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研究生(外文):Hsueh-Ju Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Female Hero''s Archetypal Journey: Jane Eyre''s Self-Development in Bront''s Novel
指導教授(外文):Meishi Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Carol Pearson and Katherine Popefemale heroismfemale herothe journey to self-developmentheroismarchetypal criticismarchetypeJane Eyre
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本文的目的在探討女英雄成長過程的模式也是屬於英雄主義中原型的一種。夏綠蒂‧白朗特的《簡愛》中,上述的想法不僅深深地影響主角簡愛,更使我們對於英雄主義這個文類有了更新一層的認識。先前有關英雄主義的評論,大多傾向討論男性英雄的歷險之旅,然而本論文對於女性透過她們的智慧以及信奉那超越傳統社會成規的真理-女性也能像男性般體驗英雄式的歷險之旅-提供新的解讀。第一章除了說明研究動機與基本架構,針對本論文本章也提供了相關理論方法的回顧,包括:原型分析、英雄主義 / 英雄神話、以及女英雄主義/ 女英雄神話。 第二章於傳統父權思想的女性觀,與有關女性英雄的創新女性主義觀點的討論中,呈現出性別的議題。第三章透過簡愛與文中男性角色的關係,主在探討女英雄在成長過程中歷經的試煉。第四章則探索英雄主義與女英雄主義中的重大差異。本論文的結論是女英雄主義可視為定義,並強化女性文化的文類之一。
My thesis discusses the female hero’s journey to self-development as an archetype of heroism. In Charlotte Bront’s Jane Eyre, the concept of the journey not only has great impact on the leading character, Jane, but it also offers a new understanding of heroism. Previous critiques of heroism tend to focus chiefly on men’s heroic adventures; however, my reading provides a new interpretation that women, like men, may attain heroism through wisdom or commitment to a truth beyond that recognized by social convention. Chapter One offers the motivation, structure, and theoretical review of this study, including archetypal criticism, heroism/ hero myths and female heroism/ female hero myths. Chapter Two presents the gender issue in a discussion of stereotyped patriarchal values directed toward traditional woman and innovative feminist thoughts concerning the female hero. Chapter Three looks into the female hero’s trials which are observable in her relationship with men. Chapter Four explores significant differences between heroism and female heroism. My thesis concludes with a statement that Female Heroism can be seen as a genre of myth that defines and gives credence to literary theory of the female’s culture.
Table of Contents

Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 A Girl on the Road 21

Chapter 3 The Temptation of Love 33

Chapter 4 The Call of Mother 51

Chapter 5 Conclusion 61

Bibliography 69

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