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研究生(外文):chang ling fêng
論文名稱(外文):The Willingness and its Related Factors for Reverse Mortgage in Taiwan Community
指導教授(外文):chêng wên hui
外文關鍵詞:Reverse Mortgage
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資產反抵押是可作為高齡者長期照護補充性財源的一項融資工具,這項工具適用的對象為有房子沒現金(house-rich but cash-poor)的高齡者。本研究主要目的在於了解社區中老年人對於資產反抵押之使用意願及相關因素。
本研究將相關因素分成五個部份:(一)人口學相關影響因素,(二)個人經濟相關影響因素,(三)供給面相關影響因素,(四)需求面相關影響因素,(五)其他影響因素。本研究以立意取樣方式選取於社區願意接受問卷訪問的中高齡者367 名,扣除無效樣本後,選取307 名超過45 歲,擁有自有房產的個案為有效樣本。
本研究發現於307 名的樣本當中有22%對於資產反抵押有使用的意願;相關影響因素方面,是否有兒子、對於資產反抵押的了解程度與其使用資產反抵押有正相關。本研究建議資產反抵押可作為高齡者於長期照護及健康照護的另一項補充性財源;且建議政府參與規劃、
The reverse mortgage has been proposed as a viable solution to be
used as a supplemental financial instrument for long-term care and health care financing for those who are “house-rich but cash-poor”. The objectives of the current study were to find out the percentages of the middle- to old-aged (aged above 45 years) homeowners in the Taiwan community who would consider applying for the reverse mortgage after they were 65 years old and to identify social demographic, self economic, supply side, demand side and other factors that were significantly related to the willingness to consider applying for the reverse mortgage.
Our sample included those in the Taiwan community middle- to
old-aged who owned self-occupied houses. After excluding unqualified
cases total sample size was 307 cases. About 22% of these home-owners
definitely or probably would consider to applying for such a plan if it were available in Taiwan. Moreover, using logistic regression analyses, we found that the number of sons and a deeper understanding of reverse mortgage were positively related to the willingness to consider applying for the reverse mortgage. Results suggest that the reverse mortgage may be useful as a supplemental financing instrument for long-term care and health care financing. Therefore, the government should be involved in planning reverse mortgages, educating the population, and providing consulting services to the elderly to protect the borrowing aspect of their financial safety.
Abstract -2
第一章、 緒 論-1
第一節、 研究背景-1
第二節、 研究動機與目的-5
第二章、 文獻探討-8
第一節、 長期照護財源-8
第二節、 老年經濟安全-11
第三節、 資產反抵押-17
第三章、 研究方法-41
第一節、 研究架構-41
第二節、 研究假設-43
第三節、 研究對象及方法-47
第四節、 研究工具-49
第五節、 研究程序-50
第六節、 資料分析-51
第四章、 研究結果與討論-58
第一節、 描述性資料-58
第二節、 社區中老年人對資產反抵押意願之相關因素分析-71
第五章、 建議與結論-88
第一節 結論-88
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