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研究生(外文):Yi-ling Wu
論文名稱(外文):Animal Communication:Pets as Intermediaries in Interpersonal Interactions
指導教授(外文):Jung-huel Becky Yeh
外文關鍵詞:interpersonal interactioncommunication accommodation theorythe third-partyanimal communicationhuman-animal relationshipintermediaryconversion analysis
  • 被引用被引用:85
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This article is curious about the possibility of “whether the animal promote the interpersonal interaction or not.” After reading the literatures of domestic and overseas, we found that some researches thought animals have positive influence to advance the interpersonal interaction smoothly, but some considers animals just to promote human’s health well. Further, this kind of research less focus on human language, however, language is the primary way for interpersonal interaction. And this research will set about communication accommodation theory to discuss that when animal on hand also for communication subject, the psychological experience of both how to affect the communication language and the behavior in such communication context. And there are two research questions of this article:1.What’s function and the significance of the way human talk to the animal to the interpersonal interaction? 2. what’s interpersonal interaction pattern When to the animal takes the communication intermediary?

Veterinary is the primary research field. Veterinarian as the first line to connect the owner and pets, the interaction between vet and owner is the most important thing we want to know. In order to understand language used and communication behavior between vet and owner, we use the “conversion analysis” to analyze and generalize some pattern may be for everyone to follow.

From the massive materials, responds two research questions which this research institute proposed, first, we found that there are four functions for human talk to animal: information telling, comforts the mood, relaxes the atmosphere, and relieve the pressure. The pattern of interpersonal interaction with animal on hand have two classifications: the transmission object of message is a pet, the transmission object of message are others. In conclusion, we’ll combine research discoveries with CAT to describe the influence of animal to interpersonal interaction, and extends the discussion of how to apply the research discoveries.

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