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論文名稱(外文):Design of a One-side Driven Wheelchair with Transmission Hub
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At present, it is difficult for one-sided disable patients who suffered an accident or hemiplegia to find a suitable mobile instrument. The design purpose of this one-sided driven wheelchair with a transmission hub is an effort-saving and easily driven wheelchair. It can not only meet the needs of such patients but also enable them to have a comfortable and independent life. The modulized design in this study is based on the procedures of product development and engineering design. First, the design requirements were set according to literature and market analyses on wheelchairs with one-side drive. Then, the design was processed in two parts, the driving system and the steering system. Among these, the design of the transmission hub is the most important part. A transmission hub with 5-link planetary gear was chosen for this design. Based on the design requirements of a four shift-levels (i.e direct, low-speed, neutral and reverse gear shifts), structural synthesis, shift-level synthesis, kinematics synthesis were developed according to the design method of transmission hubs for wheelchair. Besides, performance tests were also conducted. Finally, the most practicable design was chosen to develop a shift-level control governor so that the wheelchair can freely move forward, backward and change its directions.
In this study, we have successfully designed a one-side driven wheelchair which can meet the specific needs of one-side disable patients. The steering of the wheelchair is operated by one hand and the driving treadle is propelled by one leg. The operation is direct; the movement is clear; the steering angle is large; and the driving is effort-saving. Even long time driving won’t cause secondary injuries. Moreover, the utility of a transmission hub has largely enhanced the mechanical efficiency of this wheelchair. The results of study can serve as basis for production so that one-side disable patients can be greatly benefited
摘 要 I
誌 謝 III
目 次 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究目的 7
1.4 論文架構 8
第二章 設計程序 10
2.1 設計程序 10
2.2 需求確認與設計規範 14
2.3 結論 17
第三章 概念設計 18
3.1 驅動系統 18
3.2 轉向系統 20
3.3 內變速器 21
3.3.1 基本需求 21
3.3.2 基本特性 25
3.3.3 設計程序 26
3.3.4 構造合成 28
3.4 結論 31
第四章 運動設計 32
4.1 內變速器的運動設計 32
4.1.1 行星齒輪圖畫501-1之合成 32
4.1.2行星齒輪圖畫501-2之合成 43
4.1.3 行星齒輪圖畫501-3之合成 51
4.1.4 設計整合與評估 59
4.2 內變速器調速機構的設計 59
4.2.1 調速系統的介紹 59
4.2.2 調速系統的設計 68
4.2.3 初步工程圖解說 74
4.3 結論 75
第五章 具體設計 76
5.1 驅動系統 77
5.2 轉向系統 79
5.3 具體設計 80
5.4 實作 83
5.5 結論 84
第五章 結論與建議 85
6.1 結論 85
6.2 建議 86
參考文獻 87
作者簡介 92
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