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研究生(外文):Kuo-Chen Wang
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study of the Types of The Top 100 Global Brands
指導教授(外文):Nai-Fong Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Brand ValueTop 100 Global BrandsPearson Correlation CoefficientCompound Annual Growth Rate(CAGR)
  • 被引用被引用:11
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From the manufacturing of shoes, umbrella, toy, and textile in the early days in Taiwan to the IT electronics, electrical machinery, optoelectronics product, IC's, and LCD display in the present days are all related to living necessities. These enterprises value most in the manufacturing efficiency and economy of scale of these factories. It seems they had never emphasized in the operation of brandname. For a long time, Taiwan's industry has been mainly based on OEM, and it is losing competitive advantage under the current trend of world factory concept. The R&D and development of own brand has become the inevitable pathway. Therefore, this study starts from the types of Top 100 global brands in the investigation of what is the trend by country, by industry, and by merchandise, and whether Taiwanese brands could be in the rank of Top100 global brands with most value? Through understanding the ranking of the top 100 global brand values, we hope it could be beneficial to the development of Taiwan's brand values.
The evaluation of brand value in this research is made based on financial analysis (estimation of earning created by brand in future), market analysis (brand action index determining earning of brand), and brand intensity (brand intensity factor determining earning of brand). The methods of this research are divided into two aspects including descriptive statistics and advanced analysis. Descriptive statistics is to conduct statistical description and analysis on the top 100 global brands based on three categories including country, industry, and merchandise; whereas advanced analysis is to conduct advanced analysis using Pearson Correlation coefficient, annual brand value growth rate, and brand value compounded annual growth rate. In addition, the brand stability analysis and variance distribution of the top 100 global brands are also included.
The result of this research shows that the top 100 global brands are mainly concentrated in the U.S., Germany, Japan, France, U.K., Switzerland, Italy, Holland, and South Korea, etc. The number of brands in the U.S. is dwindling down and is showing negative correlation compared to GDP value, while South Korea is showing highly positive correlation. Categorizing in terms of industry, the IT technology, food and drink, and transportation machinery are ranking top three in global brands, while fashion industry has the strongest growing trend and media entertainment industry has the largest decreasing trend. Categorizing based on merchandise, the brand having the fastest growth belongs to Google, and the brand having the strongest growth goes to Samsung. And concluding from the ranking of brands, the smaller the variance, the better is the stability of the ranking of brand value; the larger the variance, the worse is the stability of ranking of brand value.
目次 I
表次 II
圖次 Ⅳ
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究問題及目的7
第三節 研究方法及架構8
第二章 文獻及專書探討10
第一節 品牌價值相關文獻10
第二節 品牌專書探討21
第三章 全球百大品牌敘述統計及分析23
第一節 以國家別區分品牌價值趨勢23
第二節 以產業別區分品牌價值趨勢30
第三節 以商品別區分品牌價值趨勢46
第四章 全球百大品牌進階分析49
第一節 品牌價值與國家GDP的相關性49
第二節 年度品牌價值成長(衰退)的趨勢55
第三節 品牌價值排名的穩定性分析66
第五章 結論及建議70
第一節 結論70
第二節 建議74
附錄一 全球前一百大品牌來源國分布圖79
附錄二 2006年十大台灣優良品牌獲選廠商80
附錄三 全球品牌價值排名的四大天王81
附錄四 2001年全球百大品牌價值排行82
附錄五 2002年全球百大品牌價值排行85
附錄六 2003年全球百大品牌價值排行88
附錄七 2004年全球百大品牌價值排行91
附錄八 2005年全球百大品牌價值排行94
附錄九 2006年全球百大品牌價值排行97
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