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研究生(外文):Sheng-yu Jan
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Partial Discharge Waveforms Evolution of High Voltage Cast-Resin Current Transformer
指導教授(外文):Ruay-Nan Wu
外文關鍵詞:partial dischargewaveform parametermode
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The features of partial discharge in insulation status usually are derived from apparent charge, such as, average charge amounts, maximum discharge amounts, and sum of discharge amounts. However, recent research considers that discharge amount could not decide the insulation status. Hence, this thesis investigates on the features of waveform evolving in the process of insulation degradation, such that provides several advantages for the evaluation of insulation status.
The accelerating experiment is accomplished by applying 50kV on the high voltage Cast-Resin Current Transformers, withstand voltage is 34kV, and recorded the measurement data regularly. The specimen was broken down 16 days later, and 768 data were recorded. Each measurement involves 4 waveform parameters processed by noise suppressing, wave fitting and mode calculation. In order to confirm the waveform parameters match the partial discharge wave firmly, the iteration method were accepted to correct the waveform parameter, which are amplitude, attenuation coefficient, frequency and phase angle respectively.
The waveform amplitude, attenuation coefficient and frequency will be changed during the degradation process, is shown by the diagram relating to waveform parameters and time, mode charge with deterioration process, therefore the waveform parameters do reflect the status of insulation. The initial and last measurement data could be separated to two clusters form the relation chart of amplitude and attenuation coefficient, such that the change of insulation status is identified at this case of thesis.
中文摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與方法 2
1.3 論文章節概述 4
第二章 模鑄式比流器與局部放電介紹 6
2.1 模鑄式比流器介紹 6
2.2 模鑄式比流器之劣化 7
2.3 局部放電定義與類型 9
2.4 局部放電檢測方式 12
2.5 局部放電資料處理 16
第三章 量測系統架構 18
3.1 局部放電檢測系統 18
3.2 試驗加壓程序 23
3.2.1 校正程序 23
3.2.2 接線方式 23
3.2.3 加壓程序 24
3.3 試驗結果 25
第四章 放電波形分析 26
4.1 局部放電信號波形參數 26
4.2 量測資料處理 29
4.3 主程式流程 32
4.4 分析程式之效能評估 42
4.5 相似度門檻值之評估 46
4.6 本章結論 48
第五章 實測結果之分析 49
5.1 眾數分析 49
5.2 聚集分析 55
5.3 本章結論 56
第六章 結論與未來展望 57
6.1 結論 57
6.2 未來展望 58
參考文獻 59
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