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研究生(外文):Shuo Lee
論文名稱(外文):Rock Taiwan: The Cultural Identities and Practices of Heavy Metal Music Fans in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:Heavy Metal MusicGlobalizationCultural HybridizationSubcultureCultural Identity
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本篇論文以全球化和文化混成(cultural hybridization)為出發點,探討重金屬音樂(heavy metal music)在發源地英美的發展,乃至於目前全球化的歷史變動和過程。

有鑑於重金屬音樂長期以來被邊緣化為另類或非主流音樂,因此我以Michel Foucault所提倡的系譜學作為研究重金屬歷史的主要方法;另一方面,為求重金屬音樂在台灣的發展和創建的文化認同,我以田野調查和深度訪談為探究主題的研究法。

This thesis is about how heavy metal music develops in its origin, England and America, and becomes a worldwide phenomenon in the perspective of cultural hybridization.

For heavy metal music has been seen as deviant and peripheral, Michel Foucault’s genealogy would be my main research method as I discuss the history of heavy metal music. On the other hand, in order to respond to my aim of this thesis, which is to figure out the historical developments and the cultural identities of heavy metal music in Taiwan, I would take field investigation and in-depth interview as my major method.

The research finds out that, at the cultural practices side, heavy metal music fans in Taiwan have their agencies in some degrees. Those fans would take their life experiences as reference to rebuild the subculture practices from England or America as a new hybridization. While at the cultural identities side, those fans show a variety of viewpoints which reflect the particular native political and historical context. I suggest that in those different views that we could depict the contradictory position of Taiwan in modern-day globalization process, and it is a serious issue for all the Taiwanese in this generation.
第一章 全球化與重金屬:研究動機與研究問題
第一節 重金屬音樂作為一種全球化現象 ------------------------------------ 5
第二節 全球化與文化混成(cultural hybridization) --------------------------- 9

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 國內對於重金屬音樂的相關研究 ----------------------------------- 15
第二節 全球化從何而來? ----------------------------------------------------- 17
第三節 全球化與在地:現代性的觀點、瓶頸與出路 -------------------- 21

第三章 研究方法
第一節 系譜學的主要關懷:讓受壓抑知識重返學術場域 -------------- 38
第二節 民族誌技巧與本研究限制 -------------------------------------------- 43
第三節 蒐集訪談對象 ----------------------------------------------------------- 45

第四章 挖掘一段若隱若現的歷史:什麼是重金屬音樂?
第一節 如果重金屬有源頭的話… --------------------------------------------- 49
第二節 重金屬音樂的發展歷史背景 ----------------------------------------- 51
第三節 重金屬音樂在英美的社會意象及全球化 -------------------------- 64
第四節 台灣的重金屬之旅 ----------------------------------------------------- 74

第五章 飄洋過海來台灣:從台灣重金屬文化與英美之比較看台灣樂迷的文化實踐
第一節 重金屬次文化成員 ---------------------------------------------------- 86
第二節 認同與次文化的建立 ------------------------------------------------ 110
第三節 台灣的重金屬?還是重金屬在台灣? --------------------------- 128

第六章 結論與展望---------------------------------------------------------144
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