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研究生(外文):Chih-Chi Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Effect on RDF Properties by Mixing Edible Oil Wastes
外文關鍵詞:RDFMunicipal Solid WasteEdible Oil Wasteshigher heating value
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本研究藉由大型垃圾焚化處理廠進行實廠採樣工作,發現綜合垃圾物理組成(乾基)部分中,以塑膠類(21.53 %)最高、廚餘類(16.21 %)次之,化學元素組成百分比以塑膠類(1.49 %)的氯含量最高、紙類(0.33 %)次之,經物化組成資料庫與熱值資料庫比較選擇後,以紙類、纖維布類、木竹、稻草、落葉類作為RDF組成原料,以添加廢食用油之不同
Recently due to greenhouse effect, it is of concern to find new energy resources that can substitute for coal and petroleum over world. The popular approach is to develope both Refuse Derived Fuel(RDF)and biodiesel. In Taiwan, the biodiesel technique also grows well, besides the studies of RDF. It will give a great contribution to energy conservation and wastes recycle, if RDF and Edible Oil Wastes(EOWs)together.
The tested material was sampled from a combining MSW incinerator which is located in Taipei county. By analyzing the physical composition of MSW, the experimental results show that plastic(21.53%) is the highest portion and waste food(16.21%) is the second one. In chemical element analysis, plastic(1.49%) has the highest component of chlorine and paper(0.33%) is the second one. After comparing among the physicalcomposition of MSW、chemical compostion and heating value, it is found that paper、cloth and wood are chosen to fabricate a RDF-W. This study hopes to reach the goal〝Waste to Energy〞by mixing different percentage EOWs(28.6 wt%、33.3 wt%、37.5 wt%、50 wt%、60 wt% and 66.7 wt%). At the results, the higher heating value is 6,541 kcal/kg by mixing 50 wt% EOWs and it is easier than 66.7 wt% one to compact cylindrical.
In thermograimetric analysis, the TGA result of RDF-W shows that RDF-W can release more energy just because of the time of burning is extended and mass loss is increased by EOWs. That can supply energy for RDF-W to rise the heating value. Besides , combustion of RDF-W would reduce dioxin emission than that of MSWM
At last the materials which used in this study are free and recycled, so the treatment fee of RDF-W cost 5,152 NT/ton.
目 錄

摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 5
1.3 研究目的 7
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 RDF發展概況 8
2.1.1 RDF製程與特性 8
2.1.2 RDF燃燒系統 10
2.1.3 RDF原料與添加物之影響 11
2.2 廢食用油概述 16
2.2.1 廢食用油定義與來源 16
2.2.2 國內外廢食用油回收與資源化概況 18
2.2.3 廢食用油資源化技術之概況 21
2.2.4 廢食用油再利用於生質柴油發展之概況 24
2.3 都市垃圾 26
2.4 焚化系統中的氯 30
2.4.1廢棄物中氯的來源 31
2.4.2氯之化學特性 31
2.4.3 廢棄物中常見的有機氯—聚氯乙烯 32
2.5 焚化所產生的戴奧辛 35
2.5.1 戴奧辛的來源 35
2.5.2 戴奧辛生成機制 37
2.7國內外相關文獻 39
2.7.1國外相關文獻 40
2.7.2國內相關文獻 44
第三章 理論背景 47
3.1 焚化基本原理 47
3.1.1 燃燒的基本條件 48
3.1.2 焚化燃燒基本化學反應 49
3.1.3 燃燒基本反應動力學 53
3.2 熱化學 55
3.2.1 熱力學基本原理 56
3.2.2 燃燒熱 57
3.2.3 燃燒反應熱 59
3.3氯於焚化過程中之反應 61
3.4 都市垃圾有機氯的來源及含量 62
第四章 研究內容與方法 63
4.1 研究內容與架構 63
4.1.1 採樣對象 63
4.1.2研究資料庫 64
4.2 研究方法 66
4.2.1 實驗流程 66
4.2.2 垃圾採樣方法 67
4.2.3 分析方法 72
4.2.4 採樣設備 82
4.2.5 實驗設備 84
4.3 分析儀器 84
第五章 結果與討論 87
5.1垃圾採樣分析結果 87
5.1.1 綜合垃圾物理組成分析 87
5.1.2 綜合垃圾化學分析 91
5.2 RDF原料選取結果 97
5.2.1 RDF原料組成分析 98
5.2.2 RDF-W與廢食用油基本分析 100
5.3 熱值分析結果 103
5.4熱重損失分析 105
5.5含氯量與戴奧辛之關聯性 109
5.6效益評估 111
第六章 結論與建議 117
6.1 結論 117
6.2 建議 118
參考文獻 119
附錄A:熱重分析儀(TGA)操作方法 126
附錄B:元素分析儀操作方法 138
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