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研究生(外文):Ching-Hsiang Chao
論文名稱(外文):The Endogenous Relationship between IPO Underpricing and Lock-up
指導教授(外文):Chih-Jen Huang
外文關鍵詞:lock-up periodsimultaneous equations modelsentimentunderpricing
  • 被引用被引用:2
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A large proportion of insiders’ stocks are constrained to a lock-up stipulation when carrying out an initial public offering (IPO). Previous studies that ignored concurrent phenomenon only considered one-way causal relationship (i.e. lock-up explains underpricing).This research adopts 3SLS to estimate the parameter of the simultaneous equations model and adopts Inverse Mills Ratios to amend the selective self bias in order to discuss the “Mutual Influence” relationship between the magnitude of IPO underpricing and the length of lock-up and further to discuss the relationship between the length of lock-up and the investor sentiment by OLS regression model. The result of simultaneous equations model indicate a negative association between the magnitude of IPO underpricing and the length of lock-up. On average, the level of underpricing of the IPOs with lock-up period was obviously lower than that of the IPOs without lock-up period. Furthermore, the difference of results between regression and SEM sheds light on the importance of model selection. We also find that the length lock-up is not significantly related to investor sentiment.
1. Introduction 1
2. Prior Literature and Hypotheses Development 4
3. Empirical Methodology and Model 8
3.1 Simultaneous Equations Model 8
3.1.1 Dependent Variables 8
3.1.2 Independent Variables 9
3.1.3 Test the Endogeneity between UP and LU 14
3.2 Lock-up and Investor sentiment 16
3.2.1 Factor Selection 17
3.3 Data 19
4. Empirical Results 20
4.1 Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Coefficient 20
4.2 The Endogeneity between UP and LU 22
4.2.1 Bivariate Comparisons across UP and LU 24
4.3 The analysis of OLS Regression Model 25
5. Further Tests 25
5.1 Ordinary Least Squares Regression Results 25
5.2 Deleting extreme values 27
6. Conclusions 28
Reference 30

Figure 1 Histogram of underpricing 36
Figure 2 Average underpricing 36
Figure 3 Number of IPOs 36

Table 1 Descriptive Statistics 37
Table 2 Correlation Coefficients between Variables 38
Table 3 Results of Simultaneous Equations Model and Probit Model 39
Table 4 Univariate Comparisons across UP and LU 40
Table 5 Results of Regression Model 41
Table 6 Results of OLS Regression 42
Table 7 Results of Simultaneous Equations Model and Probit Model (deleting the extreme value) 43

Appendix 1 Founding Dates 44
Appendix 2 Underwriter Rank for IPOs from 1988-2004 45
Appendix 3 Internet and Technology Firms 47
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