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研究生(外文):Der-Jiunn Liou
論文名稱(外文):Diversity and Transition in Lord Acton's Historical Thought: in case of the "History of Liberty" notes
指導教授(外文):Tzu-Shu Lin
外文關鍵詞:diversitytransitionthe “History of Liberty” cardsWhig history
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Since the twentieth century, western scholars of historiography had long taken interest in Lord Acton’s reflections on history and proposed two sets of presumptions. First of all, according to previous works, born into a cosmopolitan background, Acton’s education and the course of his later life combined to make him a fusion of German learning, French thought, and British and American experience. Moreover, former studies had also indicated that the political upheaval and changing social conditions in the later-nineteenth century had to a large extent altered Acton’s religious and political outlooks. Acton’s unfinished project The History of Liberty, seen not only as a synthesis of his versatile thoughts, but its remaining manuscript notes and cards, which had not been fully utilized, were written during the turning point of his intellectual development and thus making it the most invaluable source for the understanding of his unique mind. Therefore, through the analysis of some newly published notes, it is the purpose of this thesis to reexamine the abovementioned presumptions concluded by students of Acton, and accordingly shed new light on the much disputed argument—whether Acton qualifies as a Whig historian.

第一章 研究回顧與研究取向……………………………………………3
第一節 研究回顧…………………………………………………………3
第二節 前人研究趨勢與本文研究課題…………………………………18
第二章 艾克頓的養成背景和思想淵源…………………………………21
第一節 前期(1834-1858)………………………………………………21
第二節 後期(1858-1902)………………………………………………32
第三章 艾克頓的《自由史》在其思想中的意義……………………45
第一節 艾克頓的《自由史》寫作計畫…………………………………45
第四章 艾克頓《自由史》遺稿中的史學思想…………………………65
第二節 宗教思想的世俗化………………………………………………75
第三節 政治思想的現代化………………………………………………83
第四節 艾克頓展現的普世輝格史觀……………………………………89

本書目的編排採用美國心理學會APA格式(APA form),特此說明。



1.Fears, J. R. (Eds.). (1988). Selections from the Acton Legacy. In J. R. Fears (Eds.), Selected Writings of Lord Acton: Volume III: Essays in Religion, Politics, and Morality. (pp.489-662). Indianapolis: Liberty Fund & Liberty Classics.
2.Watson, G. (Ed.). (1994). The History of Liberty Notes. In G. Watson, Lord Acton’s History of Liberty: A Study of His Library. (pp. 56-103). London: Scholar Press.


1.Fears, J. R. (Eds.). (1985). Selected Writings of Lord Acton: Volume I: Essays in the History of Liberty. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund & Liberty Classics.
2.Fears, J. R. (Eds.). (1986). Selected Writings of Lord Acton: Volume II: Essays in the Study and Writing of History. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund & Liberty Classics.
3.Fears, J. R. (Eds.). (1988). Selected Writings of Lord Acton: Volume III: Essays in Religion, Politics, and Morality. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund & Liberty Classics.


1.Altholz, J. L., McElrath, D. & Holland, J. C. (Eds.). (1971). Acton-Simpson Correspondence I. Cambridge: Cambridge University press.
2.Altholz, J. L., McElrath, D. & Holland, J. C. (Eds.). (1973). Acton-Simpson Correspondence II. Cambridge: Cambridge University press.
3.Altholz, J. L., McElrath, D. & Holland, J. C. (Eds.). (1975). Acton-Simpson Correspondence III. Cambridge: Cambridge University press.
4.Figgis, J. N. & Laurence, R. V. (Eds.). (1917). Selections from the Correspondence of the first Lord Acton. London: Longmans, Green & Co.
5.Gasquet, F. A. (Eds.). (1906). Lord Acton and His Circle. London: Buras and Oates.
6.Paul, H. (Eds.). (1904). Letters of Lord Acton to Mary Gladstone. London: George Allen.


1. Althaus, F. (Eds.). Hamilton, G. W. (Trans.). (1911). The Roman Journals of Ferdinand Gregorovius 1852-1874. London: G. Bell & Son, Ltd.
2.Altholz, J. L. (1962). The Liberal Catholic Movement in England: The "Rambler" and its Contributors, 1848-1864. London: Burns & Oates.
3.Ben-Israel, H. (1968). English Historians on the French Revolution. London: Cambridge University Press.
4.Blakiston, N. (Eds.). (1962). The Roman Question. Extracts from the Dispatches of Odo Russell from Rome 1858-1870. London: Chapman and Hall.
5.Brinton, C. (1933). English Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century. London: E. Benn.
6.Butterfield, H. (1931). The Whig Interpretation of History. London: Bell.
7.Butterfield, H. (1955). Man on His Past: The Study of the History of Historical Scholarship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
8.Carr, E. H. (1962). What is History. London: Macmillan.
9.Chadwick, O. (1998). Acton and History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
10.Fasnacht, G. E. (1952). Acton’s Political Philosophy: An Analysis. London: Hollis and Carter.
11.Figgis, J. N. (1907). Studies of Political Thought from Gerson to Grotius: 1414-1625: Seven Studies. Cambridge: University Press.
12.Gooch, G. P. (1962). History and Historians in the Nineteenth Century. Boston: Beacon Press.
13.Hayek, F. A. (1960). The Constitution of Liberty. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
14.Hill, R. (2000). Lord Acton. New York: Yale University Press.
15.Himmelfarb, G. (1952). Lord Acton: A Study in Conscience and Politics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
16.Himmelfarb, G. (1968). Victorian Minds. New York: Knopf.
17.Kochan, L. (1954). Acton on History. London: Deutsch.
18.Laski, H. J. (1919). Authority in the Modern State. New Haven: Yale University Press.
19.Mathew, D. (1946). Acton, The Formative Years. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode.
20.Mathew, D. (1968). Lord Acton and His Times. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode.
21.MacDougall, H. (1962). The Acton-Newman Relations, The Dilemma of Christian Liberalism. New York: Fordham University Press.
22.Masterman, L. (Eds.). (1930). Mary Gladstone (Mrs. Drew): Her Diaries and Letters. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.
23.Nurser, J. (1987). The Reign of Conscience: individual, church, and state in Lord Acton’s History of Liberty. New York: Garland.
24.Oman, C. (1939). On the Writing of History. London: Methuen.
25.Pezzimenti, R. (2000). The Political Thought of Lord Acton: The English Catholics of the Nineteenth Century. Roma, Italy: Millennium Romae.
26.Sarkissian, A. O. (1961). Studies in Diplomatic History and Historiography in honour of G. P. Gooch. London: Longmans.
27.Stuchtey, B. & Wende, P. (Eds.) (2000). British and German Historiography, 1750-1950, Traditions, Perceptions, and Transfers. London: German Historical Institute.)
28.Toynbee, A. J. (1934). Study of History I. London: Oxford University Press.
29.Walsh, W. H. (1967). An Introduction to Philosophy of History. London: Hutchinson.
30.Ward, W. (1897). The Life and Times of Cardinal Wiseman. London: Longmans, Green & Co.
31.Watson, G. (1994). Lord Acton’s History of Liberty: A Study of His Library. London: Scholar Press.


1. Anadale, C. (2005). The Political Philosophy of Lord Acton. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Emory University.
2. Raico, R. (1970). The Place of Religion in the Liberal Philosophy of Constant, Tocqueville, and Lord Acton. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of Chicago.


1. Brinton, C. (1919). Lord Acton’s Philosophy of History. Harvard Theological Review, 12, 84-112.
2. Butterfield, H. (1961). Reflections on Religion and Modern Individualism. Journal of the History of Ideas, 22, 33-46.
3. Deane, S. (1972). Lord Acton and Edmund Burke. Journal of the History of Ideas, 33, 325-35.
4. Elton, G. R. (1984). Herbert Butterfield and the Study of History. The Historical Journal, 27, 732-733.
5. Engel-Janösi, F. (1941). Reflections of Lord Acton on Historical Principles. Catholic Historical Review, 27, 166-85.
6. Engel-Janösi, F. (1953). The Historical Thought of Ernst von Lasaulx. Theological Studies, 14, 377-401.
7. Finer, H. (1948). Acton as Historian and Political Scientist. Journal of Politics, 10, 603-635.
8. Fish A. (1947). Acton, Creighton and Lea: A Study in History and Ethics. Pacific Historical Review, 16, 59-69.
9. Himmelfarb, G. (1949). The American Revolution in the Political Theory of Lord Acton. Journal of Modern History, 21, 293-312.
10. Lea, H. C. (1904). Ethical Values in History. The American Historical Review, 9, 233-246.
11. MacDougall D. J. (1944-1945). Lord Acton and the Modern State. CCHA Report, 12, 117-128.
12. Murphy, T. (1984). Lord Acton and the Question of Moral Judgments in History: The Development of His Position. Catholic Historical Review, 70, 225-250.
13. Tonsor, S. J. (1964). The Historical Morphology of Ernst von Lasaulx. Journal of the History of Ideas, 25, 374-392.
14. Weaver, R. M. (1960-1). Lord Acton: The Historian as Thinker. Modern Age: A Conservative Review, 5, 13-22.
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1. Altholz, J. L. (1997). Lord Acton on the Historian. Occasional Paper, 7, Grand Rapids, Mich: Acton Institute.
2. Holland, J. C. (1997). The Legacy of an Education. Occasional Paper, 11, Grand Rapids, Mich: Acton Institute.
3. Kirk, R. (1994). Lord Acton on Revolution. Occasional Paper, 3, Grand Rapids, Mich: Acton Institute.
4. Tonsor, S. (1993). Quest for Liberty: America in Acton’s Thought. Occasional Paper, 1, Grand Rapids, Mich: Acton Institute.


5. Altholz J. L. (1999). [Review of the book Acton and History]. Church History, 68, 724-725.
6. Bentley, M. (1999). [Review of the book Acton and History]. The English Historical Review, 114, 1392-1393.
7. Brinton, C. (1953). [Review of the book Lord Acton: A Study in Conscience and Politics]. The American Historical Review, 58, 870-871.
8. Brinton, C. (1955). [Review of the book Acton on History]. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 299, 176-177.
9. Butterfield, H. (1955). [Review of the book Acton on History]. The English Historical Review, 71, 127-128.
10. Cairns, J. C. (1956). [Review of the book Acton on History]. The American Historical Review, 61, 354-356.
11. Carlson, L. H. (1989). [Review of the book The Reign of Conscience: individual, church, and state in Lord Acton’s History of Liberty]. Church History, 58, 402-403.
12. Forbes, D. (1953). [Review of the book Acton’s Political Philosophy: An Analysis]. The English Historical Review, 68, 108-113.
13. Forbes, D. (1953). [Review of the book Lord Acton: A Study in Conscience and Politics]. The Historical Review, 68, 292-293.
14. Geyl, P. (1956). [Review of the book Man on His Past: The Study of the History of Historical Scholarship]. Cambridge Historical Journal, 12, 89-92.
15. Gooch, B. D. (1956). [Review of the book Man on His Past: The Study of the History of Historical Scholarship]. The Western Political Quarterly, 9, 521-522.
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