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研究生(外文):Ting-Yi Wang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Constructing a Virtual Experience Based Personalized Product Recommendation System
外文關鍵詞:Virtual ExperienceRecommendation SystemCollaborative filtering
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虛擬經驗就是消費者透過電子媒體模擬的方式在網際網路上感受到的直接產品經驗。網際網路提供了一個平臺,讓消費者在搜尋、比較及存取產品資訊時更加便利,且能獲得比實體商店更深一層的產品資訊,因此網站將可以用經驗形式推產品給消費者。但目前相關推薦系統的研究,大多著重個人化技巧或資料探勘;或是只有將產品或品牌名稱的推薦,未考慮以經驗形式的推薦系統,而虛擬經驗,可以根據參與程度及沉浸程度兩個構面,將分為教育經驗、娛樂經驗、美感經驗及逃避現實經驗四種類型(Pine and Gilmore, 1999)。事實上,以經驗形式將推薦系統呈現給消費者會更具有說服力(Hoch and Deighton, 1989),因此以虛擬經驗為基礎的推薦就有其重要性。故本研究認為推薦系統的研究,應該要跳脫過去資訊過濾與鑽研演算法求取最精確的顧客命中為目的,以本研究嘗試將「協同過濾」結合「以規則為主的過濾」機制應用在網站商品個人化推薦上,這種技術是藉由結合一些志同道合的使用者,利用其偏好資料及條件篩選,以推薦使用者喜愛產品資訊。
It is the virtual experience that the direct products experience consumers acquire from Internet through electronic media simulation. What Internet provides is a platform which makes the consumers more convenient for searching, comparing, and accessing products information. Besides, consumers would obtain deeper products information from Internet than actual shops.

Experience form could be used to recommend products to consumers through Internet. Until now, the researches about recommendation system emphasized more on personalized skill and data mining or only on products name or brand title recommendation without deliberating about recommendation system using experience form. According to the participative degree and enchanted grade, we distinguish virtual experience into four types, such as educational experience, recreational experience, aesthetic experience, and experience of shrinking fact (Pine and Gilmore, 1999). In fact, it is of persuasion displaying the recommendation system to consumers by experience form (Hoch and Deighton, 1989), it is pretty important for recommendation mechanism based on virtual experience.

Not should recommendation systems persist in focusing on precise customer selection by filtering information and delving algorithm. Therefore, we attempt to adopt a personalized recommendation mechanism for website merchandise by combining collaborative filtering with rule-based filtering. The technique we introduce is accomplished by certain users who are in the same camp provide the information of fond products for consumers by taking the preference data and filtering condition. This research finally reveal higher value on consumers’ time worth, satisfied degree, and shopping pleasure in comparison between the virtual experience personalized products recommendation system, which integrates personalized virtual experience with personalized products recommendation mechanism, and several systems without recommendation mechanism sustenance.
中文摘要 I
誌謝 IV
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題與目的 3
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 消費者虛擬經驗 5
2.1.1 直接經驗 5
2.1.2 間接經驗 6
2.1.3 虛擬經驗 6
2.1.4 虛擬經驗類型 8
2.2 接觸需求 10
2.2.1 觸覺(Haptic) 10
2.2.2 接觸和觸覺資訊 (Touch and Haptic Information) 10
2.3 美學鑑賞集中度 12
2.3.1 美學鑑賞集中度之構面 13
2.4 推薦系統 15
2.4.1 推薦系統概述 15
2.4.2 推薦系統類型 17
2.4.3 協同過濾法 18
2.4.4 推薦系統之評估方法 19
2.5 經驗學習策略在虛擬經驗與消費者廣告效果之干擾 21
2.6 經驗學習類型對虛擬經驗組合之廣告效果影響 23
第三章 研究方法 25
3.1 研究架構 25
3.2 研究流程 26
3.3 研究假說 27
3.4 研究變項之操作型定義與衡量 28
3.4.1 目的 28
3.4.2 產品選擇 29
3.4.3 樣本選擇 31
3.4.4 信度與效度 31
3.4.5 機械虛擬經驗個人化推薦系統設計 32
3.4.6 美學鑑賞集中度衡量 35
3.4.7 觸覺需求程度衡量 36
3.4.8 學習效果 37
3.4.9 推薦系統績效評估 38
3.5 實驗流程及系統建置方法 39
第四章 資料分析與系統成果 51
4.1 實驗樣本描述 51
4.2 前測與操弄檢驗 55
4.3 信度、效度分析 59
4.4 假說驗證 60
第五章 結論與建議 69
5.1 研究結果 69
5.2 理論實務意涵 70
5.3 研究限制與未來研究建議 71
參考文獻 73
附錄 78
附錄一:產品選擇問卷 78
附錄二:實驗網站一問卷 80
附錄三:手機偏好條件規則 85
附錄四:餐廳偏好條件規則 88
附錄五:網站操弄檢驗測量 91
附錄六:第二次實驗的問卷 93
附錄七:實驗網站一畫面 94
附錄八:實驗網站二畫面 97
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