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研究生(外文):Hung-Chi Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Estimation of Project Crash Time under High and Low Probability Benchmark
外文關鍵詞:PERTProject ManagementActivity TimeTime Cost Tradeoffs
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The study of PERT has concentrated in the areas of activity time distributions and the probability that a project can be completed within a specified duration. In this research, we first examine several activity time distributions and their probability density functions. We then consider the situation when a project is to be completed within desired time duration with both low and high expectations. In this research we use 25% chance of project completion before the desired time as low expectation. On the other hand, we use 75% chance of project completion before the desired time as high expectation.
By Using the Central Limit Theorem and by tracing the occurrence of critical paths, we develop an approach that will allow us to determine the minimum amount of crash time that will meet project completion time with either low expectation or high expectation.
It is noted that the occurrence of new critical paths that have different variance often requires repeated evaluation leading to more crashing time. Specifically, while using the low expectation, new critical path with lower variance will lead to more crash time. On the other hand, when high expectation is adopted, new critical path with higher variance will lead to more crash time.
Two numerical examples are used to illustrate this developed approach and the effects of low expectation and high expectation.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景.....................................................1
1.2 研究動機.....................................................2
1.3 研究目的.....................................................3
1.4 研究流程.....................................................3

第二章 文獻探討
2.1 專案管理.....................................................5
2.1.1 專案的定義.............................................5
2.1.2 專案的特性.............................................7
2.2 專案常用的技術...............................................8
2.2.1 甘特圖法 (Ganett Chart) ...............................9
2.2.2 要徑法 (CPM) ..........................................10
2.2.3 計劃評核術 (PERT) .....................................11
2.2.4 要徑法(CPM)與計劃評核術(PERT)的比較....................16
第三章 研究方法
3.1 專案作業時間的機率分配......................................17
3.1.1 均勻分配...............................................17
3.1.2 Beta分配...............................................18
3.1.3 三角形分配.............................................19
3.1.4 常態分配...............................................20
3.2 中央極限定理................................................22
3.3 趕工時間需求計算............................................23
3.3.1 低標準(25%)對要徑選擇的影響............................24
3.3.2 高標準(75%)對要徑選擇的影響............................25
3.3.3 要徑選擇規則...........................................26
3.4 趕工策略的擬定..............................................30
第四章 研究範例
4.1 流程說明.....................................................32
4.2 範例說明.....................................................34
4.2.1 低標準機率門檻(25%)趕工策略擬定........................35
4.2.2 高標準機率門檻(75%)趕工策略擬定........................39
4.3 結論整理....................................................42

第五章 結論與建議
5.1 研究結論.....................................................44
5.2 後續研究建議.................................................45
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