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研究生(外文):ming-hsueh lin
論文名稱(外文):A vehicle routing problem of Third Party Logistics in Science Park-Full-Truck-Load
外文關鍵詞:Science Parkfull-truck-loadVehicles routing problem
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第三方物流業(Third Party Logistics Service Provider, 3PL)為台灣科學園區(Science Park)廠商創造新的競爭優勢,科學園區不僅是台灣的科技重鎮,也是全球供應鏈( supply chain manag- ement, SCM)之中最重要的環節之一,面對外在環境的激烈競爭,將關務作業與貨物運輸作業外包給3PL已經是維持競爭力必須的選擇,又近幾年來,受到國際原油價格高漲,使得3PL的營運成本不斷提高, 如何有效降低營運成本以維持本身競爭優勢已成為迫切且重要的課題,實有必要針對此一課題進行討論。本研究針對科學園區第三方物流業整車運輸(Full-Truck- Load)之車輛路線問題(Vehicle Routing Problem)進行探討,根據廠商的需求做取貨(pickup)或送貨(delivery)服務,就高科技產品而言,其具有高價值、易破損等特性,故廠商會要求物流業者使用氣墊(air-bags)車載運易破裂或高精密之產品、或使用溫控(temperature- control)車載運需溫度控制之物品、或使用一般貨車載運一般貨物等,此外,上下游廠商間之專業分工及採用低存貨策略,即物流業所屬之車輛自某廠商處收貨並送至其他廠商處、或為配合運具之出發時間與廠商之生產排程,故多會限制貨物送達目的地之時間。本研究則依問題特性直接建構數學模式,並自行設計例題進行模式驗證與求解分析,我們的目的是要針對車輛路線作規劃,並提供後續研究與業者營運之參考。
This paper has developed a model and designed some test problems for verify the model of Third Party Logistics Service Provider (3PL) at Science Park. The computational results indicated that the model could effectively solve test problems. We aim at the research to decrease the routing cost of transportation management in 3PL. 3PL pickup and deliver the high valued equipments or products for full-truck-load between different science park and pork. Moving high valued high valued equipments or products need very careful so 3PL use the vehicles that possess air-bags and temperature-control to deliver their products. In addition, the 3PL may know or unknown the orders of companies in advance. Therefore, the characters of the full- truck-load of 3PL include multi type vehicles, time constraint, pickup and delivery vehicles routing problem. We hope it is helpful to the reality management operation, and we are so interesting in the further discussion in this topic.
第一章 緒論.......................................................1
1-1 研究動機...................................................1
1-2 研究目的............... .............................3
1-3 問題說明...................................................3
1-4 研究範圍與限制..............................................5
1-5 研究方法...................................................6
1-6 研究步驟與流程..............................................7

第二章 文獻回顧...................................................10
2-1 科學園區物流業與一般物流業之相關研究.. ..........................10
2-2 貨物配送問題之相關研.....................................11
2-3 車輛路線問題之相關研究.........................................14
2-3-1 一般車輛路線問題..........................................14
2-3-2 具時窗限制車輛路線問題.....................................15
2-3-3 多車種車輛路線問題.........................................16
2-3-4 車隊規模問題........................................17
2-5 小結....................................................18
第三章 數學模式...................................................19
3-1 模式之建構構想...........................................19
3-2 數學模式................................................22
3-3 模式驗證.....................................................24
3-3-1 簡例說明..................................................24
3-3-2 求解結果..................................................33
3-4 臨時任務之處理方式........................................35
3-5 小結....................................................38
第四章 求解分析... .......................................40
4-1 問題設計與求解結果.........................................40
4-2 結果分析..................................................48
第五章 結論與建議..................................................49
5-1 結論......................................................49
5-2 建議......................................................49
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