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研究生(外文):Kuen-sheng Yung
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Reduction of Magnetic Field From Overhead And Underground Tube Power Line
指導教授(外文):Chi-jui Wu
外文關鍵詞:magnetic fieldundergroundpower Line
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The purpose of this thesis is to study the distribution characteristics of power-frequency magnetic field from overhead and underground tube power line when transfer the electric power through urban area. It is hoped to used in magnetic field analysis and mitigation method selection, and to obtain the distribution of magnetic field. At first, the finite element based simulation package, FLUX3D, can be used to establish the simulation model of overhead power line and to evaluate the magnetic field shielding effect of aluminum plate, silicon steel, stainless steel and Amumetal. It wants to obtain the effect in reduction of magnetic field, to choose the adequate material for the shielding, to reduce magnetic field flux density.
In evaluating the magnetic field conditions around the underground tube power line, the tube types, direction of current, and the depth of cables are studied. From the study results, the better arrangement of cables can reduce magnetic field. Therefore, it really has the effect on reduction of magnetic-field and should be a low cost method before the construction of the underground tube power line.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖索引 vi
表索引 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 章節概述 3
第二章 電力頻率磁場 5
2.1簡介 5
2.2電磁理論 6
2.3電磁場屏蔽 12
2.4有限元素法 14
2.5模擬程式 15
第三章 屏蔽材料與國內外非游離輻射防制現況 21
3.1屏蔽材料 21
3.1.1 鋁 21
3.1.2 銅 22
3.1.3 鉛 22
3.1.4矽鋼片 23
3.1.5 Amumetal與ULCS 23
3.1.6不�袗� 24
3.1.7材料比較 25
3.2國內外非游離輻射防制現況 26
3.2.1國外 26
3.2.2國內 28
第四章 地下管路相序排列分析 31
4.1 前言 31
4.2 管路電纜相序排列模擬 31
4.2.1電流方向相同 31
4.2.2電流方向相反 54
4.3埋設深度的影響 77
4.4本章結論 83
第五章 架空輸電線路的磁場分析與屏蔽 84
5.1 前言 84
5.2架空輸電線路模擬架構 84
5.3架空輸電線路-建築物A的模擬結果 89
5.4架空輸電線路-建築物B無窗戶時的模擬結果 100
5.5架空輸電線路-建築物B加入窗戶考量後的模擬結果 122
5.6本章結論 134
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 135
6.1 總結 135
6.2 研究成果 136
6.3未來研究方向 136
參考文獻 137
作者簡介 139
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