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研究生(外文):Huei-Ling Tsao
論文名稱(外文):Using a hybrid meta-evolutionary rule mining approach as a response model
指導教授(外文):Ta-Cheng Chen
外文關鍵詞:Data miningMeta-Evolutionary AlgorithmsClassification rulesExpect System
  • 被引用被引用:6
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Data mining usually means the methodologies and tools for the efficient new knowledge discovery from databases. Based on the data mining techniques, a response model can be built as a decision model for prediction or classification of a domain problem potential like expert systems. In this paper, a hybrid meta-evolutionary rule mining based approach to assess nu-merical data pattern in the classification problem is proposed for extracting the decision rules including the predictors, the corresponding inequality and parameter values simultaneously so as to building a decision-making model with maximum prediction accuracy. Conventional statistical methods and statistical related techniques include logistic regression and multi-normal regressions were used. As the real world problems are highly nonlinear in na-ture, they are hard to develop a comprehensive model taking into account all the independent variables using the these statistical approaches. Recently, nonlinear and complex machine learning approaches such as neural networks (NNs) and support vector machines (SVMs) have been demonstrated to be with more reliable than the conventional statistical approaches. Although the usefulness of using NNs/SVMs has been reported in literatures, the most obsta-cles is in the building and using the model in which the classification rules are hard to be re-alized. We compared our results against the other methods in literature, and we show ex-perimentally that the proposed rule extraction approach is promising for improving prediction accuracy and enhancing the modeling simplicity. In particular, the extracting rules by using the proposed approach can be developed as a computer model for prediction or classification problem like expert systems.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究範圍及目的 2
1.3 研究方法與步驟 2
1.4 研究內容及架構 3
二、 文獻探討及回顧 4
2.1 知識挖掘與資料探勘 4
2.1.1 知識挖掘之定義 4
2.1.2 知識挖掘與資料探勘循環之步驟 4
2.2 法則探勘與特徵選擇 6
2.3 類免疫演算法 8
2.3.1 免疫系統 8
2.3.3 類免疫演算法之步驟 10
2.4 粒子群最佳化 11
2.4.1 粒子群最佳化更新法則 12
2.4.2 粒子群最佳化之步驟 14
2.5 二元粒子群最佳化 15
2.5.1 二元粒子群最佳化更新法則 15
2.5.2 二元粒子群之最佳化步驟 16
三、 研究方法 17
3.1 分類法則定義及說明 17
3.2 分類法則探勘步驟 17
3.2.1 資料前處理程序 17
3.2.2 法則探勘程序 17
3.2.3 訓練資料修正程序 18
3.3 基因編碼的法則表示 20
3.4 評量機制 21
四、 實驗數據之分析與討論 24
4.1 Iris 花類資料集 24
4.1.1 參數設定 25
4.1.2 資料選取規則(一) 25
4.1.3 資料選取規則(二) 28
4.2 肝臟病變資料集 30
4.2.1 參數設定 31
4.2.2 資料選取規則 32
4.2.3 型I、型II錯誤分析 35
4.3 財務資訊資料集 37
4.3.1 參數設定 39
4.3.2 資料選取規則 40
4.3.3 型I、型II錯誤分析 44
五、 結論與未來研究 47
5.1 結論 47
5.2 未來研究 47
參考文獻 48
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