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研究生(外文):Ping-joung Tseng
論文名稱(外文):The Research on Strategy Management of HotelManagement—Based on the framework of Strategy Maps
指導教授(外文):Wen-dwo Yang
外文關鍵詞:management strategies、strategy development tool
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摘 要
個案公司為新竹地區一家具代表性之五星級飯店,其自2001 年
In recent years, national GDP/GNP income and living standard have
been continuously improving, on top of international investment and
flourishing development of international trade. As a result, the number of
hotels increases drastically in the domestic market. As the customers’
demands increase and change, the size of the hotels becomes larger and
larger. In addition, hotels are putting tremendous amount of efforts on
the recreational facilities, software as well as hardware, such as
accommodations, food and beverage, entertainment, fitness, conference
and exhibition facilities. such as travel agencies are offering variety
tourist packages to meet the customer need. With the types of services
becoming multi-dimensional, hotel industry is becoming a comprehensive
service industry.
The case company is a five-star hotel in Hsinchu area. Since it was
first in business in 2001, the hotel has developed various management
strategies and targeted on business travelers by providing required
software and hardware services. Instead of cutting price to increase
room revenue, the hotel provides professional services to meet specific
demands, and differentiate itself from other hotels, in order to obtain
competitive advantage.
In order to obtain competitive advantage, the hotel differentiate itself
from other hotels by providing professional services to meet specific
demands rather than cutting price to improve utilization at the expenses of
As new competitors enter the market and the environments changes
dynamically, how to maintain competitive advantage is essential in order
to confront external environment, customer demand changes and
price-cutting threat from competitors.
As a very common experience, the new entrant will easily change
the balance of market and create a new business climate which will easily
trigger price cutting chain reactions among all the players. Therefore, it is
vitally important to maintain competitive advantage to defeat the
unexpected challenges.
This case studies how the case company confronts new arising
problems by utilizing strategy development tools. In addition, the price
model of revenue management and room reservation management are
applied to increase the occupancy rate so that the total revenue can be
目 錄
摘 要 I
Abstract II
誌 謝 IV
目 錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 經營策略 7
2.1.1 經營策略定義 7
2.1.2 經營策略層級 10
2.2 平衡計分卡 11
2.2.1 平衡計分卡的發展 12
2.2.2 策略核心組織之建立 14
2.2.3 關鍵成功因素 21
2.3 顧客關係管理 22
2.3.1 顧客關係管理的內涵 22
2.3.2 關係行銷的定義 25
2.4 收益管理 27
2.4.1 收益管理的產生與發展 27
2.4.2 飯店收益管理的概念 29
2.4.3 飯店收益管理的基本原理 34
2.4.4 預測 37
2.4.5 客房超售(Room Overbooking) 38
2.4.6 客戶容量控制 42
第三章 個案公司探討 44
3.1 產業概況 44
3.1.1 產業現況與發展 44
3.1.2 產業上下游關係 46
3.2 個案公司分析與評估 47
3.2.1 公司概述 47
3.2.2 飯店特色 50
3.2.3 公司成功關鍵因素 50
3.3 個案公司競爭分析 51
3.3.1 品牌定位 51
3.3.2 市場分析及SWOT分析 51
第四章 個案公司的策略地圖及平衡計分卡 55
4.1 個案公司的企業文化、使命、願景及核心價值 55
4.2 個案公司的策略地圖與平衡計分卡 55
4.2.1 願景使命與財務構面的連結 58
4.2.2 財務構面與顧客構面的連結 60
4.2.3 顧客構面與內部流程構面的連結 61
4.2.4 內部流程構面與學習成長構面的連結 62
第五章 研究結論與未來發展 65
5.1 結論與討論 65
5.2 未來研究方向 65
參考文獻 67
圖1-1 論文架構圖 6
圖2-2 策略管理模型 10
圖2-2 平衡計分卡提供轉化策略為營運的架構 13
圖2-3 平衡計分卡做為策略行動架構 16
圖2-4 策略地圖的結構 18
圖2-5 溝通與連結階段的內容圖 19
圖2-6 規劃與設定目標的內容圖 20
圖2-7 顧客服務金字塔 24
圖2-8 單一訂價的收益圖 35
圖2-9 多層級訂價收益 36
圖3-1 旅館業上下游關係圖 47
圖3-2 個案公司組織圖 48
圖3-3 個案公司品牌定位 51
圖4-1 個案公司策略地圖 57
圖4-2 願景使命與財務構面的連結 58
圖4-3 客房利用最佳化模式 59
圖4-4 財務構面與顧客構面的連結 60
圖4-5 顧客構面與內部流程構面的連結 61
圖4-6 內部流程構面與學習成長構面的連結 63
圖4-7 個案公司之平衡計分卡 64

表2-1 平衡計分卡各構面意義 13
表2-2 顧客關係管理內涵 24
表2-3 關係行銷之層級比較 26
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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
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