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研究生(外文):Teng Kun WANG
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Workforce Diversity on the Non-financial Performance of Multinational Enterprises
指導教授(外文):An-Tien Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:workforce diversityorganization performancetechnological degrees of industry
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勞動多樣性(workforce diversity)為企業國際化時所產生員工管理異質現象,企業有其獨特的組織文化,在面對勞動多樣性時,特別在不同技術程度的產業之下,就會對企業組織績效產生不同的結果,特別是對不同國籍的員工管理上。其次,員工屬性愈相似愈能增加彼此的瞭解,但是不相似性的發生卻會產生正、負兩面之影響,正面影響如增加創造力,負面影響會增加衝突,故可藉由文化認同與訓練去瞭解此互動關係在人力資源上有效管理。
Workforce diversity is the heterogenous phenomena for foreigen employees in in-ternational businesses. Multinational enterprises have their own types of organizational culture in which the workforce diversity will influence organizational performance un-der different technological degrees of industry. Moreover, the more similarity of the characteristics of employers, the more understanding of the diverse work force. On the other hand, the occurrences of dissimilarity will result in two effects. A positive effect will increase creativity, but a negative effect will raise infighting within the organization. Through the utilization of a culture assimilator and cross-cultural training to deal with workforce diversity, this study would explore the interdependent relationship among different national employers to get the efficient management of human resources.
This research proposal also introduces the concepts of ”the technological degrees of industry” , “the globalization of enterprises” and “the involvement degree of foreign market”, which were neglected in the previous research of workforce diversity. Primary data were analyzed to examine the reaction and perception of workforce diversity across countries. Empirical results indicate the prevalence of the technological degree of in-dustry and the degree of international competition that affect the performance of or-ganizations. The questionnaire, which includes the relative literatures and the survey data collected for statistical description and testing, will be designed. The data will be stored automatically to analyze the phenomena of workforce diversity and provide rea-sonable suggestions for managing diverse work teams effectively.
中文摘要 ..................... iii
英文摘要 ..................... iv
誌謝辭  ..................... v
內容目錄 ..................... vi
表目錄  ..................... ix
圖目錄  ..................... xi
第一章  緒論................... 1
  第一節  研究背景............... 1
  第二節  研究問題與目的............ 10
第二章  文獻回顧................. 19
  第一節  文化對勞動多樣性之影響........ 19
  第二節  勞動多樣性對組織績效之探討...... 25
  第三節  企業國際化對勞動多樣性之影響..... 28
  第四節  企業組織產生多樣性之原因....... 30
  第五節  企業面臨勞動多樣性的挑戰....... 33
  第六節  企業提升勞動多樣性的價值....... 36
  第七節  執行勞動多樣性的方法......... 41
第八節  企業對組織績效的評估......... 43
  第九節  多國籍企業對勞動多樣性之影響..... 46
第三章  研究方法................. 50
  第一節  研究架構............... 51
  第二節  研究變數操作型定義.......... 51
  第三節  研究假設............... 55
  第四節  統計分析方法............. 58
  第五節  研究程序............... 61
第四章  研究設計................. 63
  第一節  資料蒐集與分析方法.......... 63
  第二節  問卷設計之研究量表說明........ 65
第五章  實證分析................. 77
  第一節  受訪經理人與企業組織分析....... 77
  第二節  勞動多樣性與企業組織績效相關性分析.. 79
  第三節  勞動多樣性在不同情境下對企業組織績效之影響................. 84
  第四節  勞動多樣性與企業組織績效之發現.... 92
第六章  結論與建議................ 96
  第一節  研究討論............... 97
  第二節  研究限制與建議............ 103
參考文獻 ..................... 112
附錄 A  數理證明與統計資料............ 140
附錄 B  研究問卷................. 152
附錄 C  研究樣本名冊............... 160
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