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研究生(外文):Chi-Feng Li
論文名稱(外文):Development of innovation large range optical encoder system using two laser focus probes
指導教授(外文):Chih-Liang Chu
外文關鍵詞:Optical encoderDVD pick-up headGrating
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本研究主要目的是在發展ㄧ創新光學尺系統,利用市售光碟機(DVD-ROM)內之DVD光學讀取頭(DVD pick-up head),結合光柵尺(Grating)發展一創新之奈米級長行程雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺(Optical encoder)系統。採用兩個光學讀取頭,且兩個光學讀取頭共用同一分光鏡(Beam splitter)與同一聚焦物鏡(Objective lens),於搭配光路的設計,可使兩個光學讀取頭之光束打入同一聚焦物鏡,藉由調整兩個DVD光學讀取頭的位置與角度,使聚焦物鏡聚焦的兩相近聚焦光點的距離相等於四分之ㄧ光柵尺間距,當光柵尺移動時,可直接量測光柵尺的表面輪廓變化,以獲得一組正交的弦波訊號,繼而利用訊號四分割與細分割處理,計算出光柵尺之移動方向與移動量。所研製的奈米級長行程雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺於1mm光柵的測試行程範圍,其定位誤差為19nm,解析度小於3nm (±3σ)。
研究中再以搭配物鏡的數值孔徑與尺條間距的關係,選擇ㄧ適當的市售平凸透鏡,使聚焦光點的直徑與尺條的間距相近,並使用相同於奈米級長行程雙雷射聚焦讀頭裝置的光路設計,如此將可藉由直接量測尺條的表面輪廓變化,以獲得一組正交弦波訊號,繼而利用訊號四分割與細分割處理,計算出尺條之移動方向與移動量,研製出一實用性長行程雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺。所研製的實用性長行程雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺於1cm光柵的測試行程範圍,其定位誤差為0.2μm,解析度小於0.08μm (±3σ)。
This study develops an innovative nanoscale optical encoder based on two commercially available DVD optical pick-up heads and a grating. Two DVD optical pick-up heads sharing single beam splitter and single objective lens are used so that the laser beam from the two DVD optical pick-up heads can be emitted on the objective lens, so that two laser beams can focus on the surface of the grating to form two laser spots. By adjusting the positions and angles of the two DVD optical pick-up heads, the relative distance of the two laser spots can be equivalent to one quarter of the grating pitch. When the grating moves, the surface profile of the grating can be measure directly, in order to obtain the two quadrature sinusoidal signals. Then by counting the zero crossing of these two quadrature sinusoidal signals and calculating the interpolation value of these two quadrature sinusoidal signals, the moving direction and moving displacement value of the grating can be obtained. The experiments have verified that the optical encoder developed by this study has measurement resolution less than 3 nm (±3σ), and measurement accuracy of 19 nm under the measurement range of 1 mm.
Based on the relationship between the numerical aperture (NA) of the objective lens and scale pitch, this study chooses a suitable Plano-convex lenses available on the market, so as to approximate the diameter of the focusing spots to scale pitch. Also, by using the optical path of an optical encoder similar to the nanoscale, the changes in the surface profile of the scale can be measured directly, so as to obtain the two quadrature sinusoidal signals. By counting the zero crossing of these two quadrature sinusoidal signals and calculating the interpolation value of these two quadrature sinusoidal signals, the moving direction and moving displacement value of the scale can be obtained. The experiments have verified that the optical encoder developed by this study has measurement resolution less than 0.08μm (±3σ), and measurement accuracy of0.2μm under the measurement range of 1cm.
摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
誌謝 vii
目次 viii
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 相關文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 光學尺 2
1.2.2 光學量測探頭 3
1.3 研究方法與內容概要 4
第二章 光學尺原理與光學量測探頭 6
2.1 光學尺基礎原理 6
2.2 雷射聚焦探頭系統簡介 7
2.2.1 讀取頭關鍵元件介紹 8
2.2.2 讀取頭應用原理與光學聚焦方式探討 12
2.2.3 S曲線的量測架設 15
2.2.4 S曲線實際量測與評估 16
第三章 奈米級長行程雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺 19
3.1 奈米級雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺之光路設計 19
3.2 奈米級雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺之光路分析 21
3.3 奈米級雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺之設計製作與組裝 22
3.4 電子細分割 25
第四章 實用性長行程雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺 28
4.1 實用性雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺之光路設計 28
4.2 平凸透鏡之光點大小分析 30
4.3 實用性雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺之光路分析 31
4.4 實用性雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺之設計製作與組裝 32
第五章 實驗架設與測試結果 35
5.1 光柵架設偏擺之誤差分析 35
5.2 奈米級雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺之實驗架設與量測結果 39
5.2.1 旋轉DVD讀取頭量測光柵尺表面的輪廓 40
5.2.2 奈米級雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺之靜態解析度量測 41
5.2.3 奈米級雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺之定位誤差量測 42
5.3 以CD光碟片取代光柵尺的量測結果 47
5.4 實用性雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺之實驗架設與量測結果 48
5.4.1 實用性雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺之光點大小量測 49
5.4.2 實用性雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺之靜態解析度量測 51
5.4.3 實用性雙雷射聚焦讀頭光學尺之定位誤差量測 52
第六章 結論與未來展望 56
6.1 結論 56
6.2 未來展望 57
參考文獻 58
附錄A 61
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