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研究生(外文):Huei-Kuei Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Relationships among Meeting Environment , Customer Value, and Customer Satisfaction-Meetings on the “Blue Sky No.1” ship that runs on the Tam-Shui River for Example
外文關鍵詞:Meeting EnvironmenCustomer ValueCustomer Satisfaction.
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而現在會議型態,也往往由原來辦公室會議(Inside Meeting),推廣到外出至飯店、渡假村等辦公室以外之專用會議室(Outside Meeting),但無論如何,此等皆屬固定且密閉式會議;本研究將述出船上行動式會議(Mobile Meeting),以藍色公路業者好樂好航運公司行駛淡水河上藍天一號輪之船上會議來探討新的會議型態,對顧客體驗價值與顧客滿意度之研究。

In today’s society. How to enable teams to operate at higher levels of efficiency? How to operate in complex organizations? How to understand the needs and objectives of organizations to solve problems and propose the most appropriate and unequivocal choice during an age of technical advancement and an increasing faster pace of life? How to promote the main theme of the organization to people outside of the organization? Meetings are among the most important activities in linking and facilitating communications among people, groups, and organizations.

Many modern meetings have moved from inside meetings in the office to outside meetings in hotels, vacation resorts, or other meeting places that are outside of the office. Regardless, these meetings are still fixed and closed meetings. This research will describe mobile meetings on the “Blue Sky No.1” ship that is operated by Haloha Shipping and runs on the Tam-Shui River, part of the “Blue Highway”, to investigate the new type of meeting so research can be conducted on the value of experience and customer satisfaction.

When a manager plans meeting environments, the main issue being considered is how to effectively communicate with customers so that their understanding of the environment will be affected, enabling customers to engage in high level interactions with the mobile meeting environment so their consumption behaviors and outcomes are affected. The “Customer Value” mentioned in this research refers to the subjective understanding and the evaluation after the meeting by the attendees of the mobile meetings that result from interactions with the environment.

The main differentiating factor between this research and other research is the application of customer experience on meeting environments, and links to customer satisfaction concepts to discuss the cause and effect of the various different concepts.

Subjects in this research consist mainly of customers and meeting groups on the “Blue Sky One”. By applying the survey method, it is expected 400 surveys will be distributed. The LISREL statistical tool is used to analyze the data gathered. The research hypothesis and cause and effect analysis will be conducted on the effective surveys that were returned. The cause and effect analysis to be investigated are as follows:
1.The meeting environment has positive effects on consumer value.
2.Consumer value has positive effects on consumer satisfaction.

Keywords: Meeting Environment, Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction.
目 次
摘要 I
誌 謝 V
目 次 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 會議環境 6
2.1.1會議環境 6
2.1.2 環境體驗 12
2.1.3 環境之相關研究 14
2.1.4 小結 20
2.2 顧客價值 20
2.2.1 顧客價值的定義 21
2.2.2 體驗價值 25
2.2.3 顧客價值構面與衡量 31
2.2.4 小結 34
2.3 顧客滿意度 34
2.3.1 顧客滿意度的定義 34
2.3.2 顧客滿意度的衡量 37
2.3.3 顧客價值與顧客滿意度之關係 38
2.3.4 小結 39
第三章 研究方法 40
3.1 研究架構與假設 40
3.1.1 概念性架構 40
3.1.2 研究對象 41
3.1.3 研究架構 41
3.1.4 研究假設 43
3.2 研究變數的操作性定義與衡量 46
3.3 問卷抽樣與設計 52
3.3.1 問卷設計 52
3.3.2 抽樣設計 54
3.4資料分析方式 55
3.4.1 線性結構關係模式 55
3.4.2 LISREL架構分析 57
3.4.3 信度與效度分析 60
第四章 研究分析與結果 64
4.1 樣本說明 64
4.2 統計資料分析 64
4.3 相關分析 67
4.4 LISREL模式分析 68
4.4.1 基本模式適配度分析 70
4.4.2 整體模式適配度分析 74
4.4.3 模式內在結構適配度分析 75
4.4.4 路徑分析 78
第五章 結論與建議 81
5.1 研究結論 81
5.2 研究貢獻 83
5.3 研究限制與未來研究方向 85
5.3.1 研究限制 85
5.3.2 未來研究方向 85
參考文獻 88
附錄A 研究問卷一 104
附錄B LISREL方程式模式 106
附錄C 方程式模式 109
附錄D 集會、活動調查 112


表 2.1 創新性說明-REFRESH MEETING 9
表 2.2 創新性說明-ECO-EDUCATION 10
表 2.3 集會場地價格競爭力分析 11
表 2.4 不同會場地之考量因素比較 11
表 2.5 環境文獻整理表 17
表 2.6 顧客價值定義彙整表 24
表 2.7 顧客價值多重構面衡量文獻 31
表 2.8 顧客價值衡量構面分析整理 32
表 3.1 研究構念操作性定義彙整 51
表 3.2 問卷設計題項 53
表3.3 觀察變項參數表 58
表3.3 觀察變項參數表(續) 59
表3.3 觀察變項參數表(續) 60
表3.4 回收樣本信度表(1) 61
表3.5 回收樣本信度表(2) 61
表3.6 區別效度 63
表4.1 敘述性統計資料分析-會議環境 65
表4.2 敘述性統計資料分析-顧客價值 66
表4.3 敘述性統計資料分析-顧客滿意度 66
表4.4 構念相關矩陣分析 67
表4.5 潛在自變項其觀察變項關係估計值(ΛX) 68
表4.6 潛在依變項與觀察變項關係估計值(ΛY) 69
表4.7 潛在變項間的關係估計值 70
表4.8 誤差變異 71
表4.9 因素負荷量 73
表4.10 個別變項衡量指標及成分信度 76
表4.11 研究假設驗證結果 78
表4.12 路徑效果 79


圖1.1 本研究之研究流程 5
圖2.1 BITNER(1992)服務環境構面 13
圖2.2 影響環境體驗之整合式架構圖 16
圖2.3 體驗四大類別 25
圖2.4 體驗價值四大類型 28
圖2.5 認知價值形成模式 33
圖2.6 顧客滿意理論圖 37
圖2.7 顧客滿意度模式「前因」與「後果」的連結 39
圖3.1 研究之概念性架構 40
圖3.2 本研究之研究架構 42
圖3.3 本研究問卷發展過程 52
圖3.4 LISREL分析流程 55
圖3.5 本研究架構理論模式分析 58
圖4.1 整體模式路徑圖 77
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