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研究生(外文):Tsai-yang Chien
論文名稱(外文):Seismic Behavior of Gusset Plate Connection in Steel Braced Frames
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Jin Chen
外文關鍵詞:SCBFSMRFstrong brace - weak gusset
  • 被引用被引用:3
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This research is aimed at studying the structural behavior of low yielding point (LYP) steel gusset plate connections in steel braced frames. The steel braced frames were designed using the “strong brace - weak gusset“ philosophy. The first series of study is to examine the strength and deformation for the different slenderness of bracing members and the low yielding point steel gusset plate connections. Then, by using the single story one bay frame with diagonal brace and X braces to investigate the seismic behavior between the structures were designed using the “strong brace – weak gusset” and conventional concentrically braced frames. The third part of this study is to proof the practicability in the multi-stories of steel braced frame which was designed using the “strong brace – weak gusset”. Base on the results of this research, guidelines for the design procedure of the low yielding point steel gusset plate connections in the steel braced frames which was designed using the “strong brace – weak gusset”. And to suggest 3 kinds of steel gusset plate connections for structural engineers.
第一章 緒論 -------------------------------------------- 1
1-1研究動機及目的 ----------------------------------- 1
1-2文獻回顧 ---------------------------------------- 5
1-3研究方法與內容 ----------------------------------- 8
第二章 斜撐構架中斜撐桿件性質之探討 --------------------- 10
2-1前言 --------------------------------------------- 10
2-2 ANSYS有限元素模型分析 -------------------------- 12
2-2-1反復拉壓分析 --------------------------------- 12
2-2-2單向拉、壓力分析 ----------------------------- 13
2.3 ANSYS之分析結果與討論 ------------------------- 14
第三章 斜撐接合板之探討 --------------------------------- 25
3-1前言 --------------------------------------------- 25
3-2接合板標稱強度計算之方法 ------------------------- 26
3-3低降伏鋼板之材料性質 ----------------------------- 28
3-4接合板傳遞軸力之影響線角度之探討 ----------------- 29
3-5分析結果與討論 ----------------------------------- 30
第四章 單層及多層構架之探討 ----------------------------- 43
4-1前言 --------------------------------------------- 43
4-2 單層構架分析 ------------------------------------ 43
4-3 多層構架分析 ------------------------------------ 45
4-4 分析結果及討論 ---------------------------------- 46
4-5 『強斜撐-弱接合板』之SCBF構架設計例 ---------- 50
第五章 結論與建議 -------------------------------------- 75
參考文獻 ----------------------------------------------- 79
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【18】 ANSYS Release 10,ANSYS Inc. USA。
【19】 SAP2000,Computers and Structures, Inc. University Avenue Berkeley, California USA。
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【27】 Whitmore, R.E.(1952),”Experimental Investigation of Stresses in Gusset Plates ”, Bulletin No.16, Engineering Experiment Station, University of Tennessee.
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