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研究生(外文):zong yu yang
指導教授(外文):deng lung shie
中文關鍵詞:外包 垂直整合
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本研究延伸Oz and Rune (2004)探討廠商外包決策,以上游一家下游兩家廠商的Cournot競爭模型來探討廠商如何進行外包和垂直整合決策,且這兩種決策如何受到固定成本或產品差異化程度的影響。經過本文的經濟模型分析之後得到以下結論:

(一) 廠商在從事外包以達到降低成本的同時,仍存在與上游廠商進行垂直整合的動機。進行垂直整合後的廠商會由於成本優勢與產量的規模經濟使監視成本相對便宜而導致外包量的增加。

(二) 投入要素具有高固定成本的廠商,由於自行生產將不具規模經濟,為了有效降低成本會有強烈動機藉由增加外包量或與上游進行垂直整合的方式來完成生產活動。

(三) 隨著差異化程度的下降,市場競爭愈趨激烈,垂直整合後的廠商其定價將低於整合前,因此市場價格競爭愈激烈將愈不利於垂直整合後的廠商,導致廠商與上游進行垂直整合的動機愈小。

(四) 在差異化程度比較大之下,隨著差異化程度的上升,廠商可獲得更高的利潤且產量也將跟著增加,這都使得監視成本相對便宜,導致外包量的增加。反之當差異化程度比較小之下,隨著差異化程度縮小,廠商認知到無法以差異化方式吸引顧客只好採取低成本策略,因此將藉由增加外包來達到此目的。
The price competition of global market is serious. The low cost workers in china make the price competition more serious. In addition to servicing customers in high quality and product differentiation, the firms also use low price to attract customers. What firms must do are use outsourcing and vertical Integration to reduce their cost. In past studies about Outsourcing and Vertical Integration which all emphasize the financial affairs and the effect of firms, but we discuss how outsourcing and vertical Integration influence each other.

This research amplify Shy and Stenbacka (2004) the scope of discussion to discuss the strategic decision in Outsourcing when market structure is Monopoly in upstream and Duopoly in downstream, and we further research how Outsourcing and Vertical Integration are influenced on fixed cost and product differentiation.

Our findings are:

1. In addition to outsourcing to reduce cost, firms will have a motive to integrate with upstream. Because of cost advantage and economy of scale , the integrated firms will increase the outsourcing.

2. Because of the high fixed cost inputs, in-house of inputs are less efficient. Firms will reduce cost by increasing Outsourcing and integrating with upstream.

3. When the degree of product differentiation decrease, price competition is more serious. The integrated firms will price lower than before, so the serious price competition is unfavorable for them. The result will induce firms not to integrate with upstream.

4. When the degree of product differentiation increase, the profits and final outputs increase. The monitoring costs are cheaper than before, and firms will more and more outsource.
中文摘要 I

圖表目錄 IV

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究架構 5

第二章 相關文獻回顧
第一節 外包之相關文獻 6
第二節 垂直整合之相關文獻 11

第三章 模型架構
第一節 模型假設與定義 16
第二節 同質產品市場結構下有無垂直整合之Cournot競爭分析 21
第三節 異質產品市場結構下有無垂直整合之Cournot競爭分析 29

第四章 模型分析
第一節 同質產品市場結構下垂直整合和外包決策之比較 36
第二節 異質產品市場結構下垂直整合和外包決策之比較 40

第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 48
第二節 研究貢獻 49
第三節 未來研究方向 50

中文參考文獻 51
英文參考文獻 52
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