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研究生(外文):Chen-Lung Lu
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Performance of NPD through early Supply Chain Collaboration
指導教授(外文):Yueh-Hua LeeKun-Shan Wu
外文關鍵詞:New Product Development PerformanceSupply Chain CollaborationVirtual Team
  • 被引用被引用:3
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1. 影響新產品開發的因素。
2. 探討企業本身與企業間產品協同研發對新產品開發有何影響。
3. 探討協同研發對新產品開發過程是否有效達到成本控管。



This is a dark age. The fast-and-ever evolving new technology within IT industry has shortened product life-cycle, flattened profit margin, and ignited fierce competition in the market. To keep on shining like stars in the dark, companies must deliver low-cost & high-quality products in time to market to obtain consumer’s mind share. To create advantages and to continue growth in the niche market, companies have to take the following three steps: shortened product development cycle, better product design, and better cost structure--three important indexes for NPD performance. To achieve these three goals, companies aggressively engage in the collaboration with customers and with suppliers. The collaboration for the whole supply chain includes the front-end joint development with customers, co-operation with back-end suppliers, cross-departmental co-operation with virtual teams, and management of information and data collection. The performance of NPD can be greatly improved if the given three goals are achieved.

This study aims at:
1) identifying NPD performance variables
2) discussing the impact on NPD for collaboration between companies
3) discussing cost control effectiveness of supply chain collaboration model

The methodology adopted by this research is thirty-three (33) case studies of real world NPD projects and their analyses, accompanied by thirty(30) in-depth interviews with top management and project managers for their comments so as to retain relatively trustworthy data for studies. M-company, currently seeking to integrate internal and external resources to develop OEM and own-branded products for worldwide market, is therefore selected as the object for study. The research focuses on reviewing the joint development of product specification in early NPD stage, engagement of core technology, the participation of virtual teams, and collaboration of supply chain. After analyzed by T model, further evidenced by interview results, and the conclusion is very positive improvement on NPD performance.
There are many factors affecting NPD performance. However, the finding from this research concludes that the variables can be controlled and nailed down to below 3 aspects:
1.product specification and core technology
2.efficient management and execution
3.next generation products

The research, mainly based on the evaluation of collaboration and integration of all partners of the supply chain, has introduced the virtual team setup in NPD. Hopefully, this new input can help to create competitive advantage for companies in hostile environment, set up a new direction for competence. However, there still remain many open issues in NPD yet to be discussed and solved by enterprises and academics. The ultimate purpose of this paper is to provide a fresh insight into consider next generation on NPD management.
目 錄
頁 次
目 錄 I
圖 目 錄 III
表 目 錄 IV
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 新產品開發流程 6
第二節 產品資料管理 8
第三節 虛擬專案團隊 10
第四節 協同供應鏈 12
第五節 績效評估 13
第三章 研究設計 17
第一節 研究架構 17
第二節 研究方法 18
第三節 研究資料搜集 19
第四章 個案公司簡介 25
第一節 M-公司簡介與目前概況 25
第二節 M-公司的營運策略 26
第三節 新產品開發虛擬專案團隊組織 28
第四節 新產品開發流程與時程 30
第五節 目前績效評估的方式 33
第五章 資料分析與研究結果 34
第一節 客戶參與規格制定的績效分析 34
第二節 客戶參與核心技術的績效分析 36
第三節 虛擬專案團隊參與的績效分析 38
第四節 供應商協同參與的績效分析 40
第五節 研究結果 43
第六章 研究結論 48
第一節 研究結論 48
第二節 研究貢獻 49
第三節 研究限制 50
第四節 對後續研究者之建議 50
參考文獻 52
附錄 60
圖 目 錄
頁 次
圖1-1:論文章節架構 5
圖2-1:新產品開發流程 8
圖2-3 : e-PDM 系統 16
圖3-1:研究架構 18
圖3-2:資料搜集架構 20
圖4-1:新產品開發協同商業行為分析 28
圖5-1:研究結果 46
圖5-2:新產品開發其他影響因素 47
表 目 錄
頁 次
表5-1: 客戶參與規格制定與否對績效分析 34
表5-2 : 核心技術參與否對績效分析 37
表5-3 : 虛擬專案團隊參與否對績效分析 39
表5-4 : 供應商協同參與否對績效分析 41

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