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研究生(外文):Yuliang Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Parallel 3D OSEM Iterative Algorithm
指導教授(外文):Wei-Min Jeng
中文關鍵詞:3D OSEMOSEM平行
外文關鍵詞:3d osemosemiterationparallel
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層掃描簡稱為SPECT、正子斷層掃描簡稱為PET。PET 為目前醫學上診斷癌症、
神經精神疾病及心臟病上具有相當重要性的診斷工具。PET 早期的影像重建方式
多以濾波反投影法簡稱FBP,目前大多以簡稱OSEM 之序列子集迭代式影像重建
力不足而被提出來的。如果使用平行處理來加速OSEM 演算法,將可以大量減少
OSEM 運算之時間。平行處理必須使用多處理器系統,在實作時需克服許多問題,
與迭代運算間的特性以及一個迭代運算內的特性,提出Intra-iteration OSEM、
Inter-iteration OSEM、Intra & Inter-iteration OSEM 三種利用平行運算來
OpenMP 也是在共享記憶體多處理器系統上最常用的程式介面,為考慮資料
的特性,因此本研究選用OpenMP 來完成平行程式的實作。這些演算法可以與原
始OpenMP 加速矩陣運算的方式一起使用,若將OpenMP 的設計與此研究設計的
OSEM 加速方式混用,將可以大量的減少OSEM 運算的時間。
Medical imaging techniques include computerized tomography (CT),
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), single photo emission computerized
tomography (SPECT), and positron emission tomography (PET). PET is a
rather important tool in today’s medicine to diagnose cancer,
neuropsychological disease, and heart disease. In the early days, filtered
back-projection was mostly used to reconstruct PET images. Since then
OSEM has become the iterative algorithm most frequently used by SPECT
and PET imaging. A parallel process was developed to make up the deficiency
of merely using a single processor. Using parallel process is expected to
expedite OSEM algorithm will considerably reduce OSEM calculation time.
However, parallel process requires using multi-processing system, and, in
practice, it needs to overcome many problems, such as task distribution, task
segmentation, and data dependence. Thus, this study proposes the ways to
use parallel computation to speed up OSEM process. Based on the nature of
iterative algorithm and the characteristics of shared memory multiprocessor
system, the study proposes three methods. They are intra-iteration OSEM,
inter-iteration OSEM, and intra- & inter-iteration OSEM schemes all of which
are trying to use parallel calculation to accelerate OSEM.
In practice, OpenMP has been used a lot to provide handy multi-execution
parallel API to work with the hardware of shared memory structure. Base on
the characteristics of data, the study will use OpenMP to implement the
中文摘要........................................................... ii
英文摘要........................................................... iii
圖目錄............................................................. vi
1 研究動機與目的....................................................1
2 文獻探討..........................................................2
3 研究方法..........................................................6
3.1 Intra-iteration OSEM 改良方式...............................8
3.2 Inter-iteration OSEM 改良方式...............................9
3.3 Intra&Inter-iteration OSEM 改良方式........................10
3.4 實作設計...................................................12
4 實驗與結果.......................................................13
5 結論與建議.......................................................20
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