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研究生(外文):Yi-Shan Lee
論文名稱(外文):Numerical Study of a Range Hood
指導教授(外文):Sheam-Chyun Lin
外文關鍵詞:range hoodCFDaerodynamic performance
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Range hood is used extensively in kitchen ventilation for maintaining the air quality and preventing pollution. A substantial demand for the high-performance, low-noise range hood exists especially due to recent report regarding the increasing lump cancer female patients. Thus, the purpose of this research is to enhance the aerodynamic performance of range hood by taking advantage of the CFD calculations to visualize the flow patters inside this device. At first, a typical range hood is chosen as the reference model based on the test report from consumer magazine. A detailed visualization on flow field for this original design is executed and carefully examined via CFD calculation. The shortcomings for this model are summarized to serve as the solid foundation for further improvements. Afterwards, several amendments are imposed on the new design to fix the reversed flow through cut-off, the circulation patterns along the outside region of scroll and at zone near the guiding vane in fan discharge. These modifications include reducing the cut-off clearance, increasing the cut-off angle, the spiral housing, a gradual guiding vane, and a nozzle-shape conical outlet. Later, a comprehensive flow field simulation is performed to validate the above improving alternatives. Apparently, a significant reduction on cut-off reversed flow and a 96.3% effective outlet area are observed from the CFD outcomes. It follows that a 20.6% increase on airflow and an 8.4% pressure gain are achieved. In conclusion, this work offers a reliable tool and an important guideline for the improving design of range hood in a rigorous and systematic manner.
目 錄
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
致 謝 III
目 錄 IV
圖 索 引 VII
表 索 引 XI
符號索引 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 6
1.2.1 抽油煙機 6
1.2.2 離心式風機 8
1.2.3 斜流式葉輪 12
1.2.4 數值模擬 14
1.3 研究動機與方法 15
第二章 抽油煙機簡介與品質測試 20
2.1 抽油煙機之簡介 21
2.2 排風量 26
2.3 噪音 33
2.4 消耗電功率與效率 39
2.5 結論與建議 41
第三章 風機外殼設計 43
3.1 風機簡介 43
3.2 風機外殼設計 51
第四章 數值方法 59
4.1 統御方程式 60
4.2 紊流模式 62
4.2.1 k-ε紊流方程式 62
4.2.2 紊流模式其壁面處理方式 64
4.3 數值計算方法 67
4.3.1離散化方式 69
4.3.2 壓力與速度耦合的處理 72
4.4 網格之建立 75
4.5 數值邊界條件設定 77
4.6 性能曲線模擬之驗證 78
第五章 原型數值結果與分析 83
5.1 模型格點之建立 83
5.2 原始Model之分析 87
5.2.1 不同高度平面之流場分析 91
5.2.2 徑向平面之流場分析 105
5.3 變更風機外殼之分析 114
5.3.1不同高度平面之流場分析 115
5.3.2徑向平面之流場分析 118
第六章 改善外殼之數值結果與分析 130
6.1 風機外殼之改良與分析 130
6.1.1 不同高度平面之流場分析 134
6.1.2 徑向平面之流場分析 144
6.1.3 舌部逆流量現象 151
6.2 流道區域之改良與分析 156
6.2.1 流場分析 160
第七章 結論與建議 172
7.1 結論 172
7.2 建議 175
參考文獻 178
作者簡介 184
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