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研究生(外文):Chin-I Kao
論文名稱(外文):Tool positioning in robot-assisted neurosurgery system based on the surface registration method
指導教授:唐 永 新
外文關鍵詞:Laser surface scanning systemSurface registrationRobot-assisted neurosurgery systemPositioning
  • 被引用被引用:2
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本研究主要目的是發展一種導引方法,在曲面疊合的基礎上支援機械手臂輔助腦神經外科手術系統的器械定位;主要優點包括可消除定位球釘入頭骨的傷害及黏貼式標記球的不方便性,器械定位也僅需透過醫療影像對臉部掃描資料的疊合程序便可完成。本方法的特性是利用雷射曲面掃描系統自動掃描病人臉部特徵及手術器械位置,之後再和醫療影像進行曲面最佳化疊合,可直接將醫療影像的空間座標轉移到機械手臂的座標架構。為改善疊合過程因龐大的點群消耗太多電腦計算時間,因此本文將使用統計學的抽樣檢驗方法,在確保疊合品質的前提之下僅抽取樣本點參加計算,有效提升電腦計算效率。此外,手術目標從影像座標轉換到機械手臂座標,以及手術器械調整姿勢對準手術目標的方法也將詳細說明。本研究採用Fanuc LR Mate 200iB 六軸關節型機械手臂對假體顱內的手術目標實施定位實驗,實驗結果中將首先呈現醫療影像和病人的疊合品質,其次將驗証手術器械的定位能力。結果顯示,曲面疊合的平均誤差為0.6±0.16mm,指定方位角的平均定位誤差則為1.8±0.34mm。證諸實驗結果,不論從曲面疊合品質或器械尖端對手術目標的定位能力上,均可證明本研究所提出的方法合理可行,且具有良好的定位準確度和強健性,足堪做為未來投注精進的方向。
In this paper, the methodology for guiding the surgical tool in robot-assisted neurosurgery system, based on the faceted surface registration supported by a laser surface scanner, is reported. Tool targeting process in this method only requires the image-to-patient registration, in which an automated laser surface scanner is used to unitize the spaces of patient and robot. The image-to-patient registration searches those parameters in rigid-body transformation matrix iteratively, until the sum of squared normal deviation is minimized. Considering that mapping the massive points in the registration task would overwhelm the computer resource, there is only a suitable sample size to represent the entire population is statistically extracted from image space to map to the faceted surface. A rubber-made head phantom is used for evaluating the registration and positioning. Quality of the image-to-patient registration is first reported. Next, positioning accuracy for guiding the surgical tool is evaluated as well. It shows the registration quality with 0.6mm of mean error based on the experiment results, and with the mean error of 1.8mm for tool positioning.
第一章 緒論

第二章 點資料的產生

第三章 最佳化疊合

第四章 機械手臂之導引定位

第五章 實驗結果與討論

第六章 結論建議與未來展望

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