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研究生(外文):Chien Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Performance Evaluation of the Financial Industry implement the Customer Relationship Management
外文關鍵詞:Customer Relationship ManagementCustomer SatisfactionCorporate Management PerformanceFinancial industry
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本研究以已導入CRM之金融業為樣本母體,以網路及郵寄之方式針對「行銷」、「顧客關係管理」、「資訊」、「客服」相關部門主管及員工進行問卷調查。在回收的部份,總計回收了112份問卷,扣除答案一致者及未填寫完畢者,實有效問卷為92份,有效回收率為82.14%,利用SPSS 13進行分析。
本研究的主要發現為:(1) CRM導入之績效會受到導入CRM系統功能之影響,亦即金融業導入CRM系統之功能越完整時,其CRM績效越為顯著。(2)金融業導入CRM系統之企業經營績效越高時,對導入CRM之預期與滿意程度亦為高。而當導入CRM之預期與滿意度越高時,其對企業經營績效越為顯著。(3) 當「CRM績效」愈高時,則對「企業經營績效」及「企業導入CRM預期與滿意成果」的提升有顯著正向的影響。
Customer satisfaction is the key for corporate to remain competitive within this tough market. Effective possession of customer mind can keep enterprises ahead in the market, and good customer service is the key differentiator between an enterprise and its competitor. Therefore, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) becomes an important research topic among enterprises and academia. The academia has researched though numerous topics about how to make a CRM-implemented organization successful. However, enterprises put much more emphasis on the after-performance of implementing a CRM system which the academia has not paid enough attention to. Financial industry is by far the most CRM-implemented industry in the country. Therefore, this research of mine focuses on the performance of CRM-implemented financial industry.
This research takes all of the CRM-implemented financial organizations as the sample universe. We have distributed questionnaire for managers and employees from marketing, CRM, information, and customer service-related departments through email and mail. 112 copies of questionnaire have been collected, and 92 of them are considered effective after not taking into consideration those with the same answer to every question and those unfinished. The effective collecting rate is 82.14%, all analyzed by SPSS13.
The main findings of the research are: first, the performance after enterprises implementing CRM is affected by the completeness of the implemented CRM systems; i.e., the more completed of the CRM systems that the enterprises in financial industry are, the better the performance is. Secondly, the greater corporate management performance is after implementing CRM in financial industry, the higher expectation and satisfaction the enterprise has towards CRM implementation. Moreover, when the expectation and satisfaction rises, the corporate management performance is better affected by implementing CRM systems. Finally, while the "CRM Performance" is greater, it helps the rising of "Corporate Management Performance" and "Corporate Expectation and Satisfaction towards CRM Implementation".
目 錄

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究範圍 4
1.4 研究限制 6
1.5 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 顧客關係管理之定義 8
2.2 顧客關係管理建置步驟 10
2.3 顧客滿意 12
2.4 績效評估 13
2.5 顧客關係管理績效評估 14
2.6 CRM績效與企業經營績效之關係 18
2.7 CRM產業導入現況與趨勢 21
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 研究架構 24
3.2 變數操作 25
3.2.1 CRM系統功能 25
3.2.2 CRM績效 25
3.2.3 企業經營績效 26
3.2.4 成果與滿意程度 ..27
3.3 研究假設.. 28
3.4 研究樣本與問卷設計 28
3.4.1 研究對象 30
3.4.2 問卷架構與設計 30
3.4.3 樣本描述 31
3.5 資料分析方法 32
3.5.1 敘述性統計分析 32
3.5.2 信度分析 32
3.5.3 因素分析 33
3.5.4 相關性分析 33
3.5.5 迴歸分析 33
第四章 實證結果與分析 34
4.1 樣本基本資料分析 34
4.1.1 成立年資 34
4.1.2 導入CRM年資 35
4.1.3 資本額 35
4.1.4 員工人數 36
4.1.5 目前導入CRM系統之狀態 37
4.1.6 主要顧客類型 38
4.1.7 獨立之顧客關係服務部門 38
4.1.8 填答者職位 39
4.2 信度分析 40
4.3 因素分析 40
4.3.1 CRM績效之因素分析 41
4.3.2 企業經營績效因素分析 44
4.3.3 成果與滿意程度因素分析 46
4.4 相關性分析 49
4.4.1 CRM系統功能與CRM績效之相關性 49
4.4.2 企業經營績效與導入CRM之預期與滿意成果之相關性.50
4.5 迴歸分析 51
4.5.1 CRM績效與企業經營績效之迴歸分析 51
4.5.2 CRM績效與企業導入CRM預期與滿意成果迴歸分析 53
第五章 結論與建議 56
5.1 研究結論 56
5.2 未來研究與建議 58
參考文獻 59
附錄一 問卷 63

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