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研究生(外文):Hao-Wen Shih
論文名稱(外文):The Study on Centralized Control Distributed Data System for Global Manufacture Industry
指導教授(外文):Yaojung ShiaoYuan-Ping Luh
口試委員(外文):Chih Hsing Chu
外文關鍵詞:collaborativecentralized control distributed dataPLM
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目前台灣製造產業的電子化已漸漸由產品資料管理(PDM)朝向協同作業模式的產品生命週期(PLM)系統發展。全球化企業在建置協同作業之PLM系統時為減少系統負載及增加系統執行效率,必須以分散式的系統架構來建置協同作業之PLM系統以將分散的資料做有效的管理,但是如何規劃設計一個符合企業需求的分散式架構現今卻很少人探討這個議題,也沒有一個完善的方法來進行系統性的分析。以往都是在系統建置完成後由系統管理員憑著經驗或用試誤法(try and error)來調整管理企業分散的資料,這樣的方式要耗費很長的時間來調整系統才能達到企業預期的效果。
The electrification of Taiwan manufacture industries are gradually developing from the product data management (PDM) system to the collaborative product life cycle management (PLM) system. When the global enterprise constructed the collaborative PLM system, it used the distributed system architecture to construct the system for decrease system loading and increase system execution efficiency. Nowadays, there are seldom people to research an ability to design the distributed system architecture that accord with enterprise requirement. Therefore, there are no complete methods to analyze systematically. In the past when the system was constructed, the system administrators used their experience or try and error method to adjust enterprise distributed data. This mode costed more time to adjust the system to reach the enterprise prospective target.
Therefore, this research presents the innovative design method of distributing architecture to analyze the collaborative PLM system based on distributed architecture In addition, this research regards Teamcenter as the system developing platform; the technique is used to analyze the constructed system. Finally, we implement the theory which is presented by this research with a case study.
In conclusion, this research reaches the following purpose: While the interrelated industries build and construct in a collaborative PLM system, the research will propose the innovative design method of distributed architecture in order to be a reference basis. This systematic analytical method will be shorten the time to adjust after the construction system. Lastly, the method will verify the feasibility of the theory research presented through a case study.
摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究動機與目的 2
1.3. 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧與探討 5
2.1. 協同設計模式 5
2.2. 分散式系統 8
2.2.1. 資料庫的分散和資料的同步 8 資料庫的分散 8 資料的同步 10
2.2.2. 系統應用程式的分散 11
2.3. 小結 12
第三章 創新式分散架構之設計方法 13
3.1. 組織構面 14
3.1.1. 地區分散的狀況 14
3.1.2. 組織的職掌 15
3.2. 系統應用程式構面 15
3.3. 資料構面 17
3.3.1. Structure data 17
3.3.2. Non-structure data 19
3.4. 資料同步 20
3.5. 小結 21
第四章 個案分析與研究 23
4.1. 個案背景介紹與問題探討 23
4.2. PLM系統_Teamcanter Enterprise 25
4.3. 系統分析結果 31
4.3.1. 組織構面 31 地區分散狀況 31 組織職掌 34
4.3.2. 系統應用程式構面 38
4.3.3. 資料構面 41 Structure data 41 Non-structure data 48
4.3.4. 資料同步 51
4.4. 討論 55
4.5. 小結 56
第五章 結論與未來展望 57
5.1. 結論 57
5.2. 未來展望 58
參考文獻 59
著作發表 62
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