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研究生(外文):Chun-Heng Lin
論文名稱(外文):Selection resist of flooding stress gene in eggplant by suppression subtractive hybridzation
指導教授(外文):Hsiao-Feng Lo
外文關鍵詞:eggplantflooding stresssuppressing subtractive hybridizationreal time-PCR
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本研究利用抑制性扣減雜交法,篩選茄子根部在不同淹水時間具有差異性表現的基因,而了解茄子在淹水逆境下表現之功能性基因。以茄子EG117為試驗材料,無淹水處理做為控制組,淹水15 min、30 min、60 min、3 hr、6 hr、12 hr、24 hr、48 hr與72 hr做為實驗組,抽取各淹水時間其根部之RNA,做反轉錄,得到雙股cDNA,以substrative hybridization kit 之分析技術將淹水15 min~60 min及3 ~12 hr與無淹水之cDNA分別做扣減雜交,篩選出茄子根部淹水15~60 min、3~12 hr與未淹水具有差異性表現與茄子耐淹水有關之基因:新陳代謝相關的有9個;逆境相關的有8個;基因調控相關的有10個;發育相關的有1個;以及10個未知功能的基因。Real Time-PCR分析結果,則發現ABA 8'-hydroxylase mRNA、HSR201 protein mRNA、alcohol dehydrodenase mRNA、G/HBF-1 mRNA和MAP kinase-1 gene在茄子淹水3~12 hr有差異表現。
Genes in eggplant root after different flooding duration where selected by suppressing subtractive hybridization to analyze the functional genes and their displaying under flooding stress. The roots of EG117 were subjected to ten flooding durations, including 0, 15, 30 minutes and 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours. Flooding-tolerance relative genes screened out included 9 genes correlated with metabolism, 8 genes related to stress, 10 genes related to gene intuction, 1 genes related to development, ten genes of unknown functions. Real time-PCR analysis showed the mRNA of ABA 8'-hydroxylase, HSR201 protein, alcohol dehydrodenase, G/HBF-1 mRNA and MAP kinase-1 displayed differently after 3~12 hr flooding.
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