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研究生(外文):Su-O Chen
論文名稱(外文):The relevancy between regulatory focus and brand evaluation:Regulatory-focused consumers account of brand evaluation based on cases of globalization brands in IT industry
指導教授(外文):Couchen Wu
外文關鍵詞:Regulatory FocusPromotion GoalPrevention GoalRegulatory FitBrand EvaluationBrand EquityConsumer Psychology
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3、穏健型消費者心理結構變項為務實、專注、穏紮穏打及要贏,潛在執著自我保守,訴求 可靠與容易;積極型消費者心理結構變項為積極、衝勁及品味格調,潛在執著自我突破,訴求便利與方便。
6、Gain潛在心理負向詮釋為貪求、貪心及在乎多一點;Loss潛在心理負向詮釋為在乎缺失 與失去。
8、調節目標消費者類型和品牌評價二者關聯性,關鍵於消費者是否經歷regulatory fit過程,結果發現regulatory fit將影響品牌正負向效果與品牌價值效益高低之中介變項,而影響二者外在變項有五個重要介面,首先為消費者最甜蜜點,藉以維繫顧客與品牌權益關係,次為目標過程的流暢力,調節目標之消費者與策略之gain/nongain及loss/nonloss一致性與否,第三為明確品牌定位,顧客對品牌聯想與品牌知名度之訴求,第四為品牌經營策略,包括顧客價值觀及品質知覺,最後為品牌行銷策略,洞察消費者行為及態度偏好導向,資料顯示發現調節目標消費者潛在心理結構和品牌評價績效二者具有密切關係,交互關聯性。
Branding is a core competitive advantage for a globalize enterprise. Business operational mission is to create their brand equity to pursue profit maximum as the greatest target. The most important concept of building a strong brand is to manage customer relationship from clients’ subconscious viewpoints. Thus, this had a great effect to set up a long-term customer loyalty and identification with brand to encourage brand valuation by way of the sympathetic response of brands.

This study investigates into the relevancy between regulatory focus and brand evaluation that looks into the influence of regulatory-focused consumers on brand evaluation. The objective is to provide evidence on regulatory focus theory that customers’ subconscious difference has influence on how they evaluate a brand. Regarding the study methodology, a qualitative research is taken by collecting the relevant information of original and secondary materials based on cases of globalization brands in IT industry. The collections are classified and deduced to a conclusion through case analysis and in-depth interviews to confirm regulatory focus theory. The results of study are summarized as bellow:

1、The prevention-focused individuality incline toward a mature and experienced consumers while promotion-focused individuality tends to be aggressive consumers.
2、The prevention-focused consumers tend to a competence dimensions of brand personality. The promotion-focused consumers tend to excitement dimensions of brand personality.
3、The psychological variables of prevention-focused consumers are realistic and concentrated, have a plan for executing and pursue for winning, potentially inflexible self-conservative. Easy and dependable appeal is suggested. The psychological variables of promotion-focused consumers are active and aggressive, keen on tasteful style, potentially inflexible self-breakthrough. Convenient appeal is suggested.
4、According to the study findings, based on IT brand regulatory goal, consumers prefer more on prevention target than promotion target. The promotion target will lead to double-edged effect if they adopt promotion-orientated goal. The results of goal compatibility and goal conflict with related brands will influence more v.s. less favorable attitudes in consumption and positive v.s. negative effect of brand evaluation.
5、The regulatory-focused consumers、business decision and brand evaluation are interrelated. The influence of results is to shed light on positive v.s. negative brand association and increased v.s. subtracted effect. In addition, whether the goal is compatible or not will affect brand equity and brand performance.
6、Gain potential interpretation includes greed and more concern. Loss potential interpretation includes caring about shortage and miss in subconscious construction.
7、The positive or negative interpretation of regulatory focus cognition will reflect consumers potential psychology needs and perception , which enhances insight into variance of consumer psychological construction of prevention focus and promotion focus.
8、The relevancy between regulatory-focused consumers and brand evaluation relies on whether consumers experience the process of regulatory fit. The result finds that regulatory fit is intervening variables influenced positive or negative brand outcome and brand valuation benefit. There are five most important extraneous variables. Firstly, consumer sweet spot maintains the relation between customers and brand equity. Second, the process of goal fluency affects the outcome of goal compatibility or conflict between gain/nongain and loss/nonloss target. Third, brand positioning identification appeals to brand association and awareness. Fourth, brand operational strategy includes customer value and products quality perception. Finally, marketing strategy of a brand understands consumer behavior and preference attitude. This research discloses close interrelation of regulatory-focused consumers and brand evaluation.

第一章 緒論...........................................................1
第一節 研究背景.....................................................1
第二節 研究動機.....................................................2
第三節 研究目的.....................................................4
第四節 論文架構與流程. .............................................5
第二章 文獻探討.......................................................7
第一節 調節焦點理論.................................................7
第二節 調節焦點與個體潛在心理結構..................................10
第三節 調節焦點對消費行為之影響....................................16
第四節 品牌評價....................................................24
第五節 調節目標流暢力對品牌評價之影響..............................31
第六節 本章小結....................................................37
第三章 研究方法......................................................38
第一節 研究目標與界訂研究問題......................................38
第二節 研究架構....................................................40
第三節 研究設計....................................................41
第四節 研究範圍及對象..............................................43
第五節 個案訪談內容設計與流程......................................45
第四章 個案品牌經營與評價研究分析....................................47
第一節 宏��(Acer)品牌的介紹........................................47
第二節 新宏��(Acer)品牌經營與行銷策略分析..........................51
第三節 新宏��(Acer)品牌定位策略分析................................53
第四節 新宏��(Acer)品牌評價分析....................................60
第五節 明基(BenQ)品牌的介紹........................................63
第六節 明基(BenQ)品牌定位與經營策略分析............................65
第七節 明基(BenQ)品牌行銷策略分析..................................68
第八節 明基(BenQ)品牌評價..........................................71
第九節 本章小結:分析新宏��(Acer)及明基(BenQ)品牌差異..............73
第五章 科技品牌個案消費者分析........................................75
第一節 個案品牌定位與消費者人格特質分析............................75
第二節 個案消費者潛在心理結構分析..................................78
第三節 個案調節目標消費者行為與態度分析............................82
第四節 個案調節目標消費者對品牌評價影響............................86
第五節 本章小節:消費者心理結構新詮釋..............................92
第六章 結論與建議....................................................94
第一節 研究結論....................................................95
第二節 研究限制....................................................99
第三節 後續研究建議...............................................100
一、 中文部份.....................................................101
二、 英文部份.....................................................103
一、 訪談問卷.....................................................107
二、 宏�痐膝q(Acer)沿革與組織圖...................................108
三、 明基電通公司(BenQ)沿革與組織圖...............................113

圖 1-1 研究動機構圖...................................................3
圖 1-2 研究流程.......................................................6
圖 2-1 調節焦點心理變項差異..........................................11
圖 2-2 Aaker 品牌權益................................................26
圖 2-3 Ketler (1999) 品牌資產架構....................................26
圖 2-4 微笑曲線......................................................27
圖 2-5 Aaker 顧客關係模式............................................37
圖 3-1 品牌、產品及顧客關係..........................................38
圖 3-2 研究架構......................................................40
圖 3-3 研究資料蒐集之方法............................................42
圖 3-4 訪談作業流程..................................................46
圖 4-1 Acer品牌新經銷模式............................................52
圖 4-2 Acer效益與成本分..............................................55
圖 5-1 Acer與BenQ消費者潛在心理結構差異比較..........................81
圖 5-2 調節目標消費者心理結構和品牌評價關聯圖........................88
圖 5-3 影響調節目標顧客和品牌評價關係變項分析........................89


表 2- 1 調節焦點定義分析表............................................7
表 2- 2 調節焦點趨近及規避傾向之自我調節差異分析.....................14
表 2- 3 調節焦點趨近及規避傾向之參考觀點差異分析.....................15
表 2- 4 促進焦點和預防焦點個體潛在心理結構差異分析表.................15
表 2- 5 品牌評價概念分析表...........................................25
表 2- 6 施振榮先生品牌價值表.........................................29
表 2- 7 預設目標(the prime)與達成目標(the target)之產品廣告訴........35
表 2- 8 調節目標之知覺流暢力分析.....................................36
表 3- 1 2006年新宏�痐峏�基品牌評價表.................................44
表 4- 1 宏�眱~牌定位沿革分析.........................................48
表 4- 2 新宏�眱~牌定位管理...........................................49
表 4- 3 Acer品牌市場供給面策略分析...................................54
表 4- 4 Acer品牌市場需求面策略分析...................................54
表 4- 5 Acer品牌市場定位策略分析.....................................55
表 4- 6 Acer消費者附加價值策略.......................................56
表 4- 7 Acer降低營運成本策略.........................................57
表 4- 8 Acer、Dell及HP 2005年財務績效分析............................58
表 4- 9 IDC 2005年全球十大PC出貨排名.................................60
表 4-10 IDC 2005年全球十大Notebook出貨排名...........................61
表 4-11 2006年第四季全球五大Notebook出貨排名.........................61
表 4-12 Acer 2003~2006品牌價值及排名資料.............................62
表 4-13 明�痐膝q定位沿革.............................................63
表 4-14 明基(BenQ)品牌定位管理.......................................66
表 4-15 BenQ 4P行銷策略分析..........................................68
表 4-16 BenQ 2003~2006品牌價值及排名資料.............................71
表 4-17 BenQ財務績效分析.............................................72
表 4-18 Acer與BenQ品牌差異分析.......................................74
表 5- 1 品牌形象塑造消費者特徵分析...................................75
表 5- 2 品牌個性塑造消費者人格分析...................................76
表 5- 3 塑造品牌定位之消費者特質分析.................................77
表 5- 4 品牌經營策略之目標顧客心理結構分析...........................78
表 5- 5 品牌行銷策略之目標顧客心理結構分析...........................80
表 5- 6 Acer和BenQ筆記型電腦消費行為與態度分析.......................83
表 5- 7 BenQ行動電話消費行為與態度分析...............................85
表 5- 8 預防與促進焦點新詮釋.........................................93

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