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研究生(外文):Jiann-Farn Chang
論文名稱(外文):Continuum Topology Optimization Based 3D Automatic Optimal Truss Configuration Generation Techniques
指導教授(外文):Chyi-Yeu Lin
外文關鍵詞:3D thinningtopology optimizationtruss
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本論文提出一套以連續體結構拓樸最佳化為基礎之三維自動桁架建立技術,目的在於計算出一個桁架結構初始設計資料,以期望未來可經由戴伯勳(2006)所發展的3D桁架最佳化設計平台,來自動並快速地獲得一個最佳的桁架結構設計。此技術的重點在於針對三維連續體拓樸結構作細化骨架的處理,並透過吾人發展的自動搜尋節點及桿件連接性判斷的技術,自動地在設計空間內之任意位置定義出桁架之自由節點,再依桿件連續性定義出整個桁架結構。在發展此套技術之同時,本文亦提出了Lin and Chang 三維細化方法,於本文中也有所應用。
This research proposes continuum topology optimization based 3D automatic truss configuration generation techniques. The designer defines the structural space, the external loading, and the boundary conditions, and the topology optimization provides the optimal topology for the design problem. When the topology is a skeleton-like structure, the 3D automatic truss configuration generation techniques will take over transfer the topology into a suitable truss model. The transformation involves the structure thinning process and the node-and-bar interpretation processes. The Lin and Chang 3D thinning algorithm was developed so as to conduct the structure thinning process in an effective manner. After the truss model is defined, the truss optimization problem can be followed in an automatic manner.
第一章 緒論
第二章 結構拓樸最佳化
第三章 三維結構之細化處理
第四章 三維拓樸結構轉桁架結構之技術
第五章 執行範例
第六章 結論與建議
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