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研究生(外文):Pe-Te Chen
論文名稱(外文):Coloured Petri Net-based Modeling for Query Evaluation of Distributed Relational Databases
指導教授(外文):Chen-chau Yang
外文關鍵詞:multidatabasemodelingcoloured Petri netsquery processing
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本文提出一個新的方法,使用具時間特性之著色派翠網路(CTPN),模塑分散式關連資料庫查詢效率之雛型設計。首先,轉換框架式查詢定義為 SQL-Based 邏輯查詢計畫、設計成本函數嵌入CTPN 及應用 CTPN 擴充傳統查詢計畫樹結構。最後使用模擬工具-Design/CPN 觀察查詢效率之門檻值。除此,以排隊理論為基礎,設計合理的通訊成本及系統負載機制。上述之 CTPN 模塑,適用於描述平行式查詢運算及系統動態行為。因此,在不需修改查詢最佳化模組之前題,本研究方法於邏輯分散式資料庫系統設計階段,可被視為查詢最佳化之前處理,以期降低發展分散式資料庫系統查詢之成本。
In this paper, a new application of coloured timed Petri net (CTPN) based methodology for distributed heterogeneous relational database queries modeling and corresponding simulation is addressed. This work, first based on parsed query definitions, converts logical query plans into designed CTPN models. Later, the improved cost-based functions are then established and appended to CTPN with a general purpose CPN simulator-Design/CPN to observe the thresholds of query operations. The propose CTPN can be used in the design phase as an experimental prototype to automatically simulate distributed database query processing which, in turn, may considerably reduce the load of developing the actual query processing software in the logical design phase of a distributed database system. Also, since all the essential details of query processing in CTPN have been simulated, the results of this study can be closely related to real world applications.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機與目的..............................................1
1.2 相關研究....................................................3
第二章 分散式關連資料庫查詢設計與模塑架構.......................7
第三章 著色派翠網路於分散式關連資料庫查詢之模塑................23
第四章 分散式關連資料庫查詢之成本函數設計及工作負載測量........37
第五章 分散式關連資料庫查詢之系統模擬..........................49
5.1.2 假設條件及相關參數設定.................................52
5.1.3 著色派翠網路模擬工具簡介...............................57
5.2.1 模擬程序...............................................59
5.2.2 範例說明...............................................60
第六章 結論....................................................73
附錄 A、子查詢Query1及Query2的模擬結果.........................81
附錄 B、Design/CPN操作.........................................86
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