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研究生(外文):Chin-Jung Huang
論文名稱(外文):Conflicting and Value Added Treatment Inference Model for Uncertainty Rule-based Knowledge
外文關鍵詞:Conditional ProbabilityGroup DecisionCertainty Reliable IndexConflicting TreatmentValue Added Treatment
  • 被引用被引用:3
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In the process of knowledge accumulation, due to the difference of knowledge source in the knowledge base and opinions of experts, the knowledge in the knowledge base would have inconsistency with the same meaning, conflict and data, which may lead to an improperness of knowledge use as a result of change of time, new technology, new regulation, new methodology and new evidence and other factors. Rule-based knowledge base expert systems have traditionally emphasized the verification of structural errors in the rule base. For conflicting or overlapping rules, designated rules are usually followed to implement prioritized or direct deletions. However, there exist no proper methods by which to resolve conflicts, inconsistencies or redundancies in value. Due to the uncertainty of uncertain knowledge itself, it is difficult to treat conflicting rules, and the citation of erroneous knowledge leads to mistakes in decision making. Among users, 94% report perplexity when conflicting or redundant rules are cited. It is therefore a necessity to confirm the existence and reliability of the cited knowledge.
This study proposes integrates methods of conditional probability, and vector matrices to establish a conditional probability knowledge similarity algorithm and calculation system. This calculation system can quickly and accurately calculate rule-based knowledge similarity matrices and capture the conflicting rules and redundant rules. For the conflicting rules and redundant rules, the current study attempts to provide an uncertainty rule-based knowledge conflict treatment inference model by integrating a group decision and an uncertainty inference. In the model, a “reliable factor” refers to the reliability level of the knowledge containing conflicts, redundancies or inconsistencies in values, while the “certainty factor” indicates the existence of the knowledge itself. A “certainty reliable index” is used to show both the existence of the knowledge itself and its reliability. Based on knowledge relationship, a rule-based uncertainty knowledge value-adding treatment inference model is established to perform value-adding treatment such as merge, integration, innovate, search, delete, and add, so that certainty reliable indexes of the rules can be obviously represented, For conflicting or overlapping knowledge, it is suggested that the knowledge with a higher certainty reliable index be chosen. Among users, 92% reported that the model is helpful to knowledge application and an aid to the decision-making process. It can more effectively prevent mistakes in decision making and enables users to acquire more benefits from the knowledge application.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制 4
1.4研究內容 5
1.5研究步驟 6
1.6 論文架構 7
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2.1知識表示 9
2.2相似度計算方法 11
2.3重覆規則及衝突規則 12
2.4不確定性表示方法 13
2.5知識衝突或重疊處理方法 14
2.6知識加值及再利用處理方法 15
第三章 規則式知識相似度計算 17
3.1規則式知識表示成RO-RA-RV格式 18
3.2 RO-RA-RV各分量之轉換對應 20
3.3條件機率知識相似度演算法 32
3.3.1知識相似度計算 32
3.3.2知識相似度矩陣 35
3.3.3條件機率知識相似度演算法 35
3.4 小結 41
第四章 規則式知識相似度計算系統及知識關聯 43
4.1規則式知識相似度計算系統 43
4.2知識關聯 45
4.3 小結 50
第五章 不確定規則知識衝突處理推論模式 51
5.1信賴指數理論 53
5.2確定指數理論 63
5.3確定信賴指數理論 65
5.4 不確定規則式知識衝突處理演算法及架構 67
5.5不確定知識選用突處理推論模式及架構 69
5.6實例模擬與知識選用 69
5.6.1實例模擬 69
5.6.2 知識選用 73
5.7小結 76
第六章 不確定規則知識加值處理推論模式 78
6.1知識加值處理的涵義 78
6.2不確定性規則式知識加值處理推論演算法 80
6.2.1信賴指數 80
6.2.2確定指數 82
6.2.3確定信賴指數 88
6.2.4不確定特殊關聯知識加值處理推論 88
6.3不確定知識加值處理演算法 95
6.4不確定規則知識加值處理推論模式及架構 96
6.5衝突處理與加值處理實例比較 97
6.6小結 99
第七章 結論與建議 100
7.1結論 100
7.1.1規則式知識相似度計算方法之結論 100
7.1.2規則式知識相似度計算系統及知識關聯之結論 100
7.1.3知識衝突處理推論之結論 101
7.1.4知識加值處理推論之結論 101
7.2建議 103
參考文獻 105
附錄一 Ⅰ-1
附錄二 Ⅱ-1
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