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論文名稱(外文):Relations Ye Shitao literature thought and postwar Taiwan literature development
指導教授(外文):Chen Ai Li
外文關鍵詞:The Taiwan literaturethe Taiwan culturethe regional literatureTaiwan realizeChina realizethe Chinese culturethe nati
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第一章 緒論
第二章 葉石濤的生平及其思想淵源
第三章 葉石濤的文學思想淵源
第四章 葉石濤與戰後台灣文學發展
第五章 戰後台灣文學的回顧與展望
第六章 結論。
The present paper take stretches across Japan to govern the time and postwar generation's Taiwan nationality writer Ye Shitao as the object of study. Mainly discusses its literature thought and the postwar Taiwan literature development relations. Ye Shitao first published <Taiwan local history of literature introductory remarks> in 1977 in an article to propose “Taiwan realized”; In 1987 published first "Taiwan History of literature Outline". Has certain degree influence to the postwar Taiwan literature development.
The full text altogether divides into six chapters, the first chapter is the related research explanation. Second chapter to the fifth chapter is the main body construction. From Ye Shitao this “the human” the beginning, then is “the thought origin”, “the thought transition”, “the literary work”, “the time change in situation”, “the literature comments”, “the literature manifesto”, “the literature history viewpoint”, “politics is troubled” “the again self-criticism which, “the literature development”, “the literature new field of vision”, the Taiwan literature discusses” and so on. Sixth chapter is summarizes. Summarizes as follows:
First chapter Introduction
one, narration research motive, research technique and definition of a concept.
Second, limits research scope and literature discussion.
Second chapter Ye Shitao's biography and the thought origin
one, introduced Ye Shitao's family background biography, the personality special characteristic, mention he studies when to the Japanese, Japanese comprehend good, with is addicted to reads the various countries novel, the literary work, resembled the non-farm to read some philosophy book. Also read the related socialism work.
Second, enumerates to Ye Shitao has the writer, the thinker who the depth affects, west the elephant Sichuan full writer spirit, Lucar's wonderful literature theory and so on. And tells in brief gold teacher's teaching by example with to teach by word, and he leads archaeology experience to Ye Shitao mind inspiration.
Third, divides into Ye Shitao's writing course four issues: After with the skilled Japanese writing time, the language transform to are arrested are put in prison the time, resurface the writing martial law time, rescind martial law. May see Ye Shitao's destiny fluctuation and the idea course from these four issue of work connotation. And rough from in his literature thought vicissitude vein may the sensation he to the Taiwan literature aspiration.
The third chapter Ye Shitao's literature thought origin
one, Ye Shitao's originally romanticism literature thought because of the time change in situation with individual spell of good or bad fortune, the quilt “takes root very quickly the native place”, “the attention historical memory”, “the reflection society reality” practicalizes the creation thought to substitute. But Ye Shitao “the realism” the thought performance, can be inferred from his novel creation time four examples. This four examples respectively are: To the scene choice, the narration angle, places oneself in the society spot inspection record, the mold has the wisdom style typical character.
Second, the Ye Shitao two important papers <Taiwan's regional literature>, <Taiwan local history of literature introductory remarks>, use for to explain in the Taiwan nationality writer work the Taiwan local spirit, and “realizes by Taiwan” limits the Taiwan regional literature, unfolds Ye Shitao's literature thought fully.
Third, Ye Shitao by individual life written reconstruction history memory; Is engaged in the literary criticism to practice the Taiwan literature native place theory, again reconstructs both union the Taiwan literature independent.
Fourth chapter Ye Shitao and the postwar Taiwan literature develop
one, Ye Shitao govern the time after the date Tainan in two to graduate, goes north follows west the Japanese people writer Sichuan to be full, from this time on treads into the Taiwan literature the historical scene, and has known Taiwan's older generation writer in Taibei, thus has national consciousness awakening, starts to study the Taiwan new-vernacular literature. After Taiwan recovers, participates in the Taiwan new-vernacular literature by the blazing literature aspiration the reconstruction. Several passes through the strongly fragrant vicissitudes years to wash painstakingly , in line with to the literature karma insistence, invests the Taiwan literature development dutifully the rough path.
Second, Ye Shitao's Taiwan literature history viewpoint, emphasized “Taiwan realizes” two kind of significances ── “spatial consciousness” and “time consciousness”. Spatial consciousness is take Taiwan as a center, the special mark is the beautiful island space; Time consciousness expounds the Taiwan history continuous nature. But the Taiwan local history of literature main axle is “the localization” and “the native soil”.
Third, Ye Shitao develops the most tremendous influence to the postwar Taiwan literature is, the Taiwan literature will take into the political domain from the literature category. Because he emphasized “Taiwan realizes”, but brings in “China realizes” the entanglement; Because he belittles the modernism, but brings in “the modernism high quality” resilience. Argument, provides everybody the very big ponder space.
Fifth chapter The postwar Taiwan literature review and forecasts
one, each kind of Taiwan literature seed which scatters by Ye Shitao, we may feel shoulder the historical complex Taiwan literature tenacious vitality. Although Ye Shitao not slightly disputed to the Taiwan literature anticipation initiation. But he also starts “the ideology which reconsiders Taiwan to realize”, his literature thought in the revision and the fill, he no longer only is slowly concentrates in the country race and in social class's subject, but is the attempt expands its history viewpoint, toward “multi-race style Taiwan literature”, “multi-dimensional main body Taiwan literature” on the path walks.
Second, rescinds martial law later Taiwan literature research, mostly concentrates in the realism work, and comes the annotation native place literature by such work the spirit. However the native place elaborates is insufficient to summarize the Taiwan literature the complete picture, the realism also not necessarily is the Taiwan literature mainstream. Based on the artistic achievement consideration, 60 age Taiwan modernism are worth reviewing once again.
Third, has done farm work after Ye Shitao “the Taiwan literature” this land, now compared to before freedom many, the new generation's Taiwan writers should have to use the highest survival wisdom, smooths in the Taiwan literature has had historical scar, abatement “Taiwan”, “China” politics is troubled, by the Taiwan free democracy superiority, comes to a stop approves Taiwan's cornerstone, strives for is born again the China traditional culture the world impression, develops the Taiwan literature the new field of vision.
Sixth chapter conclusion.
Ye Shitao “the Taiwan literature theory” examines again, should consider the Taiwan culture main body reconstruction first the manner, the Taiwan culture whether mature, the health does become an independent cultural system, so, only then has the Taiwan literature classical series formation, can discuss the Taiwan literature the independency and independent. But the Taiwan free land was the Chinese culture dark night of lighthouse, the Taiwan literature including has accepted the Chinese culture, was advantageous in a Taiwan literature more superior electron particle materialization and a broader field of vision.
第一章 緒 論…………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機…………………………………………2
第二節 研究方法與概念界定……………………………3
第三節 研究範圍與文獻探討…………………………… 4
第二章 葉石濤的生平及其思想淵源……………………11
第一節 家世背景與求學過程……………………………11
一、家世背景…………………… ……………………11
二、求學過程……………………… …………………13
第二節 葉石濤的人格特質與思想淵源 ………………16
一、葉石濤的人格特質 ………………… …………16
二、葉石濤的思想淵源 ……………… ……………21
第三節 葉石濤的寫作歷程 ……………… ……………40
一、用熟練的日文寫作時期 …………………………41
二、從語言轉換至被捕入獄時期 ……………………42
三、復出戒嚴時期 ……………………………………45
四、解嚴時期 …………………………………………49
第三章 葉石濤的文學思想………………………………54
第一節 浪漫主義與寫實主義………………………… 54
第二節 葉石濤的「寫實主義」思想 ……………… 55
一、選擇與小說人物的命運息息相關的場景…… 55
四、塑造具有智慧風貌的典型人物……………… 66
第三節 文學宣言與憶往文集中所展現的文學思想…68
一、努力闡釋文學作品中的台灣鄉土精神……… 69
二、以「台灣意識」界定台灣鄉土文學………… 79
三、專注於台灣文學主體性的重建……………… 92
第四章 葉石濤與戰後台灣文學發展…………………105
第一節 葉石濤與台灣新文學 ………………………105
一、踏入台灣文學的歷史現場………………… 106
三、對台灣鄉土文學論爭的闡述……………… 110
第二節 葉石濤的台灣文學史觀 ……………………116
二、以「本土化」、「鄉土化」為主軸的台灣文學史… 120
第三節 葉石濤對戰後台灣文學發展之影響……… 131
一、台灣文學不能排除現代主義………………… 132
二、從政治層面看「台灣意識」與「中國意識」 134
第五章 戰後台灣文學的回顧與展望…………………139
第一節 葉石濤撒下的台灣文學種籽………………139
第二節 葉石濤與戰後台灣文學研究……………… 151
第三節 戰後台灣文學的新視野…………………… 154
第六章 結 論…………………………………… ……157
二、台灣文學主體再建構的嚴肅課題 …………158
五、擴大台灣文學的視野─ 認同台灣、含納中華163
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