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研究生(外文):Jeng-Yi Lee
論文名稱(外文):Based on LabVIEW to Integration of Design and Implementation of System and Equiment
外文關鍵詞:Green ConstructGraphic SoftwareModbusDVR
  • 被引用被引用:9
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The traditional building supervisory system must arrange the innate line and the monitoring equipment also the construction cost is expensive. Because in recent years information science and technology vigorous development, Internet comprehensive popularization, therefore then has the wisdom building concept to propose, draws up because of the network and the information technology, achieves the building management, the maintenance, the monitoring and the use wisdom of and the automation.
Because the global energy is short, therefore will construct the building initial period to save the energy subject to list as inevitably the most important consideration; Emerged in 1970 age environmental protection consciousness, to 1990 ages, emphasized reduced the environment impact, with the nature well distributed, the energy conservation, the sustainable development and the housing quality green construction becomes the international tidal current gradually. The present thesis mainly uses the American Commercial National Instrument to develop software LabVIEW, and take the two-way system illumination control system as the main body, equipment of communication interface the development present thesis connection; And designs the part to make engineer to be easier to plan and the organic system environment; Also lets the user be clearer understood how uses LabVIEW to construct the user friendly the operation interface.
Extending the interconnection equipment main body of after the present thesis to be possible by way of the mold train part matching simple logic concept, controls the system in the short time construction lamp and coordinates other communication equipment (for example: Modbus and so on) makes the integrity plan, and using in the wisdom building and the household automation, for enhances its system stability and the operational permeable information bank technology like has also jumped regarding the chance occurrence the electricity, the bright electricity, the power cut and so on makes the immediate condition material record, and by way of the actual conformity simulation test, the time can achieve the system to have the good expansibility and the active control and saves goal of the energy, conforms to our country to construct in seven targets green the daily energy conservation target.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機與背景 1
1.2 研究目的 5
1.3 研究方法 7
1.4 論文架構 9
第二章 系統設備及開發工具介紹
2.1 完全二線式照明控制系統簡介 …10
2.2 可程式控制器 19
2.2.1 概述 19
2.2.2 設備介紹 21
2.2.3 使用通訊介面介紹 24
2.3 空調設備 25
2.4 數位錄影設備介紹 28
2.5 程式介紹 32
2.5.1 LabVIEW ..32
2.5.2 資料庫 33
第三章 系統架構與流程
3.1 二線式系統架構 37
3.1.1 NCU 37
3.1.2 LCU 39
3.1.3 二線式燈具設備 41
3.1.4 通訊連接線 41
3.1.5 二線式燈具功能介紹 42
3.1.6 通訊協定 43
3.1.7 系統命令格式 45
3.1.8 訊號量測架構 45
3.1.9 資料解讀 46
3.2 程式設計 47
3.2.1 通訊元件設計 47
3.3 Modbus通訊介紹 51
3.4空調設備架構 56
3.5 LabVIEW與資料庫連結流程 59
3.5.1 MySQL系統設定 60
3.5.2 LabVIEW連接MySQL 68
第四章 系統測試與分析
4.1 二線式照明測試改良 73
4.1.1 系統連接與初步測試 73
4.1.2 程式模組改良 75
4.1.3 資料庫與二線式測試 79
4.1.4 列印報表測試 81
4.1.5 實際案例測試 82
4.2 Modbus控制器測試 85
4.3 空調監控測試 90
4.3.1 系統介紹 90
4.3.2 設備實際測試 92
4.4 DVR監控測試 100
4.5 系統整合 105
第五章 結論及未來研究方向
5.1 結論 105
5.2 論文主要貢獻 106
5.3 未來研究方向 107
參考文獻 108

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