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研究生(外文):Wen-Ke Tseng
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Consumer Preference Types on the Degree of Acceptance in Virtual Experience-based Product Recommendation System
外文關鍵詞:Consumer PreferenceVirtual ExperiencePersonalizationRecommendation System
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  Customers do not want more choices and like to find exactly what they want. Using the recommendation system provides the good solution for users to acquire rich information on Internet. The firms can recommend consumers products via virtual experiences to enhance persuasion effects. However, very little research has explored the impact of this new type of experience especially in combination with personalized recommendation systems. Furthermore, the characteristics of customers’ preferences are the main drivers of the response to marketers’ offers, including individually customized offers. Therefore, we will classify the customers’ preferences into four groups in according to “the degree of stability” and “the degree of clarity”. The research bases on those conceptions. We compare the differences of the degree of acceptance of four virtual experience-based recommendation systems among four consumer preference types. Our research finds that the recommend system of individual production indeed increases consumers’ preference for purchasing production. Moreover, the consumers who are classified into the low stability and high clarity take the advice which was recommended in the sense of entertaining experiences. The consumers belong to high stability and low clarity, and take the advice recommended in sense of beauty experiences. The result shows that consumers with different preferences can get the suitable from of virtual experience.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題與目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 消費者經驗 4
2.1.1 人際虛擬經驗 6
2.1.2 機械虛擬體驗 8
2.2 個人化推薦系統 11
2.2.1 個人化之定義 11
2.2.2 個人化之技術 12
2.2.3 推薦系統之效果 14
2.2.4 推薦系統之衡量 16
2.3 消費者偏好 18
2.3.1 消費者偏好之定義 18
2.3.2 消費者之偏好類型 19
2.3.3 偏好一致性之影響與衡量 24
2.3.4 偏好明確性之影響與衡量 27
第三章 研究方法 30
3.1 研究架構 30
3.2 研究假說 31
3.2.1 推薦系統之效果 31
3.2.2 產品類型之影響 31
3.2.3 偏好類型之影響 32
3.3 變數的定義與衡量 35
3.3.1 偏好類型 35
3.3.2 系統接受度 37
3.3.3 實驗分組 38
3.3.4 實驗產品 39
3.3.5 信度與效度 41
3.4 實驗設計 42
3.4.1 系統建置 42
3.4.2 網站設計 43
3.4.3 實驗流程 45
第四章 資料分析 46
4.1 前測與操弄檢驗 46
4.2 樣本特性描述 49
4.3 信度、效度分析 50
4.4 隨機性檢驗 51
4.5 假說驗證 53
第五章 結論與建議 68
5.1 研究結論 68
5.1.1 推薦系統之效果 69
5.1.2 產品類型之影響 69
5.1.3 偏好類型之影響 70
5.2 理論與實務意涵 72
5.3 研究限制與未來研究建議 73
參考文獻 74
中文文獻 74
英文文獻 75
附錄一:前測問卷 81
附錄二:實驗問卷 84
附錄三:網站畫面 85
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