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研究生(外文):Che-Wei Chang
論文名稱(外文):Two Essays on Financial Research─Credit Guarantee and Co-movement of Stock Market Price
指導教授(外文):Bor-Yi Huang
外文關鍵詞:Credit GuaranteeVector Autoregression ModelAsian Stock MarketHot MoneySmall and Medium Enterprise FinanceInternational Capital Movement
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本研究先利用向量自我迴歸模型(VAR model)來檢視歐美股市與亞洲股市間交易量之變化情形,考慮台灣外資投入股市之金額,以釐清國際游資的移動方向外,亦考慮國內自營商於股市之進出及台灣實質匯率對國際金融移動進而對股市之影響。再經由誤差修正模型
(Error Correct Model)了解台股、美股、外資與實質匯率間之長期關係。




(I)Dealing with the international capital circulation, the hot money (meaning short-run bank loans and portfolio investments) movements among countries of the world is a subject of interest to scholars. The Mexican financial crisis of 1982 and the Asian financial crisis of 1997 are the notable examples of the impact of hot money inflow. Although the capital mobility will impact the emerging markets, the emerging markets will reduce the impact of the hot money that volatilities and obtain the benefits, if they can follow the financial reforms of the developed countries.

International capital mobility has enlarging effects on the emerging markets. Good reform effects on specific financial markets will increase the investments; however, the bad policies will reduce the investments and increase the influence costs in other financial markets. Each government of the emerging markets should be devoted to making good managing polices to attract the international capitals to invest into its financial markets. Therefore, the discussion will begin by considering how the hot money of developed countries flows into the emerging stock markets from the middle of 1990. Then we will demonstrate the movement directions of hot money and analyze the impact that the hot money from the developed countries flows has on the Asian stock markets.

In this study, we employ the vector autoregression model (VAR model) to examine the relationships among the U.S. stock market, Asian stock markets, and the International Capital Flow in Taiwan. The institutional investment and the real exchange rate have been taken into consideration as well. Finally, using the Error Correction model, the relationships among Taiwan stock market, U.S. stock market, foreign capital flow, and real exchange rate will be investigated. According to VAR, U.S. stock returns do positively affect the stock market in Asia. Taiwan’s stock returns influence the domestic institutional investment only in a one-way direction. In addition to the influences of foreign capital flow on Taiwan stock returns, Taiwan stock returns affect real exchange rate, which in turn attracts foreign capital to flow in. There are feed back effects between the real exchange rate and foreign capital in Taiwan. Further inspection reveals that the impulse reaction function, U.S. stock returns, and the real exchange rate are verified, as well as the existence of long-run relationships among Taiwan stock returns.

(II)The purpose of this thesis is to conduct a study on the overall finance condition of small businesses in People’s Republic of China during this few years. In 1990s, the small-and-medium enterpruses (SMEs) played an important role in their economic reform and development. Due to the fact of the statement of SMEs, this study examines the difficulties in obtaining bank financing and points out the items of loans that government support.

This paper focuses on the systems of establishing the credit guarantee in the main developed countries, and the significance of their governments and how related laws and regulations have provided assistance to SMEs are discussed.

In order to investigate and analyze the loans systems for SMEs and the systems of establishing on credit guarantee in China, this paper discusses the experience by analyzing and comparing with other countries’. The matters of economic development that China is encountering right now are almost histories of other development countries’. Therefore, the study on these SMEs finance and credit guarantee systems may help China to get improved from those experience. Based on the account above, the article is planned to survey the recent transition and development of China SMEs finance system and the content of credit guarantee system ,even the relative issues for offering business men from Taiwan and reference on those points.
Chapter One Introduction………………………………………………………2
Chapter Two Development retrospect of foreign capital in Taiwan……5
Chapter Three Literature Review…………………………………………………14
Chapter Four Data, Model setting and empirical method………………15
4.1 Vector Autoregressive Model………………………………………15
4.2 Co-integration and Error Correction Model…………………18
Chapter Five Empirical Result & Analysis………………………………21
5.1 Main Findings………………………………………………21
5.2 Suggestion……………………………………………………25

Table 2.1: History of Taiwan’s Legalization of Foreign Capital to Invest into Domestic Securities………………………………8
Table 2.2: Highlights of Foreign Investment in Taiwan’s Stock Market.........12
Table.1 ADF Unit Root Test (I)…………………………………………29
Table.2 ADF Unit Root Test (II)………………………………………29
Table.3 Estimation results of VAR Model……………………………30
Table.4 Analysis of Variance Decomposition………………………31
Table.5 Analysis of Cointegration……………………………………31
Chart.1 Analysis of Impulse reaction function…………………32

第一章 緒論………………………………………………………1
第一節 研就動機與目的…………………………………………1
第二節 研究方法與架構…………………………………………4

第二章 文獻回顧…………………………………………………7
第一節 中小企業之定義…………………………………………7
第二節 中小企業信用保證制度之文獻回顧……………………9

第三章 主要國家與地區之中小企業信用保證制度介紹…‧…21
第一節 韓國信用保證制度………………………………………22
第二節 日本中小企業融資體系…………………………………31
第三節 歐盟中小企業融資體系…………………………………37
第四節 美國中小企業融資體系…………………………………46
第五節 台灣中小企業融資體系…………………………………50

第四章 中國中小企業融資信用保證發展現況………………………62
第一節 中小企業發展現況……………………………………………………62
第二節 中小企業融資現況……………………………………………………68
第三節 中小企業融資信用保證發展情況……………………………………86

第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………………97
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