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論文名稱(外文):A Pilot Study on Scooter Riding Barriers with Pre-elderly and Elderly
外文關鍵詞:elderlypre-elderlyscooterriding barriers
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Mobility issues are frequently correlated with personal activities and life style, and it becomes a more critical topic for the elderly as coming of the aging society. However, Taiwan traffic environment and personal declined riding ability have threatened them while facing aging symptoms gradually.
Observing the Taiwan aging population structure, Baby Boomer(1946-1964) generation will emerging into elderly age level in the decade, which they are referred to the group of pre-elderly (preliminary elderly). However, the study indicates present scooter bring riding barrier for the elder groups (elderly and pre-elderly) through evaluations in aspect of universal design and aging symptoms.
The purpose pilot study is to obtain the interviewee’s opinions in first hand. Therefore, descriptive questionnaire survey is held by random sampling elderly and pre-elderly (50-64) in Taichung urban area. Distribution, cross and cluster analysis are applied into the questionnaire result to acquire the attributes cause elder groups riding barrier experiences
From previous literature review, survey results and discussion, the findings of the study are concluded as following four points: (1) Nervous, control vehicle balance, avoid night riding, and waste efforts on turning are main four scooter riding obstacles that the elder group meets in their scooter riding experiences; (2) Inattention, vision degrading, slower reaction time, and sense of balance disorder is the major attributes that happen with high frequency among obstacle experiences; (3) Age level cross analysis shows no widely differences on riding barriers. But the results indicates pre-elderly has riding obstacles gradually; (4) Safety and saving efforts riding behaviors are suggested for the elder groups who lack of safety conscious.
The aim of the study is not only to reveal the potential hazard of elderly scooter riding, but also to summarize the effecting attributes concretely. Finally the author promotes mobility suggestions to clarify mobility barriers that the elder groups might facing and contribute for further elderly transportation issues.
Abstract I
中文摘要 II
誌 謝 III
Contents IV
List of Tables VII
List of Figures IX
Chapter1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivation 1
1.2 Research subjects 2
1.3 Research objective 2
1.4 Research Contribution 3
1.5 Methodology 3
1.5.1 Research structure 3
1.5.2 Research procedure 4
1.6 Limitation of Dissertation 5
Chapter2. Literature Review 6
2.1 Review change of the elderly society 6
2.2 Background of Taiwan pre-elderly 8
2.3 Review of scooter development with the elder groups 10
2.3.1 Mobility effects on the elder groups 10
2.3.2 Definition of scooter 11
2.3.3 Scooter development in Taiwan with the elderly 12
2.4 Review of scooter fatalities tendency by year 14
2.4.1 Scooter accident analysis with the elderly 14
2.4.2 Feature of scooter accident involved with the elderly 17
2.5 Driving Abilities Limits on Elder Drivers 19
2.5.1 Visual and hearing abilities 19
2.5.2 Reaction 20
2.5.3 Cognition 22
2.6 Elderly scooter rider riding behaviors 24
2.7 Evaluating the scooter position with the elderly 26
2.7.1 Universal design 27
2.7.2 Evaluate by universal design 30
2.8 Chapter Summary 33
Chapter3. Methodology 35
3.1 Questionnaires method 35
3.2 Questionnaire process 35
3.3 Questionnaire structure 37
3.4 Implement of the questionnaire survey 37
3.4.1 Population and spot interview 37
3.4.2 Timeline execute questionnaire 38
Chapter4. Review of Questionnaire Results 39
4.1 Population characteristics 39
4.1.1 Basic information of subject 40
4.1.2 Motivation purchasing scooter and usage for scooter 41
4.1.3 Riding characteristics per day and per week 42
4.2 Experiences of riding scooter barrier 45
4.3 Self-assessment and attitudes with scooter 54
4.3.1 Traffic safety awareness self-assessment 54
4.3.2 Attitudes to replace scooter in the future 59
4.4 Cross analysis 60
4.4.1 Cross analysis base by gender 60
4.4.2 Cross analysis base by age level 64
4.5 Cluster Analysis 67
4.6 Chapter Summary 69
4.6.1 Results of questionnaire survey 69
4.6.2 Results comparison with literature 70
Chapter5. Conclusions 71
5.1 Discussion 71
5.2 Suggestion 73
5.2 Suggestions for future studies 77
References 79
Appendix 1 84
【 高齡化對騎乘機車行為的影響 】 85
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