模擬結果數據 57
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