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研究生(外文):xuan-meng Shi
論文名稱(外文):Applications of Sliding Mode Control Algorithm for Precision Servo-Motion-Control Systems
外文關鍵詞:sliding mode controlrobustnessmotion control
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For precision motion control systems, PID control algorithm cannot effectively compensate the control errors resulted from the non-linear phenomena such as friction, backlash, and hysteresis. On the other way, learning control algorithm may have better performance but it requires huge hardware and software resources. Furthermore, it still has excessive errors around transient situation as system parameters change. In addition, the nonlinear phenomenon of friction, backlash, and hysteresis will vary under different application environments. Hence, in this research, a robust sliding mode control algorithm is developed for a single-axis motion control system by using the DSP motion control board. As a result, the developed sliding mode control algorithm can effectively reduce the control errors due to the friction, backlash, and hysteresis.
For sliding mode control algorithms, the chattering phenomenon will result in the high-frequent resonance. In this research, a sliding layer is used to improve the chattering problems. However, the sliding layer will reduce the control accuracy and increase motion errors as well. In order to improve the control accuracy and avoid the chattering at the same time, it is necessary to obtain the optimum values of control parameters, which are the system bandwidth, the thickness of sliding layer, and the convergence parameter. Traditionally, it is not straightforward to obtain the optimum values of these control parameters. In this research, it has been shown that the control errors and chattering are very sensitive to the system bandwidth. Hence, an auto-tuning algorithm for the system bandwidth under the conditions of fixed sliding layer thickness and convergence parameter are established. Consequently, the closed-loop system has maximum bandwidth and minimum control errors without chattering. The results have been verified by experimental works.
摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目次 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 文獻回顧 3
1.4 研究方法 5
1.5 內容大綱 6
第二章 順滑模態之理論架構 7
2.1 順滑模態控制理論 7
2.2 等效控制 9
2.3 迫近條件與順滑條件 11
第三章 順滑模態控制於伺服運動控制系統之應用 17
3.1 單軸伺服運動控制系統模型 17
3.2 順滑模態控制器設計 19
3.3 電腦數值模擬 22
3.3.1 PID控制數值模擬結果 24
3.3.2 順滑模態控制模擬結果 28
3.4 順滑模態系統參數自動調整法則 32
3.4.1 順滑模態系統參數停止調整條件 35

第四章 實驗架構與結果 36
4.1 實驗架構 36
4.1.1 DSP 六軸運動控制卡PMC32-6000 37
4.1.2 伺服控制平台 39
4.2 PID運動控制實驗結果 40
4.3 順滑模態控制實驗結果 43
4.3.1 順滑模態參數選取 43
4.3.2 順滑模態控制參數調整 46
4.4 具參數自動調整法則之順滑模態控制系統實驗結果 54
第五章 結論與未來工作建議 62
5-1 結論 62
5-2 未來工作建議 63
參考文獻 64
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